WFH – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Thu, 18 May 2023 20:44:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Hire a React Developer Mon, 10 Apr 2023 16:58:07 +0000 Now that you know the benefits of hiring a React developer, the next step is to find the right person for the job. Here are some tips on how to hire a React developer: 1. Look for Experience When hiring a React developer, experience is key. Look for candidates who have a proven track record

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Now that you know the benefits of hiring a React developer, the next step is to find the right person for the job. Here are some tips on how to hire a React developer:

hire a software developer

1. Look for Experience

When hiring a React developer, experience is key. Look for candidates who have a proven track record of building React applications. Check their portfolio and ask for references to gauge their experience and expertise in the field.

2. Test Their Knowledge

To ensure that the candidate has a strong understanding of React, give them a test project or a code challenge. This will help you assess their skills and determine if they have the knowledge and expertise required for your project.

3. Check Their Communication Skills

Communication is essential when working on a project with a team. Make sure that the candidate has strong communication skills and is comfortable working with other team members. This will help ensure that the project runs smoothly and that everyone is on the same page.

4. Consider Cultural Fit

When hiring a React developer, cultural fit is important. Make sure that the candidate shares your company’s values and fits in with your team culture. This will help ensure that they are a good fit for your team and can work effectively with other team members.

5. Use Professional Networks

Utilize professional networks, such as LinkedIn, to find potential candidates. Connect with React developers and reach out to them with job opportunities. You can also post job listings on job boards and social media to attract candidates.

6. Seek Recommendations

Ask for recommendations from colleagues, friends, and other professionals in the industry. They may know of React developers who are looking for new opportunities or who would be a good fit for your team.

7. Conduct Interviews

Once you have a pool of potential candidates, conduct interviews to get to know them better. Ask questions about their experience, skills, and work style. This will help you determine if they are a good fit for your project and team.

8. Consider Outsourcing

If you are unable to find the right React developer for your team, consider outsourcing the project to a React development company. This can save time and resources while still ensuring that you get a high-quality product.

Hiring a React Developer – Conclusion

In conclusion, hiring a React developer can bring many benefits to your project, including efficient development, better user experience, and access to a large talent pool. When hiring a React developer, look for experience, test their knowledge, check their communication skills, consider cultural fit, use professional networks, seek recommendations, conduct interviews, and consider outsourcing if necessary. With these tips, you can find the right React developer for your project and ensure its success.

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How to Look After Your Remote Web Team Fri, 27 May 2022 22:26:26 +0000 The web industry was one of the first to introduce remote working, even before it started to become popular. Many web design companies and similar businesses noticed that they could get most, if not all, of their work done remotely. When remote working boomed, the web industry was in the perfect position to do whatever they

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The web industry was one of the first to introduce remote working, even before it started to become popular. Many web design companies and similar businesses noticed that they could get most, if not all, of their work done remotely. When remote working boomed, the web industry was in the perfect position to do whatever they needed to do from the comfort of their own home. While some work in a hybrid form, others work remotely full time, and it’s hard to make sure that the latter are getting the attention they need. If you’re a boss or manager in the web industry, how do you make sure you’re looking after your remote web team properly? Here are just a few ways to do so.

remote web team

Keep Them in the Loop

Thanks to the number of conferencing apps out there, remote workers can attend any meeting that they need to. It’s all too easy, especially if some of your team is in the office, to not keep remote workers in the loop. It’s not so much a case of out of sight, out of mind, but more the fact that conversations in the office often happen naturally and you might discuss an important issue without even noticing it. The easiest way to keep your remote workers in the loop is to set up regular meetings with them in which they can ask any questions that they may have and you can give them the information that might be relevant to them. Remote working has so many benefits but it’s easy for those who work in this form to miss out on certain conversations or pieces of information that come naturally during office chat.

Keep Their Training Up to Date

The world of web design and other similar businesses are constantly evolving. With processes changing so much, it’s important to keep the skills and knowledge of your team members up to date. Making sure that your remote team members are keeping up with their training and that you’re offering them everything that is available to them, is so important. For example, training such as  AWS cloud practitioner training can be done completely from home and is an important part of the future of the web industry.

Remote working can actually make training like this so much easier. Working from home brings a level of flexibility that isn’t often found in the office; that is, when they can fit training into their schedule at their own convenience, you might find that it’s easier at your end to make sure that your team is keeping up with their training commitments.

Look After Your Remote Web Team – Make Them Feel Valued

In the office, you might naturally speak to your team and let them know what a good job they did on a particular task. When someone works remotely though, the only time you usually speak to them is through scheduled meetings.

These meetings often have agendas and don’t leave a lot of room for praising the remote team members who have done a good job. It’s so important to make sure that you do this though, as it’s great for keeping up morale and vital for letting them know what they are doing right. Even if you have to set time into the meeting agenda to do this, so be it. It doesn’t have to be this formal though; sometimes a quick message is all they need to get that feeling of being valued and like they are doing great. When you’re remote and are only corresponding through mostly messages, it’s hard to get those positive feelings across. This means it’s crucial to try your hardest to do so.

Encourage Them to Take Breaks

Remote working can offer a great work/life balance but only when proper breaks are taken. When you work from home, it’s easy to always feel like you’re, sort of, always at work. This means that you are less likely to take the breaks that you deserve. As a boss or manager, encouraging your remote workers to take the breaks that they want or need can actually help them do their job better and keep them working productively.

It’s easy to think that only those who don’t work hard take regular breaks. However, you can’t work hard without taking regular breaks, as they can act as a real boost when you get back to them.

Keep the Office Door Open

This certainly only applies if there is still an office to go to. Many companies sold their office space when remote working grew so rapidly. However, if there is still an office, letting your remote workers know that they can always come back can be a great feeling for them. Remote working is right for so many people, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out, and you certainly don’t want a member of your team to feel trapped in their own house.

Creating a culture that promotes the idea that they can come back whenever they like (or never if they don’t want to) is a great environment to work in and can make the members of your team who work from home feel included and like they have options. In many cases, just having the option is enough and your employees will stay working remotely. You might find though, that some team members absolutely jump at the chance at joining the web team in the office and don’t look back.

Remote Web Team in the Challenging Times

The web industry is known to be very stressful at times. With so much changing all the time, a lot of competition, and difficult requests to fulfill, it’s understandable that those who work in this industry may start to feel the pressure. This is especially the case if you work remotely in an area such as web design. It’s very important for managers and bosses to make sure that their remote workers in this industry are being treated as well as they can. This leads to happy and productive workers that can navigate this, often difficult, the field of work. If you are looking to expand your global team, using an employer of record provider such as Remote can avoid legal complications and streamline your HR processes.

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5 Side Gigs Web Designers Use to Make Extra Money Fri, 27 May 2022 21:35:17 +0000 You might make pretty good money doing that if you’re a web designer. You may work for a single company. Perhaps they have a large, complex website and always need you to work on it or modify it as they expand or add new services and products. You can also consider working as a freelancer

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You might make pretty good money doing that if you’re a web designer. You may work for a single company. Perhaps they have a large, complex website and always need you to work on it or modify it as they expand or add new services and products. You can also consider working as a freelancer and selling your services to the highest bidder. You will probably have more schedule flexibility that way, and you can often work from home as well. You may decide that you do not want to do exclusively web design as a way to make money anymore. If you’ve got web development skills, you might have other talents that go along with that. You can use those talents as side gigs to get into a side hustle and have multiple revue streams. We’ll talk about some possible web designer side gigs now.

side gigs

Banner Ad Creation

Creating animated banner ads in a matter of minutes might turn into a lucrative side hustle for you. If you know how to do web design, you probably already have some fundamental skills for banner ad creation. You can create banner ads using a platform that doesn’t cost all that much and comes with a lot of different templates. You can start with one and then customize it for a company if they have a vague idea but want you to handle the heavy lifting.

Once you discuss what they want, you can get to work on it and should have a finished product within a few hours. You can charge good money for this and do it for a couple of hours per week or whenever you have a spare moment.

Side Gigs Ideas for Web Designers – Copywriting

You can work as a copywriter since that can go hand in hand with website creation. Let’s say you have a company that wants you to design a website for them. They’re about to take the site to live, but they need someone to write the actual copy that’s going to appear there. If you have at least decent English writing skills, you can write copy for that site and charge even more money for your services. You might ask the entity that hired you to fill out a form where they talk about the kind of copy they need on their landing page, product pages, “about us” section, FAQ section, and maybe even a company blog they want.

Creating that content should not challenge you much; like banner ad creation, you can do it in your downtime. To maximize these earnings, you can try and use passive income apps while you work on the copy for the website. You can tell a client that hires you to design their website that you can write their copy too if they want that, or else you can advertise those services on a site like Upwork.

SEO Optimization

You can also learn some basic SEO skills and tell your clients that you can optimize their site for them once you create it. If they don’t have someone on staff doing SEO for them yet, they might also hire you for that job. You can learn how to use some of the more basic SEO tools, like Surfer SEO, Google Search Console, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz Pro, etc. You can usually learn how to do fundamental SEO for a website pretty quickly if you have website design skills already.

You might already know how to do SEO if you have your own website and advertise your products and services there. It might surprise you how much some companies will pay for simple SEO tasks, like keyword research or competitor research. Some company owners understand that SEO matters, but they have no idea how to do it or how much they should pay.

Setting Up Social Media Accounts

If you know how to create websites with platforms like WordPress or Wix, you’re probably at least somewhat tech-savvy. You might leverage those skills to set up social media accounts for the company that hired you to create their business website. Maybe you’re already using social media for pleasure or advertising your services there. You can set up accounts very quickly, whether the business wants to use TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, Meta, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or others.

They can tell you which ones they want, and you can set up those accounts and customize them as much as the client desires. You can then add social media buttons to their website above the fold, where site users can easily find them and start following that company or brand. Again, you can charge the company when they hire you by offering this add-on, or you might advertise this service to existing businesses. You can even do both if you like.

Create a Content Strategy

If you work designing websites and you also work as a copywriter, you can also take things one step further and design and implement a content strategy for businesses. They might hire you to create their site, and you do that, then double-dip by writing their website copy. They might also need someone to run their social media marketing campaigns or plan the content someone else will create.

You can set up a content strategy based on a simple form the client fills out. You can ask them what kind of content they feel their potential customers will like. If they have no ideas about that, you can propose some. It’s relatively easy to develop content and a strategy for it if you study the niche into which this company fits. You can look at what competing businesses produce and then piggyback off of that. You can also conduct focus groups for the company to figure out what content their clients most want to see and to which they will respond favorably.

5 Side Gigs for Web Designers

You can try one of these side gigs or several of them. They’re all potentially lucrative, and most website creators don’t find them particularly challenging.

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4 Tips For Scheduling Employees More Effectively Fri, 24 Dec 2021 15:39:16 +0000 Correctly anticipating your business’ staffing requirements while maximizing productivity is not an easy task, especially when you factor in your duty to provide fair treatment to your employees, who all have specific scheduling needs. To make matters worse, businesses are highly inefficient when it comes to scheduling. According to Quickbooks, just 18 per cent of employers

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Correctly anticipating your business’ staffing requirements while maximizing productivity is not an easy task, especially when you factor in your duty to provide fair treatment to your employees, who all have specific scheduling needs. To make matters worse, businesses are highly inefficient when it comes to scheduling. According to Quickbooks, just 18 per cent of employers in the US use an app to create their employee timetables, and 68 per cent of shift plans are handwritten. These archaic practices are liable to cost your business money in the long run.

Scheduling Employees

On average, employers spend 2.4 hours per week writing schedules. Paper punch-in sheets are also responsible for 16 per cent of US workers committing buddy punching. It is the practice of clocking in a friend who doesn’t work that day.  By now, we can likely deduce that making schedules is a lot of work, especially in states that have implemented laws mandating employers to provide employees with their timetables with at least two weeks’ notice.

With that said, technology has come a long way since the days when the only scheduling options were to write it by hand. Now you can take advantage of the various tools at your disposal to make your life easier, allowing you to increase scheduling efficiency significantly. With all the other tasks that need your attention throughout the day, automating employee scheduling is the easiest way to get back to doing what matters. On that note, if you struggle with effectively scheduling your employees, here are four tips to get you back on track.

Scheduling Employees – Know Your Team

Get to know the people who work for you. Understand their strengths and weaknesses, and use that to build effective schedules. For example, if you run a restaurant and know one of your workers is very personable and likes to chat. Then schedule that person for the evening shift, when people stick around and talk. Then, organize your hardest workers to come in for the rush. That way, you are utilizing both of their strengths.

Implement Scheduling Software

As mentioned, writing schedules by hand is time-consuming and expensive. On top of this, the cost of hiring a dedicated group of people to create and manage employee scheduling is vast, especially when there are more affordable options available. Enter scheduling software. In most cases, the entire interface of these software solutions will be on making the organization of employees’ timesheets and internal meetings more efficient and straightforward. The guesswork is removed and replaced with easy creation, deliverability, and accessibility by employers and employees alike. What does that mean?

Most scheduling apps like ezClocker allow employees to see their timetable, request time off, and make specific scheduling changes. The benefit for the employer here is that by eliminating scheduling conflicts, overall employee satisfaction will increase. Additionally, minimizing errors will save time, money, and the headache that comes from finding someone to cover missed shifts. So if you’ve been having problems keeping your timetable organized, maybe it’s time to try using a scheduling app to see if it will serve as an easy fix.

A fairly unknown tool for employee scheduling and notices is digital signs. Digital signs allow management to show upcoming company events and available shifts or overtime. A growing number of businesses are using digital signs to increase their company culture and liven up their offices.

Create a List of Employees Who Want Extra Shifts

Let’s piggyback on that last idea. Covering shifts can be one of the most challenging parts of an employer’s duties. Whether the cause for the open shift is scheduling mistakes or someone calling in sick, covering an available shift is difficult. And for nearly two-thirds of US businesses, a shift will need to be filled at the last minute at least once per week. The only way to stay on top of the inevitable is to plan ahead – and hoping your employees won’t call in sick doesn’t count!

Consider talking with your employees individually if you’re a small business, or sending around a survey if you have a lot of employees. Ask if they have an interest in picking up extra shifts. There will be lots who say no, but many will say yes. Having a list of people you know who are interested in new shifts can save you a lot of time and effort, which will make your life easier.  That’s because you will only need to call people on the ‘yes’ list when someone calls in sick or a scheduling error occur. What’s more is that by filling out the sheet and saying they want more shifts, you won’t catch the employee off guard when you call them asking if they can fill in, which increases the chances of them accepting the last-minute shift.

Make It Easy for Employees to Change Their Schedule

One of the best ways to get on top of scheduling matters is to open up your flexibility. Rigid rules and lack of transparency almost assure that you will have problems down the road. You need to strike a delicate balance between not giving your employees enough power and letting them run the show.

You can implement a 24-hour nonemergency shift change deadline. Employees can make all their changes up until the cut-off. Doing this will save you time and empower your employees. For all emergency call-offs, you can resort to the list you made of employees who want to pick up extra shifts. Using a scheduling app makes this process even smoother. Many apps allow employees to trade their shifts and make scheduling changes on their own directly on the platform.

Scheduling Employees – Final Word

For many businesses, outdated and improper scheduling methods get in the way of their efficiency. And as we all know, efficiency is vital for companies that want to succeed. That’s why it’s so important to use the ideas you learned in this article to enhance your business’s productivity. If you want to take scheduling to the next level, consider using an app. Applying technology to solve your scheduling issues increases your efficiency and improves worker satisfaction. If your workers are happy and your scheduling is under control, you can focus more of your brainpower on tasks that matter.

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WFH Trends Shaping The Future Of Businesses Mon, 08 Nov 2021 10:54:12 +0000 Work from the home landscape has now shifted to a “work-from-home” economy and is likely to continue for a while now. As reported by global workplace analytics, 56% of the U.S. workforce holds a partially related job to remote work. The future of the workforce is interdependent on the efficiency and productivity of remote workers. Marketers

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Work from the home landscape has now shifted to a “work-from-home” economy and is likely to continue for a while now. As reported by global workplace analytics, 56% of the U.S. workforce holds a partially related job to remote work. The future of the workforce is interdependent on the efficiency and productivity of remote workers. Marketers are leaving no stone unturned to guide their team and their security. With these new alterations come new WFH trends, so let’s deep dive right into the work-from-home trends in 2021.

WFH Trends

WFH Trends To Stay In 2021

Your email personalization, new IP warming techniques, or unique campaign strategy will have zero impact if your remote team is not in sync with each other. Covid-19 has a snowball effect on every aspect of your business, and that’s the reason why these new WFH trends can shape the future of your remote team.

1. Hybrid Models

A hybrid model is a path to make remote work more sustainable and introduce more freedom around when to work or where to work for your teammates. It is an amalgamation of both remote working and in-house working space. People are now more comfortable working from their homes in a comfy environment for more productive work. The hybrid model allows remote employees to be flexible, work without any constraints.

An organization with a hybrid model may have one or more offices in different places.  This means they can allow a few portions of their workforce to work remotely and another few from the office. It differs from organization to organization. As per Glassdoor research, 86% of workers say they would like to continue working from home, even after offices reopen. A hybrid environment helps employees to choose their own space and collaborate on that basis. It prioritizes your employee needs, eases work-related anxiety among employees.

2. Productivity Tools

No wonder there are thousands of benefits of working from home, but there are unlimited distractions also. To make sure that your employees are as productive as they should be—make full use of productivity tools. Here are a few reasons why your team should opt for productivity tools.

  • Tools like slack and Zapier reduce workload, help you to slow down, and track your employees effectively.
  • As remote workers, you can create a work-from-home yet cooperative environment for a better work ethic.
  • You can also define your team’s goals and weekly KPIs with the help of these tools.

These productivity tools work best in maintaining a balance in employees’ personal and professional life. Tools like Intercom and Trello encourage you to assign tasks and ensure everyone is on the same page.

3. Asynchronous Communication

In the modern workplace, real-time communication is going down in flames. It’s not because of your unavailability or your employee’s dynamic nature; instead, it’s the time lag between a sender and a receipt. This pandemic has made us realize that not all human beings are optimal to use their 24 hours. It allows work from home employees to complete tasks at their own suitable time. No wonder your employees need to produce high-quality work.

Now think about this: when we converse virtually or in person, we tend to miss out on various things. This is where documenting works like magic. If you can document your conversation and provide feedback to the receipt, tasks can be administered well. People can listen and perform with a good level of communication from both ends. Here are some of the best asynchronous practices for your team:

  • Get on the same page with your employees

It’s good to empower your employees instead of judging them for their work style, hours, or completion techniques. Define your expectations but don’t project that onto them. It’s good to make things clear and respond to the requests of your team.

  • Set proper deadlines

Always look for ways where there is mutual collaboration at the same time. Schedule meetings and zoom calls that can be easy for everyone to attend. This shows that you encourage your employees to show how they feel about setting their timelines and deadlines for different tasks and meetings.

4. WFH Trends – Cybersecurity

Forbes suggests that 68% of respondents do not feel safe at their workstation, and 23% working remotely indicate that they would prefer to look for a new job with high job security measures.  Cybercrime is not a new term, but today, every business is riding through these uncertainty waves with the help of the Internet. In light of these increasing risks, businesses take first-hand protocols for their in-house teams and remote workers, most notably remote workers. Pay attention to suspicious third-party emails, requests, or even calls. Most often than not, they are looking for your personal data and info. It’s best to ensure that you and your teammates have access to the right security tools and passwords. While working from home can feel more casual, it’s best to make your employees aware of these cyber threats.

5. Emotional Intelligence

EI is essential for remote workers. We all are emotional animals, and times are hard. It’s hard to ask for help, and maybe your employees are having a hard time reaching out to you. But the fact that it can be taught and practiced is also excellent. The existing problems with traditional workplaces are now fully transitioned into remote and virtual issues. People are going through issues but now at some distance.

To practice emotional intelligence, share your story first as a leader so that you can inspire others to put their most vulnerable side. Ensure them that we are all fighting some or other kind of battle. Managers can proactively reach out to employees, or they can also show up in times of need. All in all, it’s crucial to practice EI like a muscle with your remote team because they need it. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your employee’s emotional intelligence:

  • Have face-to-face interactions, maintain a sort of connection for a sense of belonging.
  • Share stories and experiences on a conference call more than products and strategies.
  • Have something in common to share? Maybe your employees have a sick mother at home, talk about that, ask questions with empathy, and listen; that’s what matters the most.
  • Feel and show empathy in times of tragedy or loss.

6. Increasing 5G Usage

As per HBR, nearly 2,000 technology and business executives revealed deep uncertainty about the upcoming 5G usage. Simply put, the new age 5G speed and connection is a promising trend for remote workers. Many businesses use it for high-speed connectivity, employee productivity, and a 24*7 customer satisfaction rate.

It enhances the work-from-home experience for your employees with exceptional AR functionality over an LTE connection. The results are extraordinary. With faster repair, fewer errors, your employees will become pro at managing their time. It works as an expert on-demand. Businesses are now fixated on the idea of a futuristic approach. Even in times of covid, ensure that you are not overlooking future WFH trends for your workforce. 5G connectivity improves your remote mobility operations and helps you invest in the macro for a long-term benefit for your business.

Now people invest more time in high-quality and reliable connectivity. Regardless of the physical location, employees want an advanced environment that can benefit their organization and themselves.

7. Rise of Cloud Working

Cloud-based working is an aid to any kind of disaster or forthcoming problem. Working from home is ain’t easy. Whether it’s sharing files access or any updates with your employees, it’s hard to catch up with every process.

The bottom line is the cloud system bridges all the gaps between assigning tasks, scheduling new calls, and communicating effectively across your team. In short, the advantages of cloud computing are endless: its cost savings, security, flexibility, and it provides a competitive edge above your competitors, and it is sustainable. And so many tech-savvy businesses and industry leaders are recognizing the benefits of the cloud-computing trend and are upgrading their remote workstations.

8. Embracing the New Company Culture

Businesses are embracing the new version of company cultures. Marketers are becoming more efficient and organized due to remote working and this seamless transition. It’s good that companies have now accepted the long-term benefits of work from home and remote working. So many tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon are following the suit. Organizations are now prioritizing their employee experience and mental health. With proper wifi connections and comfortable workplaces, remote workers are more productive and efficient.

WFH Trends – Conclusion

Times are tough, and your team needs you through thick and thin. These work-from-home trends are inclined more towards reaching out to people. There are many ways to improve efficiency for your business, and it can start with professional or emotional help in times of need. A good business owner will prioritize its employee’s needs and wants for professional and team success. Remember, it’s a team effort, not an individual hustle.

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Digital Marketing Agencies Reinventing Business Perspective Post-Pandemic Fri, 06 Aug 2021 20:59:03 +0000 Today the only thing that poses a threat to any industry is the pandemic crisis. In the last eighteen months, thousands of businesses have gone extinct because of the economic crisis. Although the pandemic marks the end of the traditional marketing era, it also marks the beginning of an era where every business started thinking

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Today the only thing that poses a threat to any industry is the pandemic crisis. In the last eighteen months, thousands of businesses have gone extinct because of the economic crisis. Although the pandemic marks the end of the traditional marketing era, it also marks the beginning of an era where every business started thinking of going digital with their businesses. With the people forced to stay at home to stop the spread of COVID 19, people started spending most of their time on the internet. Digital marketing agencies see this behavior as an opportunity to boost their online presence and enhance their sales graph.

digital marketing agencies

How Are Digital Marketing Agencies Reinventing Their Business Perspective?

The devastating impact of the pandemic reached every sector of the industry. The tsunami waves of the crisis did not leave any industry unharmed. Businesses were forced to close their gates, and people reached were forced to stay at home. In fact, well-established businesses were also finding it hard to stay in business, and digital marketing agencies were no exception. However, there was a difference between the digital marketing industry and the other industry.

The digital marketing industry was able to absorb the shock waves of the pandemic, unlike other industries that took the full blow. For instance, digital marketing agencies like Digitrio, who have mapped their goals for the next two or three years, got their marketing team together to come up with a plan to achieve their goals in the pandemic. Furthermore, the digital marketing industry has shown exponential growth in the last eighteen months. If you are wondering how that was possible, perhaps the following will be able to answer your queries.

Shifting To Work From Home Culture

Initially, we never thought that Work From Home Culture had this much potential. However, because of the pandemic, businesses and enterprises were forced to follow the Work From Home Culture. Although it was the last ray of hope for the businesses, it seems that it is one of the major practices that was able to save most businesses from sinking. Seeing now how Work From Home Culture has infiltrated the industry, it has become a norm. As a result, today, most organizations are happily shifting all their business operations remotely and are getting better results.

Understanding The Digital Independence For The Brand

The pandemic has shown us how independent businesses were with traditional marketing. After the pandemic shook the world-destroying the network, businesses started falling apart, and keeping businesses afloat started shifting to the digital platform. Digital platforms are one of the best ways to market your brand and increase your brand visibility independently. You just need to invest your time, money, and energy to maintain a dominating online presence. As the market landscape changes, businesses will also need to understand how to adjust to target their relevant audiences.

Leveraging The Opportunity Of Finding Millions Of Audiences Online

Only a select few businesses here use the online platform to gain traffic on theory business websites and increase sales. But the pandemic has forced even the small street-side business to have an online presence. People are using more and more online platforms to know what’s going around them; the brands also need to transform their communication strategies to present themselves on the online platform and boost their online presence.

Final Words for Digital Marketing Agencies

The pandemic will not change the scenario of digital marketing agencies. Even before the pandemic, Digital marketing agencies relied on online marketing tools and platforms for their business. So if we see from that perspective, there has hardly been any change in the digital marketing industry. However, it is also true that the pandemic has affected the customer pool, which has directly impacted the revenue. With that being said, if you can understand what your clients and customers are expecting from digital marketing agencies, you can serve them better.

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