design colors – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Tue, 04 Oct 2022 21:46:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips for Luxury Design with Art – Artworks Tips Tue, 04 Oct 2022 21:44:54 +0000 Interior created by a designer, high-quality furniture, well-thought-out lighting, finely-appointed textiles, elegant knickknacks – is this the exhaustive recipe for a cozy home? Or have we forgotten something? Oh yes, here is something without which the most expensive interior would not come to life – works of art: paintings, sculptures, ceramics. Matching art to an

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Interior created by a designer, high-quality furniture, well-thought-out lighting, finely-appointed textiles, elegant knickknacks – is this the exhaustive recipe for a cozy home? Or have we forgotten something? Oh yes, here is something without which the most expensive interior would not come to life – works of art: paintings, sculptures, ceramics. Matching art to an interior is easy – just choose what you like and hang it beautifully on the walls. However, a well-appointed interior often contains inappropriate paintings or objects, and there is no visual harmony. How to create an aesthetically perfect interior? Let’s listen to some tips from designers or just visit our website and look through our artworks tips.


Tip 1. Replacing

Let’s start with this option – you have a small collection of artwork that needs to be placed in a renovated interior. A new interior is a new life of the house, it requires rethinking, filled with new details. You must critically review your collection and choose what is unconditionally suitable for the new space. The rest of the pieces can be donated, sold, or set aside for better days. Placing an established, conceptual solid collection certainly requires extraordinary effort. In general, you should create a unique interior for it, as if surrounding art with walls rather than the other way around.

Tip 2. Filling

You’ve bought a house, flat, or office, and, with the help of a designer (or your own impeccable taste), you’re renovating and want to fill the interior with art from scratch. This is a great option, as there is nothing stopping you from letting your imagination run free and creating a unique collection specifically for that space. Large paintings, photographs, sculptures, or objects are usually planned as early as the planning stage. Designers will keep the works of “favorite” artists in mind and suggest several options (and possibly even commission a new work in the desired style). You can rely on the designer’s choice or follow the artworks tips and choose the artwork yourself.

Tip 3. Chance for Contemporary Art

Age-old art can be bought at auctions or from art dealers who work with antique dealers. It’s a specific industry that requires a significant financial investment. Contemporary art is much cheaper (unless you include the high-end, internationally renowned artists), and the selection is vast. Where can I buy contemporary art for the interior? At art fairs, galleries, showrooms, private dealers, special online art marketplaces, and lastly, from artists you know, if you have any. It can be interesting to combine vintage and ultra-modern, vintage and youthful. Budget for your art and plan your shopping around it.

Tip 4. Fits of No

How exactly do you plan? How do you buy what you need and don’t get it wrong? To visualize the art in your interior, you should use one of the programs available. Take photos of your favorite works and paste them into the interior in specific places, respecting the scale. This way, you can see if the artwork fits in color and size. Sometimes, you must give up on the pictures you like to find the best option. Take your time and experiment with different works. It’s not uncommon at first glance to dislike a painting or object, but it suddenly becomes perfection in the interior.

Tip 5. Color Balance

How to match paintings by color – designers call it ‘color script’ – and should it be done? Aren’t we reducing the autonomous meanings of art in this way? In contemporary interiors, yes, we do. Today it is no longer enough to buy a lovely seascape in oil on canvas, frame it in a gilded frame, and hang it in the living room, as it was done in the 19th century. The motto of contemporary art is not to be boring, lead, or attract attention. And its non-boring presence in an interior is resolved through harmony with its surroundings, through dialogue. Not only complementing but also contrasting colors, textures, shapes, and ideas. A clear choice of colors and high-quality framing and lighting will ensure perfect harmony – even if it is provocative! Then the art in the interior will cease to be a decoration (like the above-mentioned landscape) and become part of the conceptual solution.

Tip 6. Fill Empty Spaces

What are the best spots in the interior for art? The most successful places, according to designers, are partitions between windows (which will become a natural frame for pictures or photographs), walls near the dining room table, and generally large walls on which you can hang a big spectacular picture or several small ones. Otherwise, you have to rely on the specific interior. Sometimes, an unobvious space can be beaten up excitingly. It’s essential to consider the angle of view and lighting. The most expensive work can be lost if it isn’t backlit in a dark corner and well-lit.

Tip 7. Create Story

An attractive, striking interior with artwork is always a story. Tell stories, makeup legends. For the people who visit your home, office, or restaurant (after all, art can be present in any room), it’s essential to get on the same page as you, to read the “book” you’ve created with art. A book about distant lands or elegant solitude, wealth and good fortune or eternal childhood, the city or the ocean. All these beautiful stories can indeed be “written” with color, light, and objects of art.

Tip 8. Your Opinion

We’ve said a lot about choosing a piece of art for your interior and not a word about how to choose it for your host. No painting can appear in a house if those who live there don’t like it. And no designer can decide whether you want image or graphics, abstractionism or realism, landscape or still life, yellow or blue. Don’t treat a work of art only as a splash of color. It’s your friend for years to come, your companion. One of the essential artworks tips is – if the work doesn’t touch something in your soul, feel free to discard it.

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Web Gradients in 2018 – 10 Reasons to Love and Use Them on Your Site Wed, 09 May 2018 04:37:57 +0000 When you manage to find a good gradient, it can create visual interest all by itself and also come close to art. Learn how to use them on your website.

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After a long time of minimal styles and use of non-colors for websites, the time for web gradients to make their long-expected comeback is here. There’s no chance to look at a website and not find a faded color, gradient or such a related effect. It is believed that this practice increases user engagement and, in general, make the website a lot more appealing to the public.

web gradients main image

If you’re a web designer and aren’t using web gradients yet, perhaps it is a good idea to rethink that approach and you can fin some help in the 10 reasons below. Pay attention as this can actually change the way users perceive the website you design and modify engagement altogether.

Background Creates Appeal

A gradient can help a lot with creating interest and is also helping you lead the users through the design of the entire website. The human eye will focus on the colored area and if you combine the gradients in a smart way, the different shades will help change focus as scrolling down the screen. Besides that, you can use gradients as a design tool that sparks and intrigues users. Even though there are a lot of ways to use gradients, one of the most-used options is to use it as a background with other elements layered on it.

Create a Focal Point Through Lettering

web gradients text

If in the above point you saw how to use gradient shading as a background, learn that you can use them just as well in the foreground. If you use web gradients to color the lettering, the text can receive a whole new dimension with more highlight and focused attention. Of course, you need to choose between one or the other since you can’t use gradients in the background and in the lettering as well and you must always keep in mind that a clear contrast must be kept to increase readability.

Using an Overlay Can Really Spice a Bland Image

web gradients filter image

When thinking of ways to increase interest on an image that might come across a little bland, using a gradient overlay can make a simple scene pop-up more and be more visible on the website. Overlays that are based on overlays can also assist with establishing a brand and a voice, tone and personality of a certain website. Of course, muted colors are saying a totally different thing than bright colors. You need to be careful though, since this technique is pretty often used and you don’t want the resulting website to be just another fish in the sea.

Web Gradients Can Help Move the Eye

With the use of the right gradient, you can actually move the eye of the user through a more complex design and create intent at the same time. It’s already known fact that most users read the information on a site in an F-shaped pattern so if you use a different gradient color css in the key points of this F, you will be able to redirect their attention a bit towards what you find more important.

Gradients Can Create a Memorable View

web gradients illustration

Branding is relating for quite some time now on using different gradients and contrasts to create an image or a memorable view. If you get the color combination right, it can help a lot towards making the brand more visible and easier to remember. If you create the gradient with this purpose in mind, you will be able to establish a visual connection that helps making the brand more memorable.

Emphasize Colors Through Gradients

web gradients color picker

You can easily use gradients went the brand colors can be easily paired and, as established above, it can land a great helping hand establishing the brand’s image. You should focus on incorporating a same style gradient for multiple uses. For example, you can link the gradients on the website, with the ones used for social media promotion and campaign adds as well. It’s a method used by brands for several years now and gradient shading has proven to be quite effective.

Gradient Shading is Easy to Generate

When you think about using a gradient it’s very easy to generate one from scratch by just selecting three colors and then a shape to coordinate the places where gradients start, stop or overlap. You must keep in mind that, when applied to a shape, web gradients have to be directional as in they need to have a starting and an ending point. So far, everything is easy and quite intuitive, however, picking the colors for the needed gradient can be the most challenging task of all. In all cases, play with different colors until you get the result you want. If you need a bit of inspiration regarding gradient color CSS, you can always use helpful websites such as WebGradients or Gradient Buttons.

Color Fades Will Get You a More Natural Feeling

web gradients memorable picture

Even though this might already feel intuitive, gradients often contain colors that that feel natural. Think of a big field of grass, you won’t have the same green all over the place but you will be able to identify gradients as well. A good example is to try and recreate the colors of a sunset or anything that can also be found in the world around us .

If You Don’t Have a Visual that Dominates, Create Art

When you manage to find a good gradient, it can create visual interest all by itself and also come close to art. Also, it will help increase presence and create a brand identity. Changing colors can easily stand as a design element and if you find the right way to combine them, you will help users associate feeling with the visual content.

They’re on Trend

It may seem that this point is already covered in the previous headers, however, it can not be overstated that it’s a very healthy trend among web designers to use web gradients for all the right reasons. Even though the trend of wev gradients use might fall out of trend, it never takes to long for them to be back on track.

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Watercolor Flower Clipart: Ideas, Resources, Inspiration Fri, 23 Mar 2018 06:09:11 +0000 If the spring and the watercolor have inspired you to use flower clipart in your design - don`t hesitate to check the best examples from this collection.

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Spring is already here. Fitness classes are overcrowded with ladies of all ages and sizes. The body wants to be rejuvenated and fit for the last year summer dress. Sunny days more and more often break the dullness of monochromatic brownish landscapes. All the dreams keep returning to sandy beaches and the lush of bright tropical colors. We are ready for the natural renewal and take part in profane rites of calling in the sun and the warmth. To wake up the senses consciously or subconsciously we dedicate our projects to the renewed vitality of the youth. That’s how we tend to use flower clipart in various designs more often than ever. Whatever we make – wedding stationery or planners, textile décor, blogs, websites, logo designs, etc. – flowers revitalize our senses and fill with natural joy.

watercolor flower clipart main image

The unique shapes and bright colors of flowers website templates bring beauty to the world. Watercolor is able to sustain this brightness and translucency. This way, flowers and watercolor make a perfect combination of materials and media for any design.

Watercolor Painting for Flowers

The popularity of watercolor flower clipart pays tribute to the very special transparent quality of the picture. Water gives lucidity to the paints. Moreover, water provides for the overall lightness of a particular image or the whole composition. Floral watercolor allows very wide scope of effects – from realistic painting to the utterly conventional depictions of well-known flowers. Besides, several watercolor painting techniques vary the attitude to their objects. On the one hand, they can use robust brush strokes to celebrate the vigor of color. On the other, they carefully lead delicate lines to translate the tenderness of every tiny detail. Thus, flower clipart exploits all the possibilities that watercolor can give.

In the same way, the basic material used for watercolor, mostly paper, also contributes luminous character to the initial floral design. It doesn’t overburden the image with heavy texture, but on the contrary, adds airy feeling to the emotion of flowers. Altogether, both the fluid quality of the paint and smoothness of the paper make it easy to transfer the images into electronic clipart format. Furthermore, the images are as easy to transmit into any printable design, be it wedding stationery, greeting cards, wall art prints, mockups, logo design, décor textile, etc.

How Many Flowers You Can Get

So the spring and the watercolor have inspired you to use flower clipart in your design. You can find a great bunch of sources for floral clipart. But be careful with the amount flower watercolor in your project. Evidently, women will appreciate the floral design more often than men, but they also have a better sense of taste. For instance, you like elegant pink roses, just don’t think they will look great against the pinky background. Too much pink is able to destroy the whole effect, while a nice floral detail inserted in the corner of your wedding invitation will attach necessary softness and care.

Flower clipart provides so many options for your design beginning with frames, wreaths, leaves, flower details to the whole composition. It’s up to you how to lay them out on the page. You can use expressively painted watercolor flowers or vintage garden splashes of color as a background composition. Similarly, the patterns of smaller detail flower clipart look great for packaging or merchandise designs. The authors of wedding invitations often prefer wreath and bouquet elements of watercolor painting, while for baby and bridal shower invitations they will rather choose a pretty twig of delicate color. Alphabet element of flower clipart is there for your creative needs. Just string on a line of delicate roses or celebrate the vitality of the wild nature with any possible watercolor flowers.

Peonies and roses are obviously the most popular flowers in floral clipart but pay attention to all other possibilities as well. Lilacs and daisies, orchids and sunflowers, meadow flowers and even succulents will accentuate your design. Because there are many uses for these beautiful flowers in wall art, posters, blogs, websites, branding, and others. Watercolor can transform them into dashes of color or true to life outlines of elegance itself. Anyway, the dance of colors and shapes is akin to the musical rhythm. Moreover, floral watercolor has the necessary lightness to make flower clipart an ideal resource for design.

Trendy Colors of the Season

When you choose floral watercolor for your project, don’t forget about the importance of color. First, consider your audience. If your art is targeted at male respondents, then different shades of blue and green will dominate. Apart from that, if the main consumers of your product are female, then blue will be considerably pushed out by purple and red. Let me share a real-life story with you. Once my husband had to come into a beauty salon. You know why he complained? Because he had to look only at the floor to avoid all that sickly purple around. Are you still uncertain that color perception differs and color psychology exists? Statistics that we have previously done for the top feminine website templates is very convincing. So think well before selecting the colors of flower clipart for your design.

But men and women don’t make the whole story. Have you ever noticed how our color preferences change from season to season? What conditions our tastes is hard to define, whether fashion designers announce the advent of new colors or simply you start liking some colors. With watercolor flowers, you can play the game of popularity and choose exactly those colors which are predicted for the season. As you can see in Fashion Color Trend Report from Pantone Fashion Color Trend Report color palette for spring 2018 retains the sense of playfulness and freedom. It offers bright colors but diluted with white in order to soften their dazzling quality. On the other hand, the color scheme of this season ideally matches the flower theme of a clipart design. Because watercolor flowers need the intensity of color to affect the senses. And the intensity of expression is exactly what floral clipart is looking for.

It’s time now to have a look at flower clipart samples provided by the online market. We have selected a variety of images, patterns, color schemes for you to define your preferences and to consider the desired effect of your project. Whatever you choose, flower watercolor design provides charm with a touch of romantic style. You can also see how floral watercolor looks in some florist website builder templates.

Garden Florals Watercolor Clipart

Garden Florals Watercolor Clipart

Violet Purple Watercolor Flowers

Violet Purple Watercolor Flowers

Peonies Fanfare

Peonies Fanfare

Spring Blooms – Watercolor Flowers

Spring Blooms – Watercolor Flowers

Watercolor Wreath of Pink Roses

Watercolor Wreath of Pink Roses

Watercolor Floral Design Set. Flower

Watercolor Floral Design Set. Flower

Lavender and Blue Watercolor Flowers

watercolor floral clipart

Watercolor Flower Clipart – Lush

Watercolor Flower Clipart – Lush

Sweet Dreams. Floral Collection

Sweet Dreams. Floral Collection

Monogram Floral Alphabet Letters

Monogram Floral Alphabet Letters

Bouquet Flower and Watercolor

Bouquet Flower and Watercolor

Watercolor Garden

Watercolor Garden

Mint & Gold – Flower Clipart

Mint & Gold – Flower Clipart

Pink Peonies – Watercolor Clip Art

Pink Peonies – Watercolor Clip Art

Lilac. Watercolor Collection

Lilac. Watercolor Collection

Warm Color Daisy Florals

Warm Color Daisy Florals

Garden Party Watercolor Graphics

Garden Party Watercolor Graphics

Organica Ecommerce Website Template

Organica Ecommerce Website Template

Floral Ecommerce Website Template

Florabido Ecommerce Website Template

Kamelia Ecommerce Website Template

Kamelia Ecommerce Website Template

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5 Psychology-Based Design Tips to Improve Website User Experience Mon, 05 Mar 2018 06:48:38 +0000 The article contains psychology-based design tips that you can adopt while developing an ecommerce website to invite consumers and generate sales.

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Website developing techniques and marketing skills are not just enough to establish your business on the Internet and achieve your targets. To be a successful entrepreneur you need to learn the talent to attract users and drive sales, i.e. website user experience. Whenever you tend to design a website, your first primacy is to attract customers and subscribers. Often the website designer’s end up having fewer consumers than they desired, and their hard work in developing that website is of no use. This is the result of multiple factors, from unattractive designs to low loading speeds; numerous such aspects derail your website building and success.

website user experience main image

One effective way to advance your business and marketing through high-quality website designs is by focusing on the psychological influences of the users while developing them. Like in every other field of life, the attention and interaction in using websites are also based on the psychological drives of human beings. No matter how advanced the technological world is today, the customer retorts are still triggered by their psychological experiences. So, you should better focus on learning the basic psychological stimuli you can create among users to attract them for performing your desired steps related to your website. You can hire a tuition teacher who can help you understand the basic human psychology and their psychological behavior important to respond to your products and websites.

Here are some psychology-based design tips that you can adopt while developing an ecommerce website to invite consumers and generate sales. Have a look:

Balance or Symmetry

Human psychology tends to notice the event and similar patterns quickly. In many of the usual things and interfaces, people are attracted to an equilibrium and arrangement, and are more likely to get attracted to ordered arrays and displays, and so is the case with the websites.

So, the website developers should focus on designing simplified and attractive symmetrical designs to draw more consumers and low diversion. Because people are usually averted from disorders in their interactions and such people will quickly follow the material presented in a symmetrical or balanced style.

website user experience mental image

For example, The Sims, a video game, applied this concept to the application and designed a proportioned website prototype, after trying multiple orderly schemes. As a result of which the website claimed to witness a 128 percent increase in the rate of changes from the response by the consumers.

Colours of Designs to improve website user experience

Psychologists associate different shades of colors to evoke certain types of emotions in humans, like red is said to provoke anger or rage, while shades of yellow are referred to stimulate joy and ecstasy, according to Robert Plutchik. So, along with symmetry, it is a good idea to include an impressive color scheme that can create an appealing impact on customers at the first sight.

website user experience color psychology image

To develop an impressive colorful design, you need to ponder on the partialities of your targeted audience, because the inclinations towards colors differ based on gender, culture, and ethnicity. Like pink color is loved by girls more in comparison to boys. Also, the color scheme of your website design or logo should correspond with the brand that you are marketing to draw the greater audience.

For example, the logo of Coca-Cola is red which articulates the audacious and vigorous brand notion of the company and their products.

Past Experiences

According to Psychology, the incidents of the past certainly affect the present and future behaviors of a person. And so is the case with the higher consumer responses to your website, because it is also sometimes based on the past experiences. They respond to your website or product based on that which they have faced with the similar kind of product before.

website user experience HUMAN BRAIN IMAGE

If the customers have had a good experience with similar products like yours, they are more likely to react to your websites and buy the products. However, it is difficult to find out every customer’s past background, for which you can conduct a user-testing experience to deduce a result based on majority opinion.

Loading Speed

Human nature is psychologically more impatient and so, people do not like to incline towards the products and services that are slow in delivery and action respectively. Even if it is an online purchasing, people tend to prefer companies which deliver your products within less time.

website speed advertising trends 2018 image

Similarly, the web pages that take longer time while loading is expected to be discarded by the users after a minute maximum. The website designers should, therefore, opt for developing websites that are easily comprehended and have a good, fast loading speed.

Contrasting Effect to increase website user experience

The way the human brain is enticed towards the order or balance in any interaction and layout, it is attracted towards the contrasts or differences in a display in a similar manner. If you want the users to focus on any desired feature of the website, you can create the contrasting effect or design around it.

website user experience psychology design image

For example, if there is a black dot on a white chart paper, people are more likely to notice and focus on the black dot instead of the whole white field. You open the Google webpage several times a day, but not for once even you are drawn to the white field around the colorful alphabets of the word Google. This will not only improve website user experience but also give a new astonishing look to your site.

If you are determined to achieve success through web designing and online businesses, you should consider these psychological factors while developing your websites and to improve the website user experience with your websites, and consequently, for driving more customers and sales to your web pages. So, either help yourselves or look for a good tuition teacher to enhance your knowledge about human psychology to grow your business by being user-friendly. We hope that our article will help in having a basic understanding of the psychology-based design ideas for your projects.

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Website Templates in Pastel Colors – How to Use Them Right [Updated] Mon, 23 Oct 2017 11:29:11 +0000 We know that women like pastel colors more than men do. But it may come as no surprise that men are also willing to enjoy washed out tones. Soft colors are not always girlish, they are more likely to be natural, strong and elegant. And now we’ll show you how it can be perfected! Look

The post Website Templates in Pastel Colors – How to Use Them Right [Updated] appeared first on DesignWebKit.

We know that women like pastel colors more than men do. But it may come as no surprise that men are also willing to enjoy washed out tones.

Soft colors are not always girlish, they are more likely to be natural, strong and elegant. And now we’ll show you how it can be perfected!

Look through the following tips to combine tones right and see the ready-made website templates in pastel colors.

Where to Apply Pastel Colors

Keep in mind that a few touches of pastel colors won’t make your design look elegant and polished. You need a site where every element is perfectly combined with others in some particular manner. You can choose retro or vintage style, apply flat design techniques or create super light feminine website – pastel color scheme doesn’t limit your creativity. For instance, who says that vintage-inspired designs can’t include a few bright objects?

There are 6 most popular elements that look really good in pastel tones. Combine them wisely and you’ll get a superior website.

  • background;
  • photos and images;
  • icons;
  • logo;
  • fonts;
  • buttons.

Tools and Sources for Choosing a Color Scheme

There are several resources where you can find a lot of pastel color schemes to apply to your website. It’s much easier to create a website when you have convenient hints made by design professionals.

You will probably agree that it’s hard to create a website without images. Most designers use graphics to increase visual impact on site visitors. And if you don’t know how it is even possible to create a soft colored website without using washed out photos and images then look here! These stock photo websites include millions of pictures of different colors, so you’ll be able to find something interesting there.

If you find more sources of pastel colored design elements please let us know so that other people could use them and thank you for that.

We also understand that it’s essential for every designer to create custom color schemes. Here you’ll find some handy tools that will help you choose and improve your color choices.

  • Multicolr Search Lab – This fast and simple tool showcases a lot of images of the exact color combinations you want.
  • SpyColor – This tool is more interesting than you can think about it. It provides color scheme generators for the tone you choose, analogous colors and monochromatic shades.
  • Color Palette Generator – Do you have a photo with an ideal color scheme that matches your needs? This tool will help you check different color palettes and choose the best one.
  • Colrd – This tool is for fun and you’ll be quickly inspired if using it. Here you’ll find many images with ready-made color palettes. Here you can also create and share your own gradients, palettes and images.

We hope you didn’t grow tired of this color theory. We were trying to make it short and interesting to you.

But enough is enough and we’re presenting some examples of the use of pastel colors in web design. We’re using website templates for this, so if you like some of them you’re welcome to grab it for your own use.

Madeleine Responsive Website Template

Madeleine Responsive Website Template

Madeleine Responsive Website Template

Madeleine Responsive Website Template

Espero Responsive Website Template

Espero Responsive Website Template

Chateau Responsive Website Template

Chateau Responsive Website Template

Design Studio Website Template in Pastel Colors

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Dentistry Website Template Teddy Bears

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Sweets Cafe Website Template with Washed Out Background

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Flat Website Template for Writers

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Fashion Website Template in Pastel Colors

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Plumbing Website Template Designed in Pastel Tones

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Photography Template with Pink Header

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Pastel Colored Website Template

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Washed Out Website Template for Sweets Cafes

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Mobile Software Website Template in Pastel Colors

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Interior Website Template with jQuery Slider

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Backery Website Template with Creamy Background

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Business Website Template in Pastel Colors

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

Clean Web Template in Pastel Shades

Website Templates in Pastel Colors to Achieve Elegant and Polished Look

The post Website Templates in Pastel Colors – How to Use Them Right [Updated] appeared first on DesignWebKit.
