ux – DesignWebKit https://designwebkit.com Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:00:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.15 Material UI Vs Bootstrap: A Comprehensive Analysis & Comparison https://designwebkit.com/web-design/material-ui-vs-bootstrap-a-comprehensive-analysis-comparison/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/material-ui-vs-bootstrap-a-comprehensive-analysis-comparison/#respond Fri, 20 Oct 2023 15:44:42 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=26635 In recent years making a visually attractive & user-friendly interface has become more important. The choice of a UI framework can highly impact the outcome of a web development project. Two widely used UI frameworks Material UI and Bootstrap have gotten popularity for their ease of use and flexibility. We’ve seen multiple admin templates that’ve

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In recent years making a visually attractive & user-friendly interface has become more important. The choice of a UI framework can highly impact the outcome of a web development project. Two widely used UI frameworks Material UI and Bootstrap have gotten popularity for their ease of use and flexibility. We’ve seen multiple admin templates that’ve been developed using these two frameworks to provide huge development support.

Overview of Material UI and BootstrapProducts for Designers

Material UI

Material UI is the framework developed by Google that is based on Google’s Material Design principles. It provides a set of pre-built components and styles that follow the Material Design guidelines. It is known for its clean, modern, and intuitive design, which makes it a great choice for apps that require a premium look and feel.


Bootstrap, on the other hand, is an open-source front-end framework created by a designer and developer from Twitter (now known as X). It is one of the most popular and widely adopted CSS frameworks globally. Bootstrap provides a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, making it suitable for rapid development and responsive web design.

Importance of Choosing the Right UI Framework for Web Development

Essentials Products for Designer

Selecting the right UI framework is a critical decision in web development for several reasons:

Efficiency: A good UI framework can streamline the development process, saving valuable time and effort by providing pre-designed components and responsive layouts.

Consistency: Using a consistent set of UI elements ensures that your website or application maintains a uniform appearance and user experience across various devices and browsers.

User Experience: Having better user interface means better user experience as navigation becomes easy and ultimately leading to increased user satisfaction.

Scalability: The chosen framework should allow for easy scalability and adaptation to changing project requirements, ensuring long-term success.

Comparison Between Features & Benefits

trends in web design

1. Clean & Aesthetic Design: Material UI’s design aesthetic is very modern, aligning with the latest design trends. It provides a visually attractive UI, which makes it an excellent choice for applications that require good aesthetics.

2. Easy Integration with React: Material UI easily integrates with React which allows the developers to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

3. Rich Set of Components: MUI provides an extensive collection of pre-built components which reduce the need for custom web development. This helps speed up the development process and provides consistency in the user interface.

4. Theming & Customization: While Material UI comes with a default theme based on Material Design, it also allows for easy customization and theming. Developers can tailor the framework to match their specific design requirements.

Websites That Are Using Material UI

Several well-known websites and applications have embraced Material UI for their user interfaces:

Google: The Google Ads platform uses Material UI to provide a clean and user-friendly experience to advertisers.

Netflix: Netflix’s internal tools use Material UI for its design system, ensuring consistency and efficiency in their development process.

Coursera: Coursera’s web application utilizes Material UI components to enhance its user interface.

Pros & Cons of Using Material UI


  • Visually appealing and modern design.
  • Seamless integration with React.
  • Extensive library of pre-designed components.
  • Theming and customization options.
  • Active community and regular updates.


  • May require a learning curve, especially for developers new to Material Design.
  • Can be perceived as less flexible compared to some other frameworks.
  • Some components may have limited styling options.

Features & Benefits of Using Bootstrap

1. Quick Development

Bootstrap’s pre-designed components and responsive grid system enable developers to create responsive web applications quickly. This is particularly beneficial for projects with tight deadlines.

2. Cross-Browser Compatibility

Bootstrap is created to work effortlessly across different browsers, making sure a consistent user experience for all users.

3. Customization Opportunities

Bootstrap allows for easy customization through Sass variables which makes it adaptable to different design needs.

Websites Developed Using Bootstrap

Bootstrap’s popularity is evident in the number of websites and applications that use it for their UI:


Bootstrap was initially developed by Twitter, and the social media giant continues to use it for its web platform.


GitHub employs Bootstrap to maintain a clean and responsive UI for its code hosting and collaboration platform.


Airbnb’s internal tools and some of its public-facing pages are built with Bootstrap components.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Bootstrap


  • Rapid development with pre-built components.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Extensive community support and resources.
  • Easy customization through variables and themes.
  • Well-established and widely adopted.


  • Bootstrap’s iniquitousness may lead to somewhat generic-looking designs if not customized.
  • Advanced customization might require a deep understanding of Sass and CSS.
  • Some developers find Bootstrap’s code structure to be less modular compared to other frameworks.

Comparison Between Material UI & Bootstrap

The comparison between these two frameworks can be drawn using these MUI dashboard templates  &  Bootstrap Admin templates listed below.

This amazingly design template comes in free and paid versions &  is user friendly, responsive, robust & helps developers with their development process. It comes with 13+ Apps. Build your dashboard using this modernized MUI dashboard template.MUI dashboard templates

This bootstrap 5 admin template comes in free and paid version & is Developer friendly specially designed to tailor the data visualization concept in mind. This template includes the latest bootstrap features that will help you in your development process. Trusted by 10 thousand+ developers around the globe.

Bootstrap Admin template

The above two templates can be compared in terms of:

  1. Design & Look.
  2. Customization.
  3. Use & Leaving Curve.
  4. Speed & Performance.
  5. Documentation & Support.

Comparison in Terms of Design & Looks

Material UI: Material UI is known for its modern and visually appealing design based on Material Design principles. It offers a vibrant color palette and engaging animations, making it an excellent choice for applications aiming for a cutting-edge appearance.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap provides a clean and functional design by default, but it is often considered more neutral in terms of aesthetics. It relies on a simpler color scheme, making it a versatile option for a wide range of projects.

Comparison in Terms of Customization

Material UI: While Material UI allows for theming and customization, it is designed to adhere closely to Material Design guidelines. Extensive customization may require more effort and expertise.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap is highly customizable, with a wide range of variables and themes available. Developers have more flexibility to create unique designs that diverge from Bootstrap’s default look.

In Terms of Ease of Use and Learning Curve

Material UI: Developers familiar with React will find Material UI integration seamless. However, newcomers to Material Design may face a learning curve, as it introduces specific design concepts and terminology.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap’s simplicity and well-organized documentation make it accessible to developers of varying skill levels. Beginners can quickly grasp its fundamentals.

Comparison Based on Speed & Performance

Material UI: Material UI’s performance largely depends on how efficiently developers utilize its components and manage state in React applications. When used correctly, it can offer excellent performance.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap’s performance is generally good, especially considering its wide range of features. However, the extensive use of CSS classes and utility classes can impact performance if not optimized properly.

Comparison Based on Documentation & Support

Material UI: Material UI has a dedicated community and receives regular updates. Its documentation is thorough and includes examples and guidelines for implementing Material Design principles.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap has one of the largest and most active communities in the web development world. The availability of numerous plugins, themes, and resources is a testament to its strong community support.

Which One to Choose?

Choosing between Material UI and Bootstrap depends on your specific project requirements and preferences:

Some things to consider while choosing between material UI and Bootstrap

Design Preferences: If your project demands a modern and visually engaging design, Material UI might be the better choice. Bootstrap, on the other hand, provides a more neutral design that can be easily customized.

Development Speed: If you need to develop a project quickly, Bootstrap’s pre-designed components and grid system can expedite the process.

Familiarity with React: If you are already using React, Material UI’s integration will be seamless. However, Bootstrap can work with any JavaScript framework.

Customization Needs: If you require extensive customization and want the flexibility to diverge from the framework’s default styles, Bootstrap offers more options in this regard.

Community and Resources: Both Material UI and Bootstrap have large, active communities, but Bootstrap’s community is particularly extensive, offering a wide range of plugins and themes.


If you prioritize a sleek and modern design, are comfortable with React, and want to follow Material Design principles, Material UI is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you need a versatile and rapid development solution with extensive customization options, Bootstrap is a solid pick.

Choosing the right UI framework is important. You need to make sure that you choose the framework that aligns with the dynamics of your project’s needs.

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15 Must-Do’s For Creating An Engaging Web Design https://designwebkit.com/web-design/15-must-dos-for-creating-an-engaging-web-design/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/15-must-dos-for-creating-an-engaging-web-design/#respond Fri, 28 Apr 2023 15:43:37 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=26189 In today’s digital age, creating an engaging website design is vital for attracting and retaining visitors. A website’s design is the users’ first impression of a brand, and it can either make or break their interest in exploring further. Therefore, it is essential to have a design that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and easy to

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Engaging Web Design

In today’s digital age, creating an engaging website design is vital for attracting and retaining visitors. A website’s design is the users’ first impression of a brand, and it can either make or break their interest in exploring further. Therefore, it is essential to have a design that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. This article will discuss fifteen must-dos for creating an engaging web design.

Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial to creating a design that resonates with them. You need to know their preferences, needs, and expectations from a website. This information can help you choose the appropriate colors, typography, layout, and content that will appeal to them.

Plan The Layout

A well-organized layout is the foundation of an engaging web design. Plan the layout of your website, keeping in mind the purpose of each page and the flow of information. Ensure that your design is consistent across all pages and the content is easy to read and understand.

Use Responsive Design

With most internet traffic from mobile devices, ensuring your website is responsive is crucial. A responsive design adapts to the size of the screen, making it easy to navigate and read on any device. Use web design tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma to create responsive designs.

Choose Appropriate Colors

Colors are significant in creating an engaging web design. Choose colors that reflect your brand and complement each other. Use color palettes that are easy on the eyes and provide good contrast between the background and text.

Use Appropriate Typography

Typography is another critical aspect of web design that can influence user engagement. Apply fonts that are easily read and correspond to your brand’s style. Avoid using too many different fonts, as it can make the design look cluttered and confuse the user.

Make It User-Friendly

An engaging web design is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Ensure the menu is accessible and easy to use and the content is well-organized. Use icons and graphics to break up large blocks of text, making it easier to read and understand.

Optimize Images

Images play a crucial role in creating an engaging web design. They can make your website look attractive and visually appealing. However, large images can slow your website’s loading speed, leading to a poor user experience. Optimize your images by compressing them without compromising on the quality of the images.

Use White Space

White space is the space between design elements, an essential aspect of web design. It helps to create a sense of balance and harmony in the design and improves readability. Use white space to break up different sections of your website and give it a clean, modern look.

Test and Refine

Once you have created your engaging web design, it is essential to test it thoroughly. Conduct user testing and collect feedback to identify any areas that need improvement. Refine your design based on the feedback and make changes to improve the user experience.

Use Animation and Interactive Elements

Adding animation and interactive elements to your web design can make it more engaging and memorable. Use animations to highlight essential elements or to create a sense of interactivity. Interactive features like hover effects, scrolling animations, and clickable icons can provide a more immersive experience for users.

Include Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

Call-to-action is essential for guiding users towards taking action on your website. Whether signing up for a newsletter, purchasing, or downloading a resource, CTAs can increase user engagement and conversions. Place CTAs in prominent locations on your website and use clear, action-oriented language.

Keep It Simple

In today’s fast-paced digital world, simplicity is vital. A cluttered, complex design can overwhelm users and cause them to abandon your website. Keep your design simple, with a focus on the most critical elements. Use whitespace to create a balance and avoid unnecessary details distracting from your main message.

Optimize Page Speed

Page speed is a crucial factor that affects user engagement and website performance. Slow-loading websites can frustrate users and cause them to leave your website. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to examine your website’s loading speed. Optimizing page speed includes:

  • Minimizing image and code files.
  • Using caching techniques.
  • Choosing a reliable hosting provider.

Incorporate Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool that can increase user engagement and build trust with your audience. Incorporate social proof elements like testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content to showcase the value of your products or services. Social proof can provide social validation and convince users to take action on your website.

Ensure Accessibility

Accessibility is an essential consideration for creating an engaging web design. It ensures that people with disabilities can use your website and meets the requirements of accessibility guidelines. Use web design tools that provide accessibility features, like color contrast analysis and screen reader compatibility. Incorporate elements like alt text for images, keyboard navigation, and video captions to ensure your website is accessible to all users.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, an engaging web design is vital for attracting and retaining visitors to your website. Following the above 15 must-dos, you can create a visually appealing, user-friendly, easy-to-navigate layout that resonates with your target audience. Remember to continuously test and refine your design to provide the best user experience. With the right web design skills and tools, you can create a design that looks great and drives user engagement and conversions.

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Evolving Trends of Web Design and How It Has Shaped Today’s Web Page https://designwebkit.com/design/evolving-trends-of-web-design-and-how-it-has-shaped-todays-web-page/ https://designwebkit.com/design/evolving-trends-of-web-design-and-how-it-has-shaped-todays-web-page/#respond Fri, 28 Apr 2023 15:07:46 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=26186 Web design has come a long way since the early days of the internet. From simple HTML pages to complex, interactive websites that are both creative and aesthetically pleasing, the technology behind web design has evolved rapidly in the past few decades. As we move further into the digital age, the trends in web design

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trends in web design

Web design has come a long way since the early days of the internet. From simple HTML pages to complex, interactive websites that are both creative and aesthetically pleasing, the technology behind web design has evolved rapidly in the past few decades. As we move further into the digital age, the trends in web design are continuing to evolve as well.

Basic Web Pages of Days Gone

In the early days of the internet, web design was a fairly straightforward process. Websites were essentially static pages made up of hyperlinks, simple text and a few images. Designers relied heavily on HTML and CSS to create these pages, and the focus was on creating a functional website that is able to load quickly with the limited bandwidth available during that time. The appearance of the websites didn’t really matter so much as they got their content out.

Visuals Start to Become Desirable

However, as the internet grew in popularity, what was expected began to evolve and the demands on web designers began to change. Users wanted more from their websites, it needed to utilize the latest trends in web design and become more attractive in order to attract viewers and users, since competition was building up and people tended to be more interested in well-designed websites. Due to these transformations, designers had to adapt to keep up. They began to incorporate more interactive features, such as dropdown menus and clickable buttons, to make websites more engaging, visually appealing, and also user-friendly. People had come to expect a certain standard of design when visiting websites.

Web 2.0 Brought with It Revamped Websites

In the mid-2000s, the rise of Web 2.0 brought a new wave of innovation to web design. Designers began to focus more on creating visually stunning websites, using more advanced graphics and animation to capture users’ attention. This trend was aided by the rise of powerful new tools like Adobe Flash, which made creating complex, interactive websites that caught the eye and created stunning visuals easier.

Unexpectedly, the reliance on Flash proved to be short-lived. As smartphones and tablets became the primary devices for accessing the internet, designers had to adapt again. Flash was notoriously slow and resource-intensive, making it unsuitable for mobile devices with limited processing power and battery life. As a result, designers began to shift towards more lightweight, mobile-friendly designs.

The Emergence of Smartphones Have Transformed Web Design

Today, the trend toward mobile-first design is stronger than ever. With over half of all internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, designers are putting mobile compatibility at the forefront of their designs. This means creating responsive websites, meaning they adjust to the size of the user’s screen, and using techniques like “lazy loading” to ensure that websites load quickly, even on slow mobile connections.Mobile App Performance Optimization

The emphasis on user experience (UX) design is becoming another key factor in web design. Rather than simply focusing on visually appealing websites, designers are now placing a greater emphasis on creating websites that are intuitive and easy to navigate. This means designing websites with clear, easy-to-understand navigation menus, intuitive layouts, and minimal distractions.

Implementing SEO into Website Design

SEO has also become part and parcel of website design. The common misconception is the belief that SEO doesn’t play a big role in web design, but it does. Websites which are cohesively designed naturally attract more views, and search engines will boost visibility for websites with high user retention. An ugly website with badly implemented UX often has a high bounce rate. But of course, when you have quality content, users will stay to read which leads to an increase in viewership or rate of retention, which is why First Page Digital Reviews have become almost synonymous with website design in terms of desirability and overall success.

The Future of Web Design

In addition to these trends, web designers are also using new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance the user experience. AI and ML can analyze user behavior and preferences and personalize the website experience based on those insights. This can include everything from recommending products to users based on their browsing history to automatically adjusting the website layout to suit their preferences better.

Trends in web design are constantly evolving as technology advances and user expectations change. From simple, static HTML pages to complex, interactive websites, the evolution of web design has been driven by a desire to create visually appealing and functional websites. As we move into the future, it will be fascinating to see what new trends in web design and technologies emerge to shape the future of web design, especially with the Metaverse on the horizon and A.R technology becoming a key focus in the next few months.

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The Role of Psychology in UX Design: Understanding User Behavior and Motivations https://designwebkit.com/web-design/the-role-of-psychology-in-ux-design-understanding-user-behavior-and-motivations/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/the-role-of-psychology-in-ux-design-understanding-user-behavior-and-motivations/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 05:33:05 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=26160 User Experience (UX) refers to an online user’s experience with a website, app, or other digital products. As its name implies, UX is focused on a user — their needs, preferences, and satisfaction. Because of this, psychology in UX design plays a crucial role in understanding user behavior and motivation. Do you need a UX

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User Experience (UX) refers to an online user’s experience with a website, app, or other digital products. As its name implies, UX is focused on a user — their needs, preferences, and satisfaction. Because of this, psychology in UX design plays a crucial role in understanding user behavior and motivation. Do you need a UX designer for your business? Hiring one of the UX design agencies is the perfect way to connect with your consumer base through an effective design. 

Role of Psychology in UX Design

A UX designer can help you create a product design that addresses consumer demand. Although they are not psychologists, professional UX designers understand the needs and wants of their target. They acquire this knowledge from experience and information acquired throughout the design process.

What is UX Design?

UX design is the process of creating a product design that benefits users through valuable experience and useful and usable information. The primary goal of UX design is to create value and make sure that users find and utilize the value presented to them. In order to do this, UX designers must identify what users are searching for and serve it to them in their overall website design.

UX design prioritizes users’ needs and aims to address them. Thus, understanding user behavior and motivations for these needs is imperative to develop an exceptional UX design. In other words, UX designers must grasp the psychology in UX design of user behavior to produce an intuitive and highly valuable product.

What is the Role of Psychology in UX Design?

Psychology, the study of the human mind and behavior, is vital in understanding your users and consumers. By understanding how users think, behave, and what motivates them, UX designers and web developers can better tailor their product design to user needs. Through psychology in UX design, you can identify what motivates and drives users to perform certain things, such as clicking on a link or moving to a new webpage.

Fogg’s Behavior Model

One important model that UX designers use to understand user motivation is BJ Fogg’s behavior model. According to this model, three key factors work together to induce a certain behavior from a user. These are motivation, ability, and trigger.

There are 15 variations to Fogg’s model; each symbolizes a unique combination of motivation, ability, and trigger. However, what’s noteworthy in this model is that there is a higher chance that users will perform an intended behavior if they have the motivation, ability, and awareness to perform a task.

For example, if you want users to sign up for your email updates, your email content must be engaging and useful to them; that’s motivation. Second, they should easily sign up for email updates by ticking a checkbox and providing their email address; that’s ability. And lastly, you must include pop-up notifications or alerts to remind them to sign up for your emails.

Motivational Triggers in UX Design

As in Fogg’s behavior model, motivational triggers are essential to creating the desired behavior in individuals. Motivations such as recognition, a sense of achievement, and rewards are effective triggers in UX design.

For instance, TikTok profiles showcase the number of followers and total likes a user has. This reinforces the efforts of the user to create content and will motivate him to continue creating TikTok videos.

Providing users with a sense of achievement is also a helpful motivation you can incorporate into UX design. Product designers know very well that in order for a user to keep engaging with your product, there must be a reason for them to come back. One way to do this is to break apart a large task into simple ones and reward users for every achievement of a task.

Emotional Triggers in UX Design

A large part of a user’s behavior is driven by his emotion and connection to a digital product. You must therefore appeal to users’ emotions to create an engaging and persuasive product design.

For example, using animated graphics such as a funny GIF can evoke a sense of fun and happiness in users. You can take advantage of this emotion in order to keep them scrolling or navigating through your website. Similarly, colors and fonts have personalities that evoke emotions. You must carefully choose the text fonts and color palettes that best suit your brand, style, and the reaction you want from your website visitor.

How to Use Psychology in Creating Better UX

Studying human behavior and motivation will aid in creating a seamless user experience. This is because you have a clear grasp of what your target market needs and why they behave in the manner they do.

A Practical Example of the Role of Psychology

Suppose you’re developing an online shopping website. A potential customer visits, scrolls through your products, add one item to their cart, and then suddenly leaves your website without purchasing. You will rethink what went wrong with your product design. Here’s when psychology in UX design will be helpful.

You need to understand that unexpected behavior is driven by various factors. Perhaps, the user finds a better product on another website, or another shop offers the same product with a discount, or maybe your checkout page was complicated and questionable.

Once you identify why users leave your website without checking out, you need to address and reverse the situation. If the user finds your product less appealing, you should improve how you present it on your website. If security and functionality issues exist on your checkout page, edit and test them before publicizing your site.

Why Hire UX Designers?

Understanding the psychology of your target market will help you improve your shortcomings and design elements you have overlooked in your product design. But rather than hiring psychologists, you should hire UX designers who have extensive experience in web development and design.

Professional UX designers have the facilities to determine what consumers need and want and to address them. Ultimately, they are aware of creating a user-friendly product design that is useful, usable, credible, and accessible. If you need UX designers for hire, Limeup has a list of certified UX designers with unique specializations and expertise.

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What Is the Role of a UX Designer in a Digital Startup? https://designwebkit.com/web-design/role-of-a-ux-designer/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/role-of-a-ux-designer/#respond Wed, 06 Apr 2022 14:56:45 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=24994 When you first develop a product, you dream of the success that big companies like Facebook and Amazon have achieved. But these companies were built over many years, and you are just starting out. The good news is that you can use user experience (UX) design services to grow faster or become even better. Let’s look

The post What Is the Role of a UX Designer in a Digital Startup? appeared first on DesignWebKit.

When you first develop a product, you dream of the success that big companies like Facebook and Amazon have achieved. But these companies were built over many years, and you are just starting out. The good news is that you can use user experience (UX) design services to grow faster or become even better. Let’s look at what processes fall within the responsibility of a UX designer and what benefits these processes bring you.

Why You Need a UX Designer

By creating a flawless user experience and a pleasant visual design, web design agencies can boost your performance and give your startup a perfect start. The benefits you get from the right design justify the investments:

  1. Cost savings. The cost of fixing an error at the design stage is tens or even hundreds of times less than at the development stage.
  2. Faster launch. The point of UX design is to get product structure and design for development and eliminate all blockers that might appear on the way.
  3. Systematic promotion. Thanks to UX design all promotional items are in one style, and developers have clear instructions to follow that style; thus, advertisements and campaigns work better.
  4. Engaging user experience. All user paths are designed to convey the company’s main message and help users achieve their goals.

What a UX Designer Does

Here we come to the most exciting part — the role of the UX designer, the responsibilities they take on, and the results for your startup.

Market Research

The first thing the UX designer must do is conduct research. Designers have to study the target market, audience, and competitors to find the right needs to address and come up with ideas to make the product useful and profitable. During market research, a web design company or a designer from your internal team gathers quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data includes the number of interested users, the size of the market, and other statistics. Qualitative data refers to deeper issues like what problems people face or what goals they want to achieve. After conducting research, the UX designer should have a clear idea of what the product should be and what features it should include. This is the starting point for developing any product.

User Personas

Data gathered during market research is then used to build buyer personas. In buyer personas, designers describe typical users of the product with particular needs and goals. Creating personas helps UX designers better understand users and thus make the product and thus make the product better meet their needs. When you know who’s going to use your product and how and why they will do so, you can prepare all users’ paths without missing any steps.

Information Architecture

The next step is creating the information architecture. At this stage, UX designers structure all of the website’s or app’s data and features in a way that’s convenient for users to navigate. This process might require additional research. As a result, designers deliver a site map with a clear structure that is intuitive and convenient for all users.

information architecture


After the sitemap is ready, UX designers create a wireframe of the app, or a low-detail prototype showing what should be located where on each screen. The point is to depict the main features and all the user’s paths but not yet pay attention to the product’s visual identity. At this step, you must approve and validate the wireframe created by designers before moving forward. It’s convenient for stakeholders to check on the features and navigation of the product before there are many detailed elements, pictures, and animations that can distract from the focal point.


Now it’s time to take the wireframe to the next level by building a prototype and bringing it alive. A prototype still lacks color and design features, but in addition to focusing on functionality, it allows you to click, scroll, and navigate. Thus, you can get the real experience of using the product before developing it and explore every user path to ensure it isn’t missing any steps.

A prototype is a perfect artifact for testing your product before you invest a lot of time and money. Stakeholders can give their feedback on your prototype, and UX designers can make all necessary improvements.

UI Design

User interface design is another web design service, and it’s mostly carried out by the same designer who is responsible for the UX design. However, this differs from vendor to vendor.

After the prototype is approved, designers can move to create the product’s look and feel. The aim is to create a design that will distinguish the product from competitors and convey the company’s values to the customer. The challenge is to follow the company’s style guidelines, though sometimes there’s no brand identity yet, so it falls to the UI/UX designer to create one. When the user interface design is ready, the designer creates a guide for developers to follow.

Usability Testing

The last step and the last responsibility of a UX designer are testing the design. The goal here is to ensure that the design fulfills all the customers’ and stakeholders’ needs. As a rule, usability testing is conducted by the development team or the product owner’s team, but engaging users is also possible and gives the most relevant results. Designers choose a usability testing method according to the product and its peculiarities. In the image below, you can see possible options.

usability testing

UX Designer Role – Summing up

UX design helps to ensure that your product will meet its audience’s needs and benefit both users and stakeholders. It is one of the first stages of product development and ensures that the product has all the demanded features and provides a smooth user experience.

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User Flow Makes your UX Design Better https://designwebkit.com/web-design/user-flow-makes-your-ux-design-better/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/user-flow-makes-your-ux-design-better/#respond Thu, 27 May 2021 12:49:27 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=24151 A user flow in UX design is a diagram or drawing of a path that the user of a product takes to complete a particular action. Each process will typically have its own user flow, which defines the path of least effort to accomplish that task. For instance, a user’s path between the home page

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A user flow in UX design is a diagram or drawing of a path that the user of a product takes to complete a particular action. Each process will typically have its own user flow, which defines the path of least effort to accomplish that task. For instance, a user’s path between the home page or the home screen of an app and the end of the registration process or account setup can be considered a user flow. Obviously, there are several user flows for a particular app or website. That is why special flowcharting tools are often used to define various user flows for a site or app.

User Flow for your UX Design Better

A user flow is also known as a UX flow or flow chart. This can be done either digitally using the appropriate software or physically by drawing it out on a piece of paper. It essentially involves a series of individual actions that make up the entire process. For instance, the user flow for an app registration process might look like this when represented in text:

Entry → Welcome Page → Fill Form → Validate and Submit Form → Verification Email → Authentication → Success Message

That might be oversimplifying it. However, it gives you a good idea of what a user flow is and how it should be rendered.

Why Do We Need User Flows?

Creating user flows when designing a website or an app allows the designer to visualize the user’s path when interacting with the product. Again, since there are multiple interactions possible, there will be multiple user flows. Once the designer understands this ‘map’ of user actions, they can effectively implement the design elements required to execute those actions. There are several other reasons why user flows are essential to superior UX design:

  • User flows optimize the number of steps required to complete an action
  • They help create intuitive interactions to help users get “in the zone” quickly
  • Used to evaluate the effectiveness of UIs or user interfaces so modifications can be made
  • Help enhance and optimize user experience, which is the goal of UX design
  • They can also be used to help clients and other stakeholders understand how processes are work and how they can be made more efficient
  • Define and outline the functional and visual elements of a digital product, so the designer knows exactly what to do

From a high-level view, the biggest reason why user flows are important is that they help stakeholders visualize how an app or site will work from a navigational point of view. The esthetics are deliberately kept out of the picture, as in the case of wireframe prototypes. They show various user flows and logical sequences rather than the actual design and look. That part is considered during the UX design stage in tandem with user flows.

So, we’ve defined user flows and looked at the value they bring to the app or website design process. Next, let’s understand the mechanics of creating a user flow or UX flow chart, after which we’ll look at some of the best tools to create a user flow chart.

How to Create a User Flow Chart

There are some pre-defined steps to follow to create a relevant and useful user flow chart. They are as follows:

  1. Define the purpose of the task – What is the intent of the actions? What does the user want to accomplish or gain? What do you want the user to accomplish from a business viewpoint?
  2. Determine the source and point of entry – A user coming in from an email link might have different requirements to one coming in from a search engine results page. Understanding these differences allows you to customize the experience to a greater degree.
  3. Find out what information the user requires at each point of the interaction. Ensure the information is made available at the right time and on the right step of the process. For example, in an eCommerce site, you may want to tell the customer upfront whether or not you ship to their destination. Making that information available early on will help avoid any frustration when they browse, select a product, fill in their billing information, and finally get to the shipping part to realize that you don’t ship to their ZIP code!
  4. Map each user flow separately and then use a design tool to create the user flow chart. This will help you create an accurate high-fidelity interactive prototype and mimics the actual end product before it goes into the expensive development stage.
  5. Test the user flow chart, collect feedback, analyze the results, and tweak the flow until it fits multiple user personas. Validating your user flows is critical to the success of your website or app. Do this thoroughly, or you will end up making expensive changes later on, not to mention putting your customers through hell with a bad UX.

Three Best User Flow Tools for UX Flow Design

There are tons of UX design platforms out there, but here are three of the best applications for user flow design. They provide you with all the necessary tools to create accurate and concise user flows so you can quickly validate them through testing and other methods.

Wondershare Mockitt

Wondershare Mockitt

This amazing design and prototyping tool come with a comprehensive toolkit to create stunning designs and create high-fidelity interactive prototypes in minutes. There’s an entire section dedicated to different types of flow charts. You can use them to get a head start on your user flows. You will have access to a full set of design components, the ability to create your own Bezier and Boolean-based vector designs, and a convenient way to link various elements to show complex user flows along with page designs. This will give the project’s stakeholders an accurate view of user flows and the opportunity to create realistic prototypes to show them how the app or site will look.

Key Features and Benefits of Wondeshare Mockitt

key features

  • Cloud-based utility – works inside any browser on a connected device
  • A comprehensive collection of asset libraries, templates, UI kits, design systems, and flow chart elements
  • Rapid prototyping with fast linking and link editing adds gestures, transitions, effects, animations, etc.
  • Import Sketch files and prototypes them in Mockitt
  • Collaborative commenting and reviews in real-time
  • Easy code inspection, asset downloads, and overall frictionless developer handoffs
  • Convenient and secure sharing of flow charts, designs, and prototypes
  • Affordable for small and large teams
  • Free-forever plan for individual and trial use
  • New features include a design tool and the flow chart module

From a user experience perspective, Mockitt is as good as it gets. The clean and intuitive UI, clear navigation, impressive libraries of components, and attractive pricing combine to create a compelling choice for any design team. Make better UX flows, designs, and prototypes with Wondershare Mockitt and see the difference for yourself.


Lucidchart - User Flow

Lucidchart is a viral flowchart tool that you can use to create complex or simple user flows. One major advantage is that you can preselect groups of icons specifically for creating user flows and other types of flowcharts. Rather than access a separate module like Wondershare Mockitt, Lucidchart lets you choose the icon sets you want to use for each diagram. The toolbar layout is very similar to most Microsoft applications, which makes it easy to start using. There are also several tutorials and help guides to start right.

Key Features and Benefits of Lucidchart

  • A vast library of icons for flowcharting and user flow creation
  • Microsoft app-like interface provides a gentle learning curve
  • Create swimlane containers to define ownership for multiple user flows
  • Link shapes to external documents for additional context
  • Commenting feature to collaborate easily with multiple stakeholders

Lucidchart is also relatively expensive and offers great value for individuals as well as teams. The only downside is that it is purely a charting tool for user flows. You can create mockups, or wireframe-like process flows that can be prototypes. But unlike Wondershare Mockitt, you can’t design a website or an app directly on Lucidchart. Nevertheless, as a top-rated tool used by many of the world’s largest companies, it deserves special mention.


User Flow Makes your UX Design Better

Figma is very similar to Wondershare Mockitt and Lucidchart in that it is also an online service that you can access through any modern browser on a connected device. In addition, Figma has a massive repository of free and paid third-party resources such as plugins, design systems, UI kits, and much more. The only downside here is that it is quite expensive, which makes it prohibitive for smaller companies with limited budgets.

Key Features and Benefits of Figma

  • Impressive component libraries with access to third-party collections
  • Easy design and prototyping tool, but it does require some training
  • User flows can be translated into interactive prototypes to show functionality
  • Import designs from Sketch and Adobe XD and prototype them in Figma

Figma has an extensive user base, but the interface is a little complicated if you’re a first-time user. The price tag is also a concern, as we said. However, it is undoubtedly a robust platform with rich resources if that’s what your project requires.

User Flow Makes UX Design Better – Conclusion

There’s no contest here in terms of value for money – Wondershare Mockitt wins the bet hands down every time. It is also constantly in a state of development, which means you’ll see new features periodically. A great example is the new design tool and user flow (flowchart) module in the platform. More such features will keep being added to the platform. All your user interface design company needs to do to get the latest update is to have the application open on your computer. The cloud-based service will take care of the rest. Try Mockitt today and create the right user flows to make your UX designs even better.

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How To Become a User Interface Designer https://designwebkit.com/web-design/how-to-become-a-user-interface-designer/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/how-to-become-a-user-interface-designer/#respond Fri, 12 Feb 2021 15:29:46 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=23955 Every day, people from all walks of life take their first steps into mastering user interface (UI) design. This relatively new field has enormous potential for growth in the years ahead, and many people ask themselves the question ‘How To Become a User Interface Designer?’. Studying the Fundamentals of the UI Design Process The UI

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Every day, people from all walks of life take their first steps into mastering user interface (UI) design. This relatively new field has enormous potential for growth in the years ahead, and many people ask themselves the question ‘How To Become a User Interface Designer?’.

How To Become a User Interface Designer

Studying the Fundamentals of the UI Design Process

The UI is the interactive, mostly visual system you use to operate your phone or computer. Every mobile device and app needs its own unique UI. As devices and apps proliferate, society’s need for new UIs will likely grow. UI design is unique because it requires visual design skills as well as a certain amount of technical ability.

How To Become a User Interface Designer: Color and Contrast

The first step on your new career path is to learn about the basic principles of design. These are the fundamentals that provide the foundation for all types of visual design. Firstly, learn how designers use color and contrast to organize data and delineate information hierarchies. Designers use the psychology of color to help users focus on those parts of the interface most important at any given time. We’ve all used software that was a visually confusing eyesore. Good use of color and contrast helps keep things manageable, especially for new or impaired users.

Balance and Consistency

As human beings, we naturally find visual symmetry pleasing. In UI design, balance is about drawing and maintaining the user’s interest with symmetry. The busier you make your design, the harder it becomes to maintain that symmetry.

How To Become a User Interface Designer: Typography

Beginning designers sometimes mistakenly view typography as an afterthought. When it comes to a UI, all typography choices deserve conscious deliberation. Above all, UIs need text that is legible across various platforms. Learn how to use spacing, color, and font to maximize text readability.

Developing a Good Eye For Design

You’ll only learn how to become a user interface designer by getting down to business and designing. Doing “fake projects” is a fun way to get your feet wet. Simply select a familiar site and do a redesign. Use your imagination to improve the original in any way you can. Even as a professional, you won’t have to start from scratch every time you create a new UI. A good UI template is a tool you can use as a springboard for your personal creativity.

User Interface Designer – Keeping Up With New Developments

Reading articles and participating in forums helps you keep up with the changing field of UI design. Adobe XD Ideas are one promising online content hub that is helping people learn the ins and outs of UI design. This is a multi-dimensional resource that provides useful knowledge for new designers and seasoned veterans alike. Whatever your daily schedule looks like, make time every morning to read up on UI design. Participating in design forums can provide you with tips and contacts that can transform your outlook.

Fortunately, UI design is a skill that can be learned by almost anyone willing to apply themselves. If you dedicate yourself to learning this skill, there’s no way you won’t gain confidence and ability over time.

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Web Design Trends 2021 – 9 Core Ones This Year https://designwebkit.com/web-design/web-design-trends-2021/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/web-design-trends-2021/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:27:59 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=23843 There is no need to say that a website’s information has to be clear and accessible from all devices. Simultaneously, the design always aims to be eye-catching, different from others, and fresh. It always parallels technology and represents current social tendencies, moods of the people, and short-term fads. Last year almost everybody’s screen time increased,

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There is no need to say that a website’s information has to be clear and accessible from all devices. Simultaneously, the design always aims to be eye-catching, different from others, and fresh. It always parallels technology and represents current social tendencies, moods of the people, and short-term fads. Last year almost everybody’s screen time increased, and many users find it devastating. People spend hours at home, having most of the communication flow in the messengers, and got even tired of the ordinary ones. So, now they have to choose new mod versions of fav apps, e.g. GB WhatsApp download. To better user experience, designers make websites less noisy, more straightforward, and pacifying. Also, we feel a bit bored with the current state of affairs and seek to be entertained. The excess of screen time and a lack of novelty are the two factors that influence web design trends 2021.  

Let’s look at the web design trends that help decrease the pressure of information yet deliver the message clearly and make a user’s life a bit more fun.

Soft and Gentle Colors

Bright colors are still being used to get a user’s attention, but they give way to faded shades and less intrusive color schemes. Blurred colors and a gradient make an image look softer while bringing tranquillity and peace of mind to a user. Natural colors and organic shapes make time spent gazing at a screen less tiring and a little bit more relaxing.

A soft and gentle design doesn’t mean a minimalist one. The latter is still strong, but the tendency toward an exquisite and elaborated design with a soft retro touch.

Web Design Trends 2021 – Dark Mode

A space on a web page used to be white for a good while. A black backdrop of a site makes design elements look more contrasting and, therefore, more noticeable. The dark mode is elegant, but it also lets a device use less energy, which is important for portables. It is less eye-straining for human eyes as well.

Some websites offer a dark mode option for mobile devices only, but the trend is growing. 

Less Intrusive Design

Website visitors want a design to be user-friendly, not overwhelming. It doesn’t apply to colors only. A video doesn’t have to autoplay. There should be a clear option for a user to choose whether to play it. The same goes for sound — there always should be an option to switch it on if one wishes so. The default mode is sound off. Animation has to be slow and floating.

There should be much so-called white space on each page, which doesn’t necessarily mean white-colored nowadays — but empty, free from any information, text, or image. Web pages with a lot of negative space breathe through and don’t scare a user with excessive content, thus making their experience more satisfying. 

Web Design Trends 2021 – Asymmetric Layouts

A grid placement of information slowly gives in to an asymmetric design. Straight lines are substituted with curly shapes. 

Antidesign, a design with obvious imperfections, blurs, and overemphasized asymmetry, is an extreme form of the trend, which heads away from geometric shapes. It might be a temporary reaction to the turbulent times and the long-lasting popularity of a minimal design. Whether this trend will survive long-term is questionable.

Increased Usage of Graphics and Animation

Cartoon pictures, hand-drawn sketches, and, above all, images that combine real-life object photos with graphics are some of the biggest trends. A bright, personalized, artistic illustration makes a website look more authentic, recognizable, and different. Floating design elements, objects that create movement hypnotize a viewer and are to be used a lot.

Animation is being introduced in web design increasingly — buttons, texts, photos – everything has to move. Micro-animation is not that new, but what is important next year is to invite users to interact with small animated elements and spend more time on a website. Turning a cursor into a certain object on a particular page might be an example of the design aiming to increase interaction. 

Web Design Trends 2021 – 3d Graphics

This trend is caused by our desire to be entertained, but thanks to technology development. 3d elements add personality to a website and make landing pages look like something unique and modern.

More Customization and Personalization

It is not a secret that digital marketing specialists and search engine algorithms provide us with content based on our preferences and previous search history. The website design trend lets a user customize what he or she sees on a screen, for example, by switching to a black mode. The trend goes beyond this and includes multiple options of interfaces and settings.

It is also about providing different media formats and giving a user a choice to watch a video, read a text, or listen to the audio.

Text Reduced, Interaction Increased

Obviously, delivering information with graphic tools rather than text is not a new thing. It is a bit of a controversial trend since a lot of moving objects might cause noise. Yet, with tones of different texts, we find it more and more difficult to concentrate on words. Storytelling becomes interactive and involving. A user wants complex ideas to be explained with graphics and videos in no time. Still, it is crucial to keep the design respectful, not intrusive. 

A video as a background behind a text is placed to give a general idea about a product or service and make an impression. Accompanied by a small text, it helps to save time. The design aims to give less information and more emotion. 

Web Design Trends 2021 – Scroll Effects

A side scroll is probably influenced by Instagram and presents a user with an option to move along the screen. Together with other scroll effects, including a preview of a picture, it gives a user the freedom to select information and choose if they want to take a side-track and discover more without moving to the next page. In general, copying social networks’ layouts, for example, adding round buttons for an additional story, is a strong trend of its own right. Next year, the best web design implemented by Alice Wonder will strive to give emotions, tranquillize, entertain, and surprise!

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What Is UX Research and Why Is It Important? https://designwebkit.com/web-design/ux-research/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/ux-research/#respond Thu, 13 Aug 2020 18:57:09 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=23475 Websites and applications are business tools that are able to generate great profits for businesses. Business owners, executives, and directors of all sorts actively participate in the development of digital products because they want to be proud of the results. This approach has a serious drawback, though; you forget who the target audience of your product

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Websites and applications are business tools that are able to generate great profits for businesses. Business owners, executives, and directors of all sorts actively participate in the development of digital products because they want to be proud of the results. This approach has a serious drawback, though; you forget who the target audience of your product is. Your potential clients need to like it, and they might have a very different opinion from yours. How do you know for sure what the users are going to adore? Professional UX/UI design agencies apply UX research for every digital project. In this post, you will discover what it is and why no website or app can go without it.

UX research

What Is UX Research? 

User experience research is a thorough study of target user pains, desires, and needs. It allows you to make a portrait of a potential client and understand what type of product they are most likely to use to achieve their goals. A professional UX design firm would recommend conducting research at any stage of the project and as often as necessary. 

The Methods of UX Research

There are various techniques that UX/UI researchers use to achieve results. Like with any other kind of research, you can divide them into two large groups:

Qualitative Methods

Qualitative methods of UX/UI research help you to determine the motivation and needs of the users. Interviews, field experiments, and surveys allow you to get an understanding of what people want and why they do the things they do. Open questions help a lot with this aspect of the research. This way you allow the participant to share information without pushing them in any direction. Usually, at this stage of the research, you’ll get surprised by how differently regular users view your product.

Another way to conduct qualitative UX/UI research is usability testing. This way you can watch how users interact with the product and collect their opinions in real-time. This type of research demands experience and practice, but it should be conducted before any release.

 Quantitative Methods

Here you use structured data gathering methods. If this is a survey, you collect more precise information and often collect numerical data. For example, “How many times per day do you use your phone?” This information can be used to discover hidden patterns and similarities in the routines of a large group of people. This type of research is more statistically reliable. However, UX research cannot simply go with either one or another and is a combination of various methods.

There is another way to classify user experience methods:

  • Attitudinal – This means that you listen to and assess what people tell you about their experience. It can happen in interviews, for instance.
  • Behavioral – This is an observational study. You collect information about how users interact with the digital product by observing their behavior.

Only by combining all of these methods will you manage to get a comprehensive perspective of how users will perceive what you have to offer.

Breaking Down UX Research Methods

It is important to use UX research methods in every stage of a project. These can be broken down into four areas.


This stage determines what is relevant to users. It can include methods like contextual inquiries, in which suitable users are interviewed in their environments to see how they perform a task or answer a question. Another technique is diary studies, where users record their daily interactions. 


To examine how to address all users’ needs, you can use methods like card sorting and customer journey maps. The former involves writing words or phrases on cards and asking participants to organize them in the most logical way. That helps you to ascertain that your design is structured appropriately. The latter can be used to expose potential problems and critical moments. 


To evaluate designs and ensure they are easy to use, you can employ usability testing methods. And to test your design to make sure it is accessible to all, you can use accessibility evaluations.


If you do not listen to the feedback you gain from your user research, the exercises will have been pointless. During the listening phase, you can put any problems into perspective, find any new issues, and notice trends. You can use surveys to track how users feel about your design, and analytics to discover more detailed data.

Which exact methods you use are up to you, as some may be more relevant to your project than others, and each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, card sorting is an inexpensive and easy method, but it can be time-consuming when you come to the analysis stage. It could not provide you with in-depth contextual meaning as well. Your resource constraints will also affect how much and which type of UX research you perform.

Why Is UX Research Necessary?

UX research is indispensable if you want your project to succeed. And there are a couple of reasons for this:

  • Optimal product design – UX research allows you to only develop the features that you truly need and not re-make a large share of the product at the later stages of development. It often happens when the team does not have a clear understanding of what product they are trying to make public. This also allows business owners to save money on development and bring the product to the market faster.
  • Increased customer satisfaction – When you understand what functionality users want and give them that, you exceed their expectations. This will not go unnoticed and will bring you loyal customers and advocates of your product. 
  • Higher business value. If your customers are satisfied in the long run, this will bring benefits to you. Applying UX research techniques at all stages of product development, you will create a product with high customer retention. 

UX Research – Summing Up 

Don’t skip user experience research. This is not a delay in the app development process or an attempt of your vendor to make you pay more. If you care about the success of your project, then UX research must be an integral part of the design process.

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UX Design Trends 2020 – Top 10 Tendencies of This IT Year https://designwebkit.com/design/ux-design-trends-2020/ https://designwebkit.com/design/ux-design-trends-2020/#respond Tue, 05 May 2020 07:57:18 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=23008 Ever wondered what the main tendencies of the UX Design in 2020 will be? Get all the answers about top design trends in this article!

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User experience (UX for short) is a critical aspect of any product’s success. UX is key to establishing a connection between the audience and the brand. Good user experience leaves a long-lasting impression on the user and eventually makes them come back for more. Depending on the quality of UX design in a product or service, the business either loses or gains an audience, clients, sales, etc. That, in turn, affects the standards for user experience designs in today’s market. UX design should offer users a delightful, simple, and seamless journey – whether a product or service. Considering the market is overflowing with endless products and services, outstanding UX Design Trends 2020 helps truly amazing projects stand out and gain notice by audiences.

ux design trends 2020

User experience companies have to understand user needs and make sure they create proper user personas, conduct interviews, handle surveys, etc. Based on the research results, UX design agency creates wireframes, mockups, and then moves on to the development aspect. User experience design directly affects the experience a product or service provides to the end-user. Ultimately, UX design is not limited to just a particular industry or type of product or service. It stretches out across a wide range of industries along with their multifaceted niches, including e-commerce, education, healthcare, sales, construction, design, games, and pretty much anything people use every day to make their lives easier.

New Technologies and UX Design Trends 2020

User experience becomes an even more pressing matter when it comes to new technologies, especially those that have to do with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Because these new developments are becoming more and more popular and accessible to the general public, the products that incorporate them must be able to provide users with a great experience. That makes UX design crucially important for the success and popularity of products based on these emerging technologies.

And let’s face it – it’s not like the world hasn’t seen anything like this before. AI is not that alien and sci-fi to the modern world. Take Siri and Google Virtual Assistant, for example. Both are quite popular AI-based services that help users perform necessary tasks, answer inquiries, and provide recommendations to questions. UX design in these services is executed at a truly high level, so users can enjoy a seamless experience when using them. And while the technology behind these virtual assistants is undeniable, it’s the UX design that makes them so effective and user-friendly.

What About UX Design Trends 2020?

ux design ideas

Year after year, users are becoming more and more fastidious regarding the solutions on offer. And, as new technologies improve and emerge, the need for a great user experience becomes more and more pressing. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics. UX design is about arranging solutions in such a way that they have a positive impact on users’ lives. So, where does this put designers? One thing for sure, UX designers have to always be on the frontline of new concepts, trends, and ideas. It is necessary to provide users with better and better ways to achieve their goals, whether it’s an app, website, or some cloud-based service.

But what should you focus on in 2020? How to tell if some trend from 2019 is to stay or not? How do you spot a new trend that’s slated to make waves before it does it? Understanding these things is necessary if you want to provide actual solutions to your customers. And while there are analysts that can help you make useful predictions, you can settle down and check the Top 10 UX Design Trends 2020 we, at Clay, have assembled for you. We want the industry to flourish – this requires designers and design companies that can take advantage of the trends and put them to effective use. The first step is to reveal them.

UX Design Trend #1 – AR and VR

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) technologies are meant to simplify users’ lives by letting them execute tasks more effectively and faster. There are already some apps that have taken advantage of these technologies – Sephora and Snapchat, in particular. It includes adding filters and masks to live videos or photos, the ability to view products in three dimensions before purchasing them, etc.

These new capabilities significantly improve user experience by helping them establish a better connection with their chat friends via AR or to get a better idea of products they want to buy and can’t get a hold of them right this moment via VR, for example. AR and VR are already a force to reckon with, and in 2020 they are going to be used more and more across various industries.

UX Design Trends 2020 #2 – Minimalistic UX Designs

Minimalistic UX designs are meant to get users engaged with a given product or service through seamless function and navigation. It’s important to not interfere with the experience of users by thoughtlessly placing irrelevant pop-up notifications. It’s best to focus on creating a minimalistic design that will look delicate, user-friendly, and understandable so that users can accomplish their tasks. Minimalism helps to keep the user interface (UI) organized and avoid overloading it with unnecessary elements that would otherwise make it look clumsy and cluttered.

Of course, minimalist UX design requires creativity, as it’s not just “keep the color flat and use the Times New Roman font” type of thing. There are gradients, font sizes, contrasting colors, and other things in this trend to be considered. When users encounter products or services with quality minimalistic UX designs, they tend to spend more time using them.
There are three key aspects of minimalistic UX designs that should be taken into account:

  • It’s important to keep navigation user-friendly even if there are =context-specific features incorporated into the project;
  • Incorporating time-saving features that increase project value and ensure, by all means, user satisfaction is a very good idea;
  • Minimalistic UX designs help to avoid unnecessary clutter and irrelevant notifications.

UX Design Trends 2020 #3 – Device Synchronization

One of the latest UX design trends 2020 is device synchronization. Whether the user has a laptop, a smartphone, or a watch – users want all their devices to be interconnected and share dynamic capabilities. The internet allows for a wide range of interactions, such as hotel or taxi booking, online purchases, or even home surveillance system control. And all of these things require shared features across multiple devices.

Perhaps the most famous example of such device synchronization is Uber since it features fully automated hardware. When using Uber services, you may start your trip via voice command and then end it using a smartwatch or a mobile app. Uber is a cross-platform service, as it operates via different platforms without interruption.

UX Design Trend #4. Story – Based UI Designs

Designs based on storytelling are becoming increasingly important by the day. People don’t want to read vague and dull text. They want to learn more about what a brand has to offer to them, whether it’s a product or service. It could be something as simple as a ball pen in an online store, and users will pass it by without even thinking of buying it until something intriguing, surprising, gets their attention.

Story-based UX designs make it possible to make a long-lasting impression on the user. Such designs help brands connect with audiences better. They help create more engaging content, thus promoting higher client conversion rates, sales, and, therefore, ROI. And although it may seem obvious, UX designers often get caught up in overwhelming amounts of work and therefore neglect the storytelling aspect of their designs. But, this year, story-based designs are going to take center stage. So, if your designs don’t convey their intended message, they will be left on the outskirts of the market.

UX Design Trends 2020 #5 – High-Quality Animation

When it comes to developing complex animation, many people think that it wholly depends on the hardware. They sometimes even go as far as being certain that there’s no point in making animation because it will slow down the product or service.

In reality, however, there are ways to create outstanding animation that not only run fast on slow hardware but will greatly outperform the standards of the industry. Some companies make development tools and plugins that somehow optimize high-quality animation to work on pretty much any device. Including such animations will increase user engagement and subsequent conversion rates for any brand that implements it in its product or service.

The thing about animation is that motion is a far more effective way of telling a story than text or simple images. While animation is still a largely unexplored area, it is becoming more popular. And, thanks to the new technologies and techniques, it is becoming more practical as well. In 2020, high-quality animation will start popping up in a range of market niches on websites, applications, and various other projects where it’s applicable. The impact is going to be immense, and there will be no turning back.

UX Design Trend #6 – Split Screen and Asymmetry

A proper layout is one of the most crucial things in any digital project. The block layout has become a classic throughout the years of use by designers from an incredible number of industries. It provides simple, digestible information flow due to defined boundaries. Although it may seem too simple for this day and age, the block layout helps understand the structure of a product or service better and adds a sense of completion to it. Blocks also generate a feeling of symmetry. But, this has already become conventional and habitual – everyone knows what to expect. There are no surprises. But, while we are speaking of trends here, there is an asymmetrical trend that will storm UX design this year, especially considering the size of wide desktop displays.

It may seem that taking advantage of asymmetry and splitting screens is too risky a move, considering that UX design must provide users with a seamless experience. But this is exactly why this trend is going to catch on and persist – people will have a new and convenient way of distributing information, tools, features, etc. in the layout of the product or service they use.

Today, split-screen has already become a visually appealing way of presenting information. It’s practical, convenient, and looks great. Moreover, it makes the interface stand out.

UX Design Trends 2020 #7 – Human Copywriting

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UX writing has been developing at an ever-increasing pace for the past few years. Today, the bar is high for UX writers. And if you have a UX design team with a writer in it, you should make certain they understand that their task for the product or service you design is doing UX writing.

Text is not just some complimentary design feature. Text is an integral and important part of the design. While images, animations, and various abstract designs grab users’ attention, the text takes care of their curiosity when they decide to look into the product or service. UX writing not only helps establish a better connection with the audience. In essence, it’s a serious tool that can tell a story, provide the smallest details, help make decisions, call to action, and many other things. Whatever the product or service is and whatever amount of text you need to include, it has to be written by humans for humans. Since we’re talking about UX design, the text must simplify one’s journey within the project.

UX Design Trend #8 – Empty Space

When you have too many elements on the screen, none of them gets enough attention. If one of the elements is in the spotlight, this element is going to get all of the attention. While it depends on the message the user interface must convey to the audience, it’s, either way, significant to provide some space on the screen, so that the message gets through.

UX design deals with a wide range of empty spaces: macro and micro, between paragraphs, passive and active, etc. Empty spaces help digest the information provided on the page or screen, so it’s not just a matter of visual elegance, but it also has some serious practical value to it. Putting an idea within space will help it stand out and emphasize its importance.

UX Design Trends 2020 #9 – Stellar Renders

The UX design industry seems to have gotten back to using simple scenarios along with outstanding renders. That is, to introduce a product or service in 2020, you should get ready for implementing incredibly detailed images featuring products and people that use them.

High-definition renders provide users with a near-realistic experience, pushing them one step closer to making a purchase. Even if this affects the loading time, the risk is worth it. Moreover, some technologies can help compress image sizes without losing their visual quality. This trend helps to simplify UX design and, thus, improve the user journey.

UX Design Trend #10 – Custom Navigation

Custom experience makes products stand out. In the end, pretty much every UX designer wants to get credit for original work. So, customizing the way the user navigates through the product or service, mixing patterns, layouts, and visual approaches puts your name on the map. Custom navigation leads to higher conversion rates. Users want to get more of that experience. So, they often return, getting one step closer to making a purchase each time.

Weaving navigation logically into the story delivered by the UI will make it a major success. Using the flow of information and other parts of the product or service to create unique navigation will ensure an unforgettable user experience.

Conclusion – Main UX Design Trends 2020

UX design is the face of any modern digital product – it defines what solutions the user can get. Creating a proper experience for users is a sure way to establish a better connection with them. In 2020 and beyond, creating pretty layouts with images and texts that don’t connect with the audience is not enough. Competition gets tougher by the day, and users get used to great things very quickly. This means with every product or service, they are always looking for a new experience as well.

Regardless of the niche, user experience should always be at the center. Conducting UX research is still as important as it was in 2019. However, this year will see the rise of new trends and the return of old trends that have been hibernating for a while. Hopefully, this guide will help you decide what you want to include in your designs this year quickly and effectively.

The post UX Design Trends 2020 – Top 10 Tendencies of This IT Year appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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