create website design – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:41:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Principles to Remember When Working on Consumer Healthcare Design Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:41:21 +0000 Do you want to change the way you are offering your consumer healthcare products or services to customers? Often, this means that you have to work on your design and create a brand that is going to appeal to the right audience. But, this is not always the easiest task. So, here are some principles

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Do you want to change the way you are offering your consumer healthcare products or services to customers? Often, this means that you have to work on your design and create a brand that is going to appeal to the right audience. But, this is not always the easiest task. So, here are some principles that can help you when you are working on consumer healthcare design.

Healthcare Design

Consumer Healthcare Design – Experience Is an Asset

Have you worked on consumer healthcare design before? Then you are going to have invaluable experience that can help you with this project. You might already have an idea of what can work, as well as the best strategy to start building your business. But, if you are new to consumer healthcare design, there is going to be a lot to learn. Unfortunately, not all of this can be found in a book.

Know that experience really is an asset in this area. If you do not have a lot of experience, then it is best to hire someone that does. The good news is that this is something that you can easily do. For instance, there are brand design agencies that can help you move in the right direction with your business. This means working on a meaningful design that renovates with people and shares your brand’s story. The right brand design agency is going to use their experience in the industry to do this successfully and your business can move in the right direction.

Uniqueness Makes You Stand Out

It is always recommended to do your research and see what your competitors are up to. This does not mean copying ideas. Instead, it is about gaining a better idea of what is working in the industry, as well as what is not succeeding. The same can be said when it comes to consumer healthcare design With this information, you can work on where you want to go with your brand.

But, an important principle to remember is that uniqueness is going to make you stand out. Sure, you could follow similar trends if it was working for your competitors. But, this is only going to mean that you blend in. Instead, you have to be individual and unique. This is what customers appreciate and they are going to like a business that is different and willing to be bold enough to stand out.

Consumer Healthcare Design – Bland Is Boring

When it comes to consumer healthcare, there is a tendency for companies to go for simple and bland brand design. This is something that we see a lot, as there is a common misconception that you have to be clinical and plain when it comes to healthcare products and services. However, this is not going to allow you to compete with other companies and it is certainly not going to get you noticed by customers.

Something to remember is that the consumer healthcare industry is changing. Having a clinical style does not make your brand appear any more professional and knowledgeable. It is simply boring to consumers. Instead, they are looking for excitement and something different. Sure, you want your design to be credible. But, you do not have to keep things bland in order to do this. Do not be afraid to move outside of the box.

Provide a Solution

Your consumer healthcare design always has to provide a solution to your customers. You need to demonstrate how you understand your customer’s needs and the way you are going to resolve them. A lot of new consumer healthcare brands focus on trying to boast about their expertise and how knowledgeable they are as a company. Yet, customers want to know less about you and more about them.

This is not to say that you should not share some of your expertise. Indeed, you want to build trust with your customer. But, this should not be the whole focus when you are transforming your brand. You need to show how you are better than your competitors by the solutions you can provide people with.

Consumer Healthcare Design – Make a Customer’s Life Better

Not only do you want to communicate the solutions you can offer customers, but you also want to demonstrate that you can make their life better in general. Remember, there are likely to be other brands out there selling similar products and services. You need to show that you are going over and above because you care about your customers and as a result, you can make their lives better.

For instance, say that you are using new and innovative technology. This is something that you want to share. Consumers are no longer focused on just the price of a product. They want to buy into a brand and be part of a lifestyle and something new.

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How to Create Website: a Short Guide for Busy People [Updated] Fri, 24 Sep 2021 02:02:12 +0000 Several years ago building a website was a super complex task and only professional web developers were able to cut it. Times have changed and now if you are a smart one you can create a website yourself. Now we’re going to show you how to be a pro in web design. There is nothing

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Several years ago building a website was a super complex task and only professional web developers were able to cut it. Times have changed and now if you are a smart one you can create a website yourself.

How to Create Website - a Short Guide for Busy People

Now we’re going to show you how to be a pro in web design. There is nothing complex, so keep your eyes open to know how to create a website! You will even be able to produce web designs for other people and earn money from that!

1. Get a Web Host and a Domain Name

Get a Web Host and a Domain Name

In fact, hosting is considered to be a ‘home’ where all of your website pages and files are placed on the web. So if you want your site to be visible you definitely need hosting – everything on the web is hosted somewhere.

Don’t buy web hosting just because it is cheap. Make sure that the provider is trustworthy and provides professional 24/7 support services. This feature is extremely important for both experienced web developers and those who’re new to this field.

When you find a suitable hosting provider take a good look at its pricing plans once again. Most likely there is an interesting scale: the longer period of services that you order the cheaper your annual price would be. So sign up for at least two years or more if you can afford it and if you’re sure you’ll keep your website that long.

The good news is that a lot of hosting providers offer a free domain name if you buy hosting from them. However, the range of available domains is usually limited, so you as well buy a domain name separately.

So if you’re ready to find the best hosting service you can use one of the most popular hosting providers. They will suit every budget and all your business needs. Here they are.


How to Create Website - BlueHost Hosting


How to Create Website - GoDaddy Hosting


How to Create Website - HostGator Hosting

Domain name or a website URL or a website address looks like (.co, .uk, .us, .info, .net, .org, .edu, .mobi etc). The domain registration procedure is quite simple and will take just a few minutes. But it’s harder to choose the domain because it’s something that represents your company on the web and everybody wants to find the best one.

Domain names cost from $5 up to $80+ per year. The price depends on the domain extension you choose or TLD. There are a lot of domain registrars such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, 1&1, Name, etc. Every registrar offers different packs of extra services – take these into consideration when looking for the cheapest domain.

It’s a good idea to use your brand name in the website URL. Some people guess that it’s better to choose keyword-rich domains instead of branded ones. However, it’s not all that good. Search engines don’t like users playing SEO tricks on them and don’t blindly believe website addresses. So you should better make your domain user-friendly instead of search engines friendly.

Just a small tip for website owners: register some most popular domain extensions even if you don’t plan to use them. It will save you from unfair competitors who can secretly use your brand and authority for their own (I mean some can register your domain name with a different extension and use it on your behalf, or try to sell it to you at a price much higher than the initial price).

Ok, now keep all these things in mind and choose the best domain name registrar. All of them offer low prices and high-quality customer services. Here you’ll find 3 domain name registrars that are worth working with.


How to Create Website - Domain Name Registrar


How to Create Website - Domain Name Registrar


How to Create Website - Choose a Domain

2. Create a Site with an Admin Panel or a Website Builder

How to Create Website with an Admin Panel or a Website Builder

Till this moment everything was quite simple and understandable: you pay for domain/hosting and get it all within a minute. The main problem in the website creation process is making a choice of the right website builder or admin panel to work with. Because obviously gone are the times when the websites were created by programmers who wrote countless lines of codes, these days people use admin panels to build websites using tools similar to Microsoft Word tools.

In fact, there are numerous website builders that will get your website up and running. They can be free or paid (one-time or regular payments). The one we have used and recommend now is a paid CMS that, however, will save you a lot of money.

I’d like to tell you about MotoCMS. You can just log in to your website admin panel and edit the content (add your logo, company name, contacts, texts, etc.) without having any technical skills and writing source code in HTML or PHP. This website builder is also good because it doesn’t need any additional software (Artisteer, Dreamweaver, Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Expression Web, etc.) that can be quite complex for newcomers (and rather costly) – you perform all of the changes right within your browser window and see the results immediately.

How To Create Website - MotoCMS

You can also share the admin panel URL with the admin’s login and password so that other people from your team could assist you in creating the website.

Whatever website builder you choose there are two ways to create a website: from scratch or by using a pre-made website template. The second way is considered to be more preferable because it is faster and simpler (just add your own content to the template and you’re done). If talking about MotoCMS they have a lot of website templates for a lot of business categories. Due to the built-in admin panel, they are rather easy to use even for ordinary people like you and me.

There are some useful features of MotoCMS templates:

  • Drag-and-drop interface;
  • WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get);
  • Mobile Editor;
  • Image Editor;
  • Fonts Manager;
  • Interactive image galleries;
  • Google Maps widget;
  • An ability to add YouTube and Vimeo Videos;
  • 24/7 support services.
  • Free lifetime updates of the CMS.

For today MotoCMS has over 500 pre-made designs and this number increases every day. There are designs for small businesses, for photographers and art studios, designers and politicians, agriculture and financial companies, education and charity organizations, cafes and restaurants, etc.

As an alternative, take a look at IONOS website builder.

How To Create Website - Ionos

3. Take the Total Control of Your Website

How to Create Website

Some people think that when a website is published on the web the work is completely done and they can start getting profit from it. Not a chance! It’s just a starting point for further website maintenance that includes content updating, search engine optimization (SEO), tracking the website traffic and audience activity (Google Analytics tool).

MotoCMS templates are good for SEO purposes because they are easily crawled by search engines so you can get higher positions in search results. You can and definitely should add pages titles, URLs, keywords, descriptions and other stuff like that. You can also close some pages from search engines indexing. When it comes to SEO the main thing is to set realistic goals and your website will be encouraged by Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

If you’ve just built a website it may have the sense to submit its URL to search engines to get them to know about the newcomer:

  • Submit your site to Google
  • Submit your site to Bing

This option is needed if your site has no external links (when other websites link back to you). Otherwise, search engines already know about your business.


As you probably understand this is not an exhaustive guide on how to create a website. On the web, you can also find a lot of interesting and useful tips to take into account. But in this post we tried to show you the basics that will allow you to get the site up and running!

The post How to Create Website: a Short Guide for Busy People [Updated] appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Quick Design Tips to High-Converting Landing Pages Thu, 16 Sep 2021 16:47:22 +0000 Hey there design people! You’ve done it. You’ve created an irresistible product or a service. You’ve done market research and you know your ideal customer base will love it. You also have a solid marketing strategy in place to advertise it. So, what’s next? Of course, constructing a high-converting landing page. One that instantly persuades

The post Quick Design Tips to High-Converting Landing Pages appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Hey there design people! You’ve done it. You’ve created an irresistible product or a service. You’ve done market research and you know your ideal customer base will love it. You also have a solid marketing strategy in place to advertise it. So, what’s next? Of course, constructing a high-converting landing page. One that instantly persuades an ordinary visitor to become a customer. So, how do you create one? What are the important aspects of high-converting landing pages? What are experts doing right now that you can emulate? Let’s jump right in.

landing pages

What is the Standard Conversion Rate of Landing Pages?

According to Wordstream, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35%, while the top 25% convert at 5.31% or higher. The top 10% are pages with rates of conversion staggering 11.45% or higher. And that’s what should be your ultimate goal. On the other hand, if you’re having an eCommerce business, before proceeding further you might want to brush up on why conversion rate is important for eCommerce.

A high converting landing page is one that instantly compels any visitor into clicking the CTA button and becoming leads. Multiple landing pages targeted to different audiences and ad campaigns dramatically increase your conversions. As many specifically targeted landing pages the better.

Harmonize the Look & Feel of Landing Pages

If you want to increase your landing page conversion rate you need to start by working on your overall look & feel. In general, you need to ensure your design is clear and understandable for everyone. To create a stunning design:

  • Harmonize your theme’s visual elements
  • Clearly segment the “titles” of your paragraphs
  • Play with shapes and symmetry
  • Always remember to let your text breathe to make it more readable

If you are presenting several distinct offers, one major tip is to highlight one in relation to others so your visitors focus on a particular offer.

Eye-Catching Images & Videos

Some users won’t even bother to read your headline. But if they see an image that they relate to, they may be convinced to give the landing page another chance. Don’t just use any plain old stock image. You can think of your image as a second headline. Make it distinct and powerful and ensure that it shows off your product and the benefit in the best light possible.

But do you know what’s better than images? Videos! If a picture says a thousand words, what do you think how many words a video says? A million? As many as it is, videos are an amazing way to increase conversion rates. In fact, Eye View Digital research has shown that using video on landing pages can increase conversions by a staggering 86%.

Distinct CTA & Trust Indicators

Trust indicators can be anything from testimonials, customer logos, and industry certifications. This is an especially important element if the aim of your landing page is to convince users to purchase a product. Your goal, in this case, might be to acquire more email sign-ups or opt-ins,  but it is still a great idea to put various trust indicators on your landing page.

You know the old saying “It’s no good having a landing page if users don’t know what to click on it.” This is where your call to action comes in. It should be dominant, assertive, and prominent. “Sign up here”, “Add to cart” and “Download now” are all frequent calls-to-action buttons that you will meet across the web. As always though, your CTA needs to be tailored to your offering and your audience.

Optimize for Lead Generation

Let’s say you have an ebook or a freebie that you want to give away to acquire potential leads. Prior to optimizing your page and investing a lot of time you can go ahead and utilize some of the lead generation tools for quick lead acquisition. Once you tested some of the tools, the next thing of course is dedicating time to optimizing your landing page for lead acquisition.

You want to go ahead and look after your forms. When it comes to lead generation-oriented landing pages, the opt-in form is the final step and the quality of every visual element will determine if your visitors will be happy to provide you with their personal info.

  • Make the form unique and differentiate it from the rest of the page
  • Use attractive and bright colors
  • Give a clear and concise value proposition

High-Converting Landing Pages – In Conclusion

Visuals can be everything when it comes to creating high-converting landing pages. Accompanied by great content these two can work wonders for your online business. Hopefully, by brushing up on these tips you will be able to upscale your landing page game and increase the conversion rates even slightly.

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All You Need To Know About ADA Compliant Website Thu, 16 Sep 2021 10:07:52 +0000 If you’re a web designer and you’ve never heard of the acronym ADA, chances are you’re probably going to hear about it a lot more from now on. The Americans with Disabilities Act or shortly the ADA created a compliance document for all website designers to follow in order to ensure that the needs of

The post All You Need To Know About ADA Compliant Website appeared first on DesignWebKit.

If you’re a web designer and you’ve never heard of the acronym ADA, chances are you’re probably going to hear about it a lot more from now on. The Americans with Disabilities Act or shortly the ADA created a compliance document for all website designers to follow in order to ensure that the needs of the disabled on the internet are met. Are you sure you have an ADA compliant website?

ADA Compliant Website

If you’re uncertain whether your website is accessible, the ADA has outlined all the factors you will need to keep in mind when evaluating. What has changed when it comes to the responsibilities of website designers? How can designers assure that each of the elements they are adding to a website can fit the needs of disabled users? You can use our article as a guide to learn all about ADA compliance in web design. Check if your website is accessible to users with disabilities and limitations.

ADA Compliant Web Design

The best way to explain ADA compliant web design is to think of it as a website designed for everyone. Anybody with any type of disability or limitation should be able to use your website in a way that will provide them with all the information you intended for your users. In terms of SEO, having an ADA compliant website also brings your website benefits such as more organic traffic from the search engine, which ultimately leads to more sales and business growth.

Ever since 2016, when the Department of Justice accepted the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as the guideline for making websites accessible, they are becoming widely accepted as the ADA compliant standard.

7 Steps To an ADA Compliant Website

Let’s say your website has been active for several years now. After receiving a few angry emails from your disabled users, you have finally decided to turn your website into an ADA compliant one. Although you understand the general idea, determining where to start is not that easy as it seems. To help you have a more inclusive website and adopt the WCAG, here are the seven steps you will need to follow if you wish to design an ADA compliant website.

#1 Evaluation of Your Current Website

Review your website and see what’s its current state when it comes to accessibility. You can use various tools and programs that are at your disposal, such as WAVE or Lighthouse, or manually test your website with screen reader software. If you want your website to be ADA compliant, it will have to meet these category standards:

  • Perceivable
  • Operable
  • Understandable
  • Robust

#2 Choosing ADA Compliant Graphics

Big importance in ADA compliant websites will play the graphics you have chosen. That’s why when including graphics, keep in mind they shouldn’t flash more than three times per second. If you go over this limit, you could inadvertently induce a seizure in a person who is on your website. Your graphics should also have descriptions or captions so that they can be read aloud to those who are visually impaired. When adding informative or engaging visual content, all of your users should have equal access to it.

#3 Adding Alt Text & Readable Fonts

Your website should be perceivable and the content writing you use on the website must be readable for all your users. However, this is easier said than done. You will need to go carefully through each of the elements on your website as many things will fall under the term of perception. First of all, you will need to provide alt-text for all the images in your code. These alt-text captions will allow site readers to describe images audibly for those who are visually impaired.

Another important component of accessibility is the font. You will need to use the ones that are easy to read, for instance, Georgia, Quicksand, and Open Sans. When it comes to colors, you should avoid having a light font color on a light background. It causes your users to strain to read the copy. The same is with the dark font color on the dark background. The best thing to do is to opt for light backgrounds with dark colors for most of the website content.

#4 Making Website Features Logical

You cannot convert your website into an ADA compliant one if it’s not understandable to your wider audience. Your website needs to operate predictably and include labels over blocks of content and media to help your disabled users. It should be built in a way it avoids user errors and has readable instructions on all website forms where it’s expected from your users to enter their information.

#5 Coding Your ADA Compliant Website with Standard HTML Tags

The most challenging requirement of ADA recommendations is obviously the technical one. Making sure your ADA compliant website coding has standard HTML tags means that the code should be readably by an assistive reader. That’s why it’s vital that your website uses standard HTML tags.

Make sure you also provide documents in a text-based format as complex image documents will not be understood by text reader software that visually impaired users use to navigate the website and consume information.

#6 Making Your Website Keyboard- & Pause-Friendly

Can one navigate your website if your users only use their keyboards? Keep in mind not all of your users will interact with your website with a touchscreen or a mouse. To pause content or slow down automatic scrolling or slideshow movements is crucial. You will need to eliminate any video that autoplay and put a time limit. Of course, all of the video interactions and pausing must be performed using only keyboard functions.

#7 Keeping Up-to-Date on ADA Compliance Changes

ADA needs and continuous. You will notice all these new technology solutions made for people with disabilities. They should be implemented on your website. Make sure that the text is always easily readable and that your code works well with assistive readers. This also means that everything you do to make your existing website more inclusive. You will apply it in your future work with other websites as well. Making your website comply with the ADA implies all of your users are comfortable on your website. And, more importantly, they are able to use it for its intended purpose.

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Tips to Create a Website That Users Will Enjoy Using Thu, 19 Aug 2021 12:52:35 +0000 You’ve read those success stories about bloggers making a living off of their sites from the comfort of their homes. Most of their income is passive, and you want to get in on that somehow. You’ve created a plan, purchased a domain, and downloaded a good site builder. You’ve done the work to launch a site.

The post Tips to Create a Website That Users Will Enjoy Using appeared first on DesignWebKit.

You’ve read those success stories about bloggers making a living off of their sites from the comfort of their homes. Most of their income is passive, and you want to get in on that somehow. You’ve created a plan, purchased a domain, and downloaded a good site builder. You’ve done the work to launch a site. The problem is that folks might forget how important it is to create an enjoyable digital space, especially if you don’t want folks to leave your site early or want to contribute to the fall of your site, which is a possibility. The following are a few tips to create a website and ensure your site is as enjoyable as possible.

Tips to Create a Website

The Best Tips to Create a Website – Storytelling Design

The first thing you have to think about is storytelling. Online users love a site that feels cohesive and like it’s one big story. This can be done in several ways. For one, you can ensure that images in a slideshow connect. A person could even create a slideshow of various aspects of the site, like the services they offer, specials on those services, and maybe additional services offered. While you can easily write this in a paragraph or two, the information you’re sharing with your audience will be easier to digest if you present it in a story format. And if you want to ensure visual coherence in line with storytelling in your website, you can choose to start a 99designs contest. But you can check out some 99designs alternatives for your web design as well.

If you’ve got blog posts on your site, make sure you create an easy way for visitors to move from post to post. In essence, you don’t want your visitors to feel like they’ve reached the end of your content at any point during the visit. It should feel like they’re reading a book of your work.

Tips to Create a Website – User-Friendly Forms

At some point, you will need folks to enter information about themselves. Sometimes, this is done to build a good contact list, but the truth is that online businesses have a million reasons why they need to ask visitors to fill out a form for them. There’s nothing wrong with adding a form for folks to fill out, but forms can feel long and somewhat tedious, which is something online users aren’t going to accept too easily. In fact, some users will leave your site if your forms are too complicated.

Now, there’s nothing you can do if you need that much information from your customers or clients, but you can use WordPress forms to make the experience more enjoyable. For example, you can ensure users don’t see the entire form but rather just the portion they’re filling out. The form will naturally expand as your customers or clients fill out the information. They’re still filling out long forms, but at least the experience is different. It doesn’t feel as long, which is what you want.

Incorporating Gamification

Making your site more enjoyable can be practical, just like with the form mentioned earlier, but it could also be about making your site more fun to use. One way you can do this is by incorporating gamification into your web design. Using this tactic is pretty exciting, and it’s very useful. You’re going to use game elements to make folks feel excited about interacting with your site. You’ll help your visitors score points somehow on your page, or you’re going to help them complete some type of mission. These may be small missions, but the brain loves to complete tasks or puzzles.

This is especially true if your customers are awarded when they win or beat levels. A customer might get a discount on a service or product. You can also provide some kind of gift. There are a lot of ways you can gamify your site. Sometimes, it doesn’t even have to do with the design. Maybe you can incorporate bidding for a service or product. Bidding gets the blood pumping, and it makes people feel like they can’t miss this event.

Top Tips to Create a Website – Simplicity Is King

Yes, a good site is indeed going to have a few bold elements because that’s how you grab people’s attention, but the rest of it needs to be simple. You’ve probably got a lot of information to share and plenty of things you want your visitors to know about your products or services. It’s important to find a way to share all of this concisely because you want to make sure your site remains as simple as possible. Embrace white space as much as you can, and try your best to create a site that looks clean.

If you fail to do this, you’ll have a site that’s too busy and cluttered. Even if your online visitors can’t put it into words, they won’t love being on your page. There’s just too much going on, and the brain can’t handle that much information all at once. If you want your page to be easy to see and interact with, then remove as much clutter as possible.

Movement Is Exciting

The idea of adding movement to your site probably scares you. Everyone knows that the more things move on your site, the slower your page is going to be. A slow site isn’t fun to visit. Some visitors will leave if your page is taking too long to load. The problem is that movement can be exciting. The smallest animation can be fun to watch and interact with. The good thing is that technology has gotten much better. You can use things like JavaScript, Ajax, or jQuery to add these small animation components to your site without slowing down your site too much.

All of these computer languages are so much lighter on your site. What’s even better is that these languages can cross browsers and devices, making it easier to ensure that your site can work with any device. You’ve got a number of tips to help you create a more enjoyable site that your visitors will remember and want to come back to again and again. Talk to a designer to see if there’s anything else you can do to make your site even better.

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The Three Main Elements of Web Design Mon, 05 Jul 2021 06:15:38 +0000 Web design is a career that allows you to use your imagination to the fullest extent. In fact, over the last 10 years, there’s been a massive influx of people wanting to learn web design. If you’re interested in learning how to code and design websites, there’s a few things you need to know. Below

The post The Three Main Elements of Web Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Web design is a career that allows you to use your imagination to the fullest extent. In fact, over the last 10 years, there’s been a massive influx of people wanting to learn web design. If you’re interested in learning how to code and design websites, there’s a few things you need to know. Below are the basic elements of web design.

Elements of Web Design

Creating and Publishing Content

Creating a website isn’t something you just create and leave it to collect dust until the hosting platform archives it. There has to be a purpose behind it. Every website you see online, whether it’s a blog, a guide or even an online store, fulfills a specific purpose. Before you get into the process of creating, you must establish the purpose you’re hoping to fulfill. Is the website dedicated toward being the next trendy social media? Are you opening your own online business? There are plenty of things you dedicate a website to, so take as much time as you need to think about what you really want to do.

Adding Aesthetic to Your Website

In today’s society, no website is complete without a good aesthetic. Adding aesthetics to a website is one of the main keys to boosting traffic and promoting interaction. However, this can be difficult to do, especially for new designers. As you may already know, most websites these days use HTML coding. This code is what makes the website look and function in a certain way. From drop-down menus to the pictures being displayed, HTML is responsible for all of it.

But when it comes to aesthetics as one of the elements of web design, another form of coding comes into play, which is CSS. CSS is short for cascading style sheets and it is what you’ll mainly be using to add your own personal touches to the site. Just to get this out there, you can use the main HTML coding sheet to add aesthetics, but it’s not recommended as a stand-alone tool. Plain HTML can lead to clunkiness of the website and disorganization. CSS helps you add the design you want on a separate sheet without having to worry about messing up the primary coding.

If push comes to shove, you can always hire some outside help to focus on the website’s design while you focus on the primary framework. To pay for their services quickly, low interest personal loans are a great option. In addition to a bank loan, you should consider getting this loan from a private lender. Private lenders may offer better terms and lower interest over the course of the loan.

Getting Your Website Noticed

Here’s where things will most likely become difficult in getting your website noticed by the public. If anything, you may find yourself putting more effort into gaining an audience than actually building the website itself. With so many big-name sites already on the front pages of Google, it’s going to take time getting off the ground. The best way to cater to your target audience is to incorporate SEO. When you implement SEO, you use specific words and phrases to connect to people within your chosen niche.

The post The Three Main Elements of Web Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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