
Why Your Startup Needs a Website

Navigating through the business world can be a challenge, especially if you’ve just entered it. It’s a long journey full of trials and errors. However, these days, the internet offers help. Traditionally, businesses could only operate out of stores and markets. Now, you can do so from anywhere and put your products and services on digital platforms so consumers can look through them. Suppose you’ve just had an MVP launch and you’re running your startup through social media only. However, this approach can be problematic in the long run. No matter whether you aim to operate online or through stores, supplementing your business with a website can go a long way. Here’s why you need one for your startup.

startup website

Offers a Consolidated Platform for Your Brand

Suppose you’re running your startup through social media only. In that case, you’ll quickly realize how frustrating it is when consumers miss important updates and announcements like price adjustments as posts pile up. You can not create your page’s interface or organize your content as you wish, especially as your catalog expands. Social media platforms are dominated by other brands too, and ads can simply swipe a customer right off your page. Similarly, if you’re only operating out of physical stores, you’ll find it impossible to get all the information out to sufficient prospects. Having a website eliminates such problems.

Your website is your business’s unique platform. You can customize and organize information per your liking and use digital marketing strategies to make people aware of your brand. A consolidated platform will also enable you to update information on inventory levels, sales, and new product launches for your consumers. It will be your brand’s own book, and you can write the pages as you wish. This will set you up for a long way ahead.

It’s Feasible for Consumers

Did you know that you can lose 70% to 80% of potential consumers if you do not have a website? Consumers prefer quick responses and fast access to information. You can not guarantee these through social media platforms, as a lack of organized content will simply call for endless scrolling. Additionally, sending a message to a seller about the availability and price of a particular item can deter many people from looking further into a brand.

An accessible, user-friendly website allows consumers to serve themselves without indulging in unnecessary interaction. They’ll have access to all data about your company, its values, and its products and services. In this way, you’ll have their attention, and they’ll have what they require from your brand.

Generates Leads

As your social media leads consumers to your website, it will generate leads. More importantly, a sophisticated website can be optimized for search engines. Consumers perceive top search engine results as credible-a good ranking search engine ranking can get you, new customers. Additionally, consumers can find out about your services by typing off keywords on their search engine as they require a product or service that falls in a particular category or location. Social media searches do not have such qualities. Marketing and leading people to your website will also get you a broader customer base as your website’s viewers will not be confined by which digital platform they use or which location they live in.

Startup Website – Endnote

A well-structured website is an investment that can pay itself off many times over. It will enable you to make information about your brand available to a wide variety of prospects. Visitors will also be able to navigate their way through your services at their convenience. However, all such benefits will only be realized if your startup website is designed properly and user-friendly. Make sure you leverage the most effective tools and the best website builder to get the maximum returns from your investment.