logo design – DesignWebKit https://designwebkit.com Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:29:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.15 The Reason Every Graphic Designer Use Impact Font in Logo Design https://designwebkit.com/design/use-impact-font-in-logo-design/ https://designwebkit.com/design/use-impact-font-in-logo-design/#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2022 17:35:02 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=25044 Designing an ideal logo for any brand is so crucial for graphic designers. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time to choose a perfect font for a logo design. You have unlimited access to graphic design tools, font libraries with unique colors, types, and styles. It is essential to pick a font that

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Designing an ideal logo for any brand is so crucial for graphic designers. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time to choose a perfect font for a logo design. You have unlimited access to graphic design tools, font libraries with unique colors, types, and styles. It is essential to pick a font that matches your brand identity. The typeface you select for logo design should showoff the personality of the brand. The logo makes any brand stand out in a massive crowd. Here you will find some important aspects and tips that make choosing the font easier for you. Stay tuned and keep reading!

logo design

How to Choose a Typeface for Logo Design – 4 Easy Steps

Picking a perfect typeface for any logo design is not as easy. You have to follow certain rules that most professional designs adopt. These guidelines will ease your job of choosing an ideal font for any logo design. You can also trust Impact Font, the optimum choice for any logo design. Although, it is challenging to create a logo for any brand with perfection. It requires lots of afford and practice to learn this skill.

If you are a beginner designer, you should follow the patterns of pro designers in the early stages. It will improve your skills in picking a perfect typeface for any design. Now let’s discuss these essential four steps which make your decision of selecting the typeface for any design easier:

Step 1: Serif or Sans-Serif

First things first, you have to choose the type of font. Most of the pro designs rely on serif and sans-serif typefaces. There are plenty of other fonts available, but it is better to stay with these two options. They will provide a professional look to your design.  You can follow a similar trend to keep things consistent. It will create an appealing logo for any audience. It is essential to consider the brand vision while choosing the font type. The design of the logo should match the business message.

Step 2: Choose a Font Based on Logo Usage

As a designer, you must understand the usage of the logo. It will help you to craft a perfect logo design for any brand. Your logo may be digitally displayed or in print form. You can size the logo in a similar format to show a crystal clear brand image.

Always think wisely about this fact!

Half of your job has been done if you got a perfect idea of your logo usage. Now you get a clear image in your mind about the audience and how they will look at your design. You can design a perfect logo by keeping in mind the logo usage and how you can improve its clarity from its audience’s point of view.

Step 3: Use a Font that Matches your Brand’s Identity

The logo is the heart of any brand’s identity. It displays the personality of the brand. The viewer should instantly recognize the type of brand. Nowadays, most consumers don’t have time to read bulky content. They want to get an idea about the brand only by viewing its logo or other designing elements. You have to choose a typeface that should match the brand’s personality.

For instance, if you design a logo for any eatable kids brand, you must know it should be user-friendly. You can even add some fun to such logos. But if you are crafting the logo for a clothing brand, you have to choose a professional typeface that matches the nature of the clothes.

Step 4: Find Inspiration in Other Logo Designs

The audience can notice any unique logo. You can find this exclusivity in their logo designs. Designers need to add some inspiration while watching other logo designs. It will help them to design a stand-out logo between competitors. You can learn this inspiration by monitoring other logos crafted by professional designers. You will quickly get the same sensation of designing such logos. As a beginner designer, you can also take some ideas from their designs too, but you have to add your own creativity and innovation to your design.

It is the foundation of creating unique logos. With the passage of time, you will also get the same feelings and be later able to design amazing logos within minutes.

Why Do You Need a Good Logo Design?

Logo Design

A perfect logo is the foundation of every design. It will help you to be noticed by the audience. Nowadays, there are zillions of competitors for any business. As a professional designer, you have to create a unique image as the logo of any brand. It will make your brand stand out in a crowd and attract consumers to its products. The typeface is the most vital aspect of this logo design. Most potential consumers observe a well-crafted logo. Most local businesses are globally popular because of their unique logo. They are visually exciting and present the personality of a brand. The customers get an idea about the brand with just a glance look at their logo.

The decision-making power of purchasing the products is in the hands of designers. They crafted the lines and circles of these logos so that the consumers attract by their designs and forced to purchase products of that particular brand.

Logo Design – The Bottom Line

Finding an ideal font in logo design is significant for all brands. It should show off the brand personality from all perspectives. Most pro designers prefer Impact Font for their logo designs. It will match most of the brands and their personalities. You can create stylish logos with this typeface and the guidelines discussed in this informative article.

Choosing the suitable typeface for any logo design is explained here. These guidelines will definitely help you out, and you will get an instant decision after knowing the brand’s message. I have done my job to explain to you all the aspects! I would love to hear from your side; you can show me your favorite typeface for designing any logo. Thank You!

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Everything You Need to Know about Font in Logo Design https://designwebkit.com/web-design/font-in-logo-design/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/font-in-logo-design/#respond Fri, 23 Apr 2021 11:50:04 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=24060 To really bring forth an established and recognizable logo it is not just about the design of the image and putting a few words up there. The font also plays a role in the way your logo represents your brand. For some it sounds like such a trivial element of logo design, but would you

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To really bring forth an established and recognizable logo it is not just about the design of the image and putting a few words up there. The font also plays a role in the way your logo represents your brand. For some it sounds like such a trivial element of logo design, but would you believe that some companies go as far as to dissect the font their potential partner or competition uses because they know a lot about the font in logo design?

fonts in logo design

In essence, the font you choose can go a long way to building your brand image, and just to enlighten you we are going to tell you exactly why!

Why is Reading About Font Selection for a New Logo Design Important?

Once you have read the surprisingly detailed information below that covers such a small and seemingly inconsequential aspect of logo design, you will be just that little bit wiser when it comes to using the font in logo design. Think of designing a new logo as a jigsaw that needs all the elements to match to show off the finished picture. Every jigsaw has its personality just like every photo or painting. It can tell someone a lot about the personality behind it, which is partly why works of art can sell for millions, and in some cases are priceless. As such, the font your logo embraces will play a part in building your brand image!

Therefore, take the time to read the sections below. It will take just a couple of minutes of your time and we hope it will enlighten you. One thing is for sure when you create a new logo or hire a designer to do it, after reading this guide you will most certainly be taking fonts into consideration!

The Mix of Colours, Fonts, and Image Tells a Story About Your Brand

OK, so imagine your company is looking for an infrastructure development fund to invest in, or it could be a business looking for a design company to create an attractive website. When you are looking through the company’s portfolio or brochure you notice that the company uses ‘Times New Roman’ for its logo text. Now, this may not bother you at all, but if the roles were reversed and it was a company considering hiring your firm, there are some that would give your services a wide berth just because you used ‘Time New Roman’.

Why? There are many reasons. It may be because your logo uses one of the most common font types out there instead of choosing one of the many funky fonts available. Plus, the ‘Times New Roman’ font may not suit the industry your business operates! Yes, fonts can match industries and we will cover more on this subject in the next section.

Fonts Have Personality Traits!

Ok, so the ‘Times New Roman’ example may not always be a bad choice depending on the industry in which your business operates. We just used that as an example. In fact, this font generally means that your business personality is stable, practical, mature, and formal! Great for a law firm or an accountancy company, but certainly not good for a design company, marketing firm, or hedge fund management company.

The issue with ‘Times New Roman’ for most companies is that it is just too traditional—so much so that Microsoft removed it as their default font on Microsoft Office products—Yes! They really went that far as to change it!

Here is how some other fonts giveaway the personality or brand image of your business:

  • Serif—Classic, Traditional, and Trustworthy
  • Decorative—Dramatic, Stylized, and Distinctive
  • Script—Unique and Elegant
  • Handwritten—Informal and Artistic
  • Slab Serif—Confident, Bold, and Quirky

Examples of companies that use Script fonts are Ford and Instagram. Elegant and unique is the story both are trying to project while they are vastly different companies in industries worlds apart, so doesn’t this contradict what we were saying above?

Ford Font in Logo Design Explained

You may disagree with Ford’s characterization, but this is a company that formed in 1903 and the Script style came as early as 1909 and all the way until now has changed very little. Back then fonts arguably had more meaning than they do today, and Ford was elegant and unique back then while today a good deal of you may not agree—but due to the company’s long history, there are still plenty of people classified as Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y that still see Ford as the pioneer of car manufacturing, hence the logo font still stands despite the fact it is perhaps not as elegant and unique as it once was.

Instagram Font in Logo Design Explained

Now Instagram we all must agree with. The social media site is both unique and elegant in so many ways. Its uniqueness is obvious- it is a social media site that relies almost entirely on visuals, and what’s more, is that there is no other site designed in the same way. Pinterest comes close but works differently to Instagram. As far as elegance is concerned, Instagram rarely has any bad press. The site is there for people to express themselves via pictures and images. As they say, a picture can speak a thousand words!

Font in Logo Design – How Your Font Could Lose Your Company Business!

To some company decision-makers, the use of the wrong font shows an absence of vision, laziness, and a lack of understanding of the industry in your business operates. It can also be a sign that your company likes to take shortcuts. The logo image could be fantastic, and the colors spot-on, but in the eyes of the company that was considering your services, the job on your logo is only two thirds complete i.e., what is to say that your company will put 100% effort into their contract as your logo is only 66.66% complete!

It sounds crazy to think that there are companies out there that think this way, and guess what? The companies that do think this way tend to be the billion-dollar PLCs, LTDs, and LLCs with fancy logos and custom fonts. Fonts these companies spend tens of thousands of dollars to produce, and more money to patent it! That last fact is the final icing on the cake that proves just how important font in logo design is in the world of business.

The post Everything You Need to Know about Font in Logo Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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6 Reasons to Redesign Your Logo https://designwebkit.com/design/redesign-your-logo/ https://designwebkit.com/design/redesign-your-logo/#comments Wed, 09 Dec 2020 19:43:47 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=23751 Your logo is a crucial part of your brand identity, and changing it is not a decision to make on a whim. However, there comes a time when you need to redesign your logo. Read on for six good reasons to consider giving your business logo a facelift. You Changed Your Brand Name If you’ve

The post 6 Reasons to Redesign Your Logo appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Your logo is a crucial part of your brand identity, and changing it is not a decision to make on a whim. However, there comes a time when you need to redesign your logo. Read on for six good reasons to consider giving your business logo a facelift.

Redesign Your Logo

You Changed Your Brand Name

If you’ve recently changed your brand name, your logo might require a refresh. Text-based logos can quickly become irrelevant after a business rebrands. Thus, it is necessary to develop a new logo or tweak the one you have currently to align it with your new company name. If you have no idea where to begin choosing a new design, you can check different logos by the industry for inspiration.

Your Logo Is Too Complex

If you look at some popular logos in the world — from McDonald’s’ golden arches to the Nike swoosh — you will realize they are all simple and straightforward to remember. Of course, some companies are still using complex logos, but for a business trying to find its feet in the high-paced commercial world, a simpler design would be more effective as a marketing tool. So, consider it and

Redesign Your Logo If It Uses Obsolete Fonts

For businesses that have been in the game for decades or even centuries, there is a chance the initial logo design looks outdated. The evolution of fonts and typefaces has been on a steep upward trajectory since the advent of computers, and what looked classy and trendy in the ’60s may not be so sleek anymore. Redesigning your logo will portray your business as modern and capture prospects’ attention with a keen eye for aesthetic detail.

You Are Facing New Competition

If you are facing new competition from businesses that you feel have the potential of toppling you, you might want to cause some stir to get the attention back to you. A logo redesign can go a long way toward rekindling customer interest, as it might be seen as a reflection of an improvement on your product or service.

Redesign Your Logo If It Is Not Scalable

Business logos today are used on a range of platforms and marketing materials, and not all of them are created to look good on each. If your logo design is not built with scalability in mind, perhaps it’s time to take a second look at it.

You Have Taken Over or Merged with Another Company

Mergers and takeovers signify expansion, growth, and new beginnings. If the logo were built to communicate what the company does, redesigning it would be necessary if its service catalog has changed. What’s more, a revamp would create a much-needed stir and grab the attention of the market.

Redesign Your Logo – Endnote

These are some of the reasons companies redesign their logos. If you want to try it yourself, ensure an experienced designer does the facelift. It will also help if your new design is on the basis of your existing logo, as people can still associate the logo with your brand.

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How to Design an Eye-Catching Real Estate Logo for Your Business https://designwebkit.com/web-design/real-estate-logo/ https://designwebkit.com/web-design/real-estate-logo/#respond Tue, 14 Jan 2020 07:02:03 +0000 https://designwebkit.com/?p=22505 In this article, you will get the idea of how to develop a catchy and meaningful real estate logo that makes your brand stand out.

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Across the globe, the blossoming real estate industry is credited with giving birth to several real estate billionaires and many well-to-do real estate firms. The reason behind this popular investment sector is because it means money. Nonetheless, in this highly competitive industry. If you cannot lay a foundation based on a successful brand, then your brand may not last long. When constructing a corporate real estate brand, several things should be on your mind. Your aim should be to stand out prominently among them even if what you are offering is similar. A starting place should be building an eye-catching real estate logo for your business.

So, how do you design a logo that goes beyond the generic and overused images of rooftops and houses?

Real Estate Logo

Break the Tradition

The real estate world is littered with logos showing sloping roofs, square windows, and skyscrapers designed in abstract space or some other physically baffling clusters. They’re boring, ubiquitous, and awfully generic. This industry happens to be among the most competitive today and that explains why you must stand out. Your real estate logo helps in building brand recognition. It must differentiate you from the crowd.  The only way is to break with tradition and design yours in an eye-catching style.

Personalize the Logo

A real estate business requires a strong and unique logo that reflects not just your services but a vision. It makes no difference whether you have a real estate investment company, mortgage firm, agent, broker realtor, or simply an online realty portal that offers listings — designing a catchy and trustworthy logo is a must.

Remember, your emblem must display your business or personality in the way you want clients to see your professional character or real estate services. Identify your target audience in terms of their specific demographic profiles and design your logo accordingly. Selling high-end real estate, for instance, will require a different tactic from selling a commercial estate or starter home. If the main focus of your real estate firm is beachfront homes, you may want to consider surf or sand images in your logo design as they resonate more with that class of buyers.

Go Trendy in Real Estate Logo

When it comes to web design for real estate logos, choosing the right elements can define your brand’s identity. Explore how eXp Realty incorporates its unique logo to create a distinctive online presence for its real estate business. With a trendy logo, your business becomes more relatable. People can instantly connect with a business brand that keeps in touch with their changing preferences. However, only follow the emerging trend if you think it can contribute towards making your real estate logo stand out. The emphasis should be to create your own logo that conveys your brand message at a glance. The trend is to shift from traditional icons such as rooftops and windows to elements that may not be so directly connected to the real estate industry.

Think Fresh

real estate

The fact is that most real estate firms are basically doing the same thing; something you cannot change. So, when designing a unique visual identity for your business, factor in the local culture and its iconic architecture. Often, this will inspire unique real estate logos and the kind of brand identity that differentiates you from the rest. Design a logo that not only gives your real estate business an edge but also one that boosts sales.

Think fresh and avoid following traditional ideas. Consider trying an image that simply suggests home, property, or some other type of symbol that instantly makes people associate you with “real estate”. Ever thought of trying the following signs as alternatives?

  • Keys
  • Gates
  • Doors
  • Gates

Sometimes, using simple text can be quite distinctive, if that is designed in an unforgettable way. Abbreviations, initials, or monograms can also work pretty well.

Maintain Simplicity

Whether a real estate startup or an established franchise, having a professional logo helps in building customer trust and for that, you must avoid confusion. Excessive images, too much text, or dazzling backgrounds only work in detracting the viewer from the significance of your logo, and its effect.

Steer clear of heavily decorative fonts as they look unprofessional to the viewer. Experiment with different color schemes, font styles/sizes to see which represent your real estate business in the best way. On a similar note, avoid a complex logo design that requires a redesign every time a new design trend crops up.

Creating Real Estate Logo – Conclusion

There are many online tools available to create an attractive logo, such as the free tool provided by smallseotools, this tool helps you in creating a unique and eye-catching logo in a few seconds. You can go to https://smallseotools.com/logo-maker/ and make a splendid logo by following very easy steps. You can also create 3D logo for your business by using this free tool.

Finally, it’s important that all elements in your real estate logo design be balanced. You should aim to maintain the right balance between the logo elements if you are to create a visually appealing logo. Make sure your business stands out from the competition with a professional real estate logo. What’s the point of designing a logo if you are just joining the hordes displaying generic eye-sores? The key to an eye-catching real estate logo is to have one that clearly represents what you stand for. Something that will make people note you and want to know more.

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Simple, Yet Stunning Examples of Flat Logo Designs [Updated 2018] https://designwebkit.com/inspiration/examples-flat-logo-designs/ Thu, 21 Jun 2018 05:36:49 +0000 http://designwebkit.com/?p=8163 We’ve curated some of our favorite examples of flat logos – each of these have been created by some truly talented designers, and is the result of hard work, patience and effort in order to create something simple, yet stunning.

The post Simple, Yet Stunning Examples of Flat Logo Designs [Updated 2018] appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Are there any beautifully designed, simple and flat logo designs that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!
Also read more tips for designing best tech startup logos and branding on ramotion.

Using the flat design style for your logo is great for helping to craft a clean, minimalist and beautifully simple aesthetic. It’s not always easy to do – as it needs to appear uncluttered, but the end result when done well is a brand identity that often has some personality to it.

We’ve curated some of our favorite examples of flat logos – each of these have been created by some truly talented designers, and is the result of hard work, patience and effort in order to create something simple, yet stunning. We hope you find the collection an interesting and useful source of inspiration.

You may also be interested in the ‘What Is Long Shadow Design?’ post.

MotoCMS Logo

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GuttenBier Flat Logo

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Hudddle Logo

Hudddle Flat Logo



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Logo Shot2

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‘S’ Logo Concept

Flat design logos inspiration

F7 Logo

Flat design logos inspiration

Logo Design

Flat design logos inspiration

Creative Guru Logo

Flat design logos inspiration

Are there any beautifully designed, simple and flat logo designs that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!

The post Simple, Yet Stunning Examples of Flat Logo Designs [Updated 2018] appeared first on DesignWebKit.
