design trends – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Thu, 02 Mar 2023 12:16:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bathroom Trends of 2022 Mon, 27 Jun 2022 18:17:29 +0000 The bathroom is a favored room for remodeling, as there is no limit to perfection when it comes to them. So here are the top trends for them in 2022, which will give you ideas on how to improve and remodel your bathroom. And if you are looking for commercial bathroom sinks for sale right

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The bathroom is a favored room for remodeling, as there is no limit to perfection when it comes to them. So here are the top trends for them in 2022, which will give you ideas on how to improve and remodel your bathroom. And if you are looking for commercial bathroom sinks for sale right now, follow the link.

bathroom trends


Get a break from old boring tiles, and give the room a fresh breath with marble. Of course, you shouldn’t decorate all of it with these luxury and expensive slabs, but adding them as an accent in some areas may have a huge effect.

Bathroom Trends of 2022 – More Rigid Look

Don’t be afraid to step aside from fancy clean looks. Adding exposed bricks and brass faucets will make the bathroom much more interesting but still look classy if you stick to the palette.

Freestanding Tub

Let the tab break free from the wall and you’ll be amazed at how spacious it makes the room look. Freestanding tabs also have a much more sophisticated look and act as a piece of decor rather than just a thing to bath in. You can see it for yourself in this large selection of Aquatica tubs.

Add Plants

If you have enough natural light in your bathroom you can fill it with low-maintenance plants. The bright green accents on the white font will breathe a new life into the room. Literally, if you go for plants that help clean the air.

Bathroom Trends of 2022 – Wet Rooms

Shower cabins are becoming a thing of the past. Wet rooms made their way from luxury hotel rooms to people’s homes. They help the room seem much larger and are better at blending into the interior because of the large glass panels. Keep in mind that they take a lot of space, so if you are not ready to sacrifice some of it they are not the best choice.

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Principles to Remember When Working on Consumer Healthcare Design Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:41:21 +0000 Do you want to change the way you are offering your consumer healthcare products or services to customers? Often, this means that you have to work on your design and create a brand that is going to appeal to the right audience. But, this is not always the easiest task. So, here are some principles

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Do you want to change the way you are offering your consumer healthcare products or services to customers? Often, this means that you have to work on your design and create a brand that is going to appeal to the right audience. But, this is not always the easiest task. So, here are some principles that can help you when you are working on consumer healthcare design.

Healthcare Design

Consumer Healthcare Design – Experience Is an Asset

Have you worked on consumer healthcare design before? Then you are going to have invaluable experience that can help you with this project. You might already have an idea of what can work, as well as the best strategy to start building your business. But, if you are new to consumer healthcare design, there is going to be a lot to learn. Unfortunately, not all of this can be found in a book.

Know that experience really is an asset in this area. If you do not have a lot of experience, then it is best to hire someone that does. The good news is that this is something that you can easily do. For instance, there are brand design agencies that can help you move in the right direction with your business. This means working on a meaningful design that renovates with people and shares your brand’s story. The right brand design agency is going to use their experience in the industry to do this successfully and your business can move in the right direction.

Uniqueness Makes You Stand Out

It is always recommended to do your research and see what your competitors are up to. This does not mean copying ideas. Instead, it is about gaining a better idea of what is working in the industry, as well as what is not succeeding. The same can be said when it comes to consumer healthcare design With this information, you can work on where you want to go with your brand.

But, an important principle to remember is that uniqueness is going to make you stand out. Sure, you could follow similar trends if it was working for your competitors. But, this is only going to mean that you blend in. Instead, you have to be individual and unique. This is what customers appreciate and they are going to like a business that is different and willing to be bold enough to stand out.

Consumer Healthcare Design – Bland Is Boring

When it comes to consumer healthcare, there is a tendency for companies to go for simple and bland brand design. This is something that we see a lot, as there is a common misconception that you have to be clinical and plain when it comes to healthcare products and services. However, this is not going to allow you to compete with other companies and it is certainly not going to get you noticed by customers.

Something to remember is that the consumer healthcare industry is changing. Having a clinical style does not make your brand appear any more professional and knowledgeable. It is simply boring to consumers. Instead, they are looking for excitement and something different. Sure, you want your design to be credible. But, you do not have to keep things bland in order to do this. Do not be afraid to move outside of the box.

Provide a Solution

Your consumer healthcare design always has to provide a solution to your customers. You need to demonstrate how you understand your customer’s needs and the way you are going to resolve them. A lot of new consumer healthcare brands focus on trying to boast about their expertise and how knowledgeable they are as a company. Yet, customers want to know less about you and more about them.

This is not to say that you should not share some of your expertise. Indeed, you want to build trust with your customer. But, this should not be the whole focus when you are transforming your brand. You need to show how you are better than your competitors by the solutions you can provide people with.

Consumer Healthcare Design – Make a Customer’s Life Better

Not only do you want to communicate the solutions you can offer customers, but you also want to demonstrate that you can make their life better in general. Remember, there are likely to be other brands out there selling similar products and services. You need to show that you are going over and above because you care about your customers and as a result, you can make their lives better.

For instance, say that you are using new and innovative technology. This is something that you want to share. Consumers are no longer focused on just the price of a product. They want to buy into a brand and be part of a lifestyle and something new.

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Upcoming Web Design Trends in 2022 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 21:08:12 +0000 Keeping up with the fluidity trends hold in every aspect of life that is even remotely artistic can feel overly competitive and rushed, but as far as trends go web design trends are something to be savored since they have changed so much in the past decade. Keeping with the times means whatever you create

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Keeping up with the fluidity trends hold in every aspect of life that is even remotely artistic can feel overly competitive and rushed, but as far as trends go web design trends are something to be savored since they have changed so much in the past decade. Keeping with the times means whatever you create stays fresh and maybe even becomes unorthodox in a positive way. Being a designer means you are the one who shapes what people see when going on the web. Looks have high value when using a website, interface, and so on.


These trends influence the interfaces you use, the websites you design, the physical objects you may create, and even other designers. The pressure to remain modern is high thanks to the high interaction designers’ designs perceive. Even the frontend development team is working hard to follow the best practices and putting efforts to follow the trends of your website. Thanks to this era of futuristic technology and the habits we see in people, there is much to play with from the side of design. Design is no question a good career path in technology, and this article will convince you to agree since we will be discussing the best upcoming trends in web design.

Before we look at the trends individually, it is worth mentioning that 80s and 90s styles have been brought back from the grave through bright-colored backgrounds and robotic typefaces, but we’ll get into that later. Typography and live animation has also been seeing a rebirth, underlining how diverse our interfaces are to become this year and in the upcoming years. The beauty lies in the self-expression of a company, organization, or individual using their digital presence.

Web Design Trends 2022 – Memphis Style

Memphis style is reminiscent of the 1980s era of color. It is characterized by chaotic patterns, shapes, and bright colors being combined into abstract yet playful backdrops. In design as of this year, minimalism has been taking most interfaces by a storm which has led to most of them feeling quite uniform, or even boring. Memphis style is doing the exact opposite, offering an adventurous take on functionality and gaudiness.

This is one of the best styles for catching the viewer’s eye, allowing their gaze to travel around the area to take it all in, meaning users feel more comfortable exploring the website or anything they are viewing. We’ve been recently seeing the past being used as inspiration in web design, rather than the stripped minimalism, and Memphis is just another underlining example of that.

Blaring Typography

Big bold letters stating a headline that is representative of a fact, motto, or sentiment relating to the organization are what this new trend is all about. It uses this heroic layout and these representative words to solely carry the weight of its meaning, without any images for the viewer to see.

Simple yet captivating, there are still details to tweak when using typography for your web design. The first thing is whether the formatting will change depending on the device, whether you should use animations, and so on. With typography, you can use all kinds of type effects, characters (even mixed ones), colors, fill layers, and so on.

In-your-face Pointers

The only time you will notice this trend is when you engage with a website that uses this trend, which involves big pointers and big hovers through its UI design. They communicate where your mouse is hovering, small info, and so on.

Confident Borders

By confident, we mean visible. Another trend you can start noticing in web design is a border that shows itself to you in all its glory. The reason this is very enjoyable is that it is so fresh. It portrays the grid that is a basis of a website and reveals its foundations of it, so no more floating digital content. This trend also makes a digital space easier to navigate thanks to the lanes it has.

Web Design Trends 2022 – Interactivity

Typefaces and animations aren’t only meant to be pretty or bold anymore, but also interactive for the user. Most websites using this trend make users take a new path when exploring their space, rather than the mediocre scrolling sensation.

Transitions, user movement, character animations, and so on are all part of what adds to the user experience by making them feel like a part of the story, encouraging them to engage more and enjoy your digital space. The main thing to consider with interactive elements is their clear comprehension throughout the motions, since sending your message across is what’s most important.


Web designers are working on adding more diversity to online spaces, representing a more common generational difference in workplaces. The method falls into imagery, words, and alt text is for including an array of types of people varying in gender, culture, race, age, ability, sexuality, and so on.

Brutalism and Beyond

Lately, we’ve been seeing neo-brutalist styles in the design through raw and stripped textures, colors, and shapes. It often includes unstyled HTML, asymmetry, and minimalism paired with the slightest flavor of brutalism reminiscent of the 50s-70s. Examples of this present themselves with concrete-textured or cement-colored background and bold blocky letters giving the design a feeling of barbed wire running across the background.

Fancy Scrolling

With animations and interactivity comes scrolling through the webpage. Designers are finally making the scrolling experience less monotone by taking users on a journey by adding new elements to these animations like making them psychedelic or having them break through the third and fourth dimensions.

This can be done by making the scrolling seem like the user is traveling through a tunnel, sideways through a story, having something slither while scrolling, and so on. It is the era of creativity and this trend really shows the potential web designers have within them if left to their own tools.

The Layers of a Cake

Layering has been used often lately, with merging, stacking, and overlapping different elements within a scene, creating a feeling of depth and highlighting certain important elements in a lowkey manner.

Web Design Trends 2022 – Conclusion

This year is off to a strong start from the artistic minds of designers and it doesn’t show much sign of stopping. We might be on the path to having renaissance-style websites soon, either way, we are finally seeing diversity in styles. Not only are the users having fun, but also every professional web design agency & every designer, and this dynamic should remain.

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Guide on Using Textures in Design Projects Fri, 28 May 2021 12:30:16 +0000 Textures in design offer a great way to add depth to your lifelike projects. Texture gives you the feel or surface pattern of an object. It works with other visual elements to create a quality graphic design. For this reason, you are never to compromise on the quality of the texture. Depending on your design,

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Textures in design offer a great way to add depth to your lifelike projects. Texture gives you the feel or surface pattern of an object. It works with other visual elements to create a quality graphic design. For this reason, you are never to compromise on the quality of the texture. Depending on your design, you should be incorporating a relevant texture.

Guide on Using Textures

Using Textures in Design Projects – Types of Textures

Natural Textures

Natural textures can bring life and warmth to your design. Mother nature is full of many things that have textures on a certain scale. The object’s texture can be smooth, rough, soft, hard, matt, and glossy. The texture will stimulate the sight and touch senses.

Artificial Textures in Design

Artificial textures comprise a wide range of surreal patterns that humans fabricate. They can be washed out texture, fabric, paint-brush, and wall surfaces. Designers can create a wide variety of artificial textures with the use of a modern image editor. You can combine different types of textures to create a unique texture design.

Using Textures as Backgrounds

Background texture can add a perceived appearance of the subject. Background texture can be used selectively to enhance certain parts of your artwork. Certain types of textures in design can make your graphics appear more 3D. It can show that the original graphic artwork is printed on the texture used in the background. Many people like to use texture backgrounds to create a vintage aesthetic appearance. You can use a textured background with distress marks to replicate a vintage appearance. For example, you can use textures in black and white photography, portraits, and buildings.

Overlaying Textures in Your Artwork

Textures as an overlay can offer vintage or worn appearance to an image. The textures in design are placed in a new layer over the original image. Changing the layer blending mode will help you to achieve an effect. You can play with the different options to achieve different effects. Sometimes, the effect will look great. At other times, the effect you create will look weird. The blend mode has to darken for adding darkening effect and lightening group for adding lightening effect. You can move and resize the texture layer and make changes to the layer opacity.

How to Find and Use Textures in Your Artwork

Planning is the Key to Create a Texture

The first step of creating any texture is to plan properly. You can take your time in gathering the references of the final result texture you would like to achieve. It is also possible to use mood boards to plot out the details and coloring of the textures. You can start by working with the broad features and leave the fine features to the end. Now and then, you should render the texture image from far away. It should be looking good at every distance. Remember not to put too many details in the texture. Otherwise, it will look busy.

Download Free Textures on the Web

All over the web, websites are offering free textures. Usually, there is a download button you can press to download the free texture. However, before you download, make sure you check the page for information on whether you need to give any credit to the author. You don’t want to get into copyright issues for not following the author’s instructions to give credit to him. Many of the textures you found online are high resolution and large, so you should not have any problem using them.

Shoot Your Textures with a Camera

If you have a camera, you can take a walk around your neighborhood and shoot some textures. You can check out the moss on the exterior walls, the tarred highway, old wall in the house, grass, anything that has scratches, and marble surface. You must shoot your texture in the highest resolution possible. It should have a balance between darkness and light. It can be hard for you to find enough textures to shoot for building your own textures library. You may want to get started by downloading some textures online for free. In the meantime, whenever you found some cool textures, you can use your camera to take photos of them and add them to your library.

Create and Scan Your Textures

Sometimes, it is inconvenient for you to go outside to shoot textures. You can create your textures by using the tools you have at home. For example, you can use your color pencil, watercolor, or crayon to design the texture yourself. Afterward, you can scan it into the image editor program. You can use your scanner to scan a table surface, tray surface, decorative paper surface, etc., to create the texture you like.

Applying a Texture to Text

Not only can you apply texture to a graphic design, but you can also apply it to text. You must emphasize the legibility of the text to ensure that it remains readable after you apply the texture. Textured fonts are often used in creating beautiful poster art and text logo. By adding texture to the font, it can become the focal point. This is why it is recommended that you use a clean background for the textured font. If you decide to use textured fonts, you should avoid the use of decorative fonts. Sans serif fonts are best for adding texture as they are highly readable and spread your design statement to the public.

Using Paper Texture in Background

Paper texture is one of the most popular choices for the background of modern artwork. Paper texture is perfect for creating a minimalist background for your artwork. You can buy different types of paper with decorative textures from your local stationery shop. It can also be the brown paper shopping bag. The brown paper bag can be crinkled, so you need to flatten it before scanning it. You need to ensure that the paper texture is scanned in the highest resolution to ensure that no detail is missed.

Creating a 3D Effect with Texture

You can use texture to build three-dimensional layers in your design. You will need to use opacity and transparency features in your image editor to achieve the effect. It is also possible to put an embossed frame over the part of the picture where you apply the texture to create the 3D illusion. You need to have at least 2 graphics to create 3D texture. One will be used as the background, and the other will be the focal point.

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Graphic Design Adelaide – The Importance Of A Designer Fri, 30 Apr 2021 08:04:47 +0000 In any business, people would always have an area that they want to improve first. It is usually all about the products or services that they are offering since it drives the income. After all, making your product better than ever is a sure way to increase your sales. However, there are many other aspects

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In any business, people would always have an area that they want to improve first. It is usually all about the products or services that they are offering since it drives the income. After all, making your product better than ever is a sure way to increase your sales. However, there are many other aspects that you need to master before you can even say that you have improved, including the graphic design aspect. One of the most influential areas of the business is said to be marketing, and many people often forget it.

graphic design

Marketing is often the most underestimated part of any business. Some say that it is almost useless in the days before the internet, especially for smaller ventures. Most of the people who take it seriously are at the top and need to stand out more. It is why marketing is almost often linked with making ads, as it is thought of as its main purpose. However, there are many ways that you can take advantage of marketing strategies, especially in the modern world, as you can see here.

Market Yourself To The World

One of the main strategies used in this modern era of business is eye stimulation. Most people often have many ways of dealing with information, and they would take it in using the best way possible for their brains. Some like to hear the information, while others use their sense of touch to gain it. However, most people use sight to learn and take in this information for them to register in their brains.

For this reason, many companies have been focusing on building their marketing using graphic design. It is the use of various computer tools and apps to create images that would suit your needs. Here in Australia, many companies like Yada Adelaide offer such services and more depending on your strategy. Some may downplay its importance, but the tech world we live in right now proves that good digital images can make or break a scheme.

The Many Applications Of Graphic Design

Logo Creation

If there is one thing that can represent or business or institution, it would be your logo. It is the symbol of your existence, so it should properly represent what you offer or believe in. Graphic designers can help you recreate the vision that you have for this logo. Remember, it will be used on almost anything related to your company, so it has to look good. There are also many ways that you can make it an effective branding tool, depending on how you use it.


One of the main functions of any marketing department is to make ads for the company. It can be used as paper, as it is still used up to this day. However, with the internet taking over our lives, most people would see them online. You can always make your banner using simple tools like Paint and word processors, but it is different when you have a designer by your side. They can make colorful images and support moving ones, which works great with any campaign.

Graphic Design in Website Making

Another effect of the internet’s takeover of human civilization is the predominant importance of having a website. It is your gateway to the world as a business, a sure way of going global as long as it is your goal. There are several advantages of having good graphics by your side in creating a website. One of the most important ones is optimizing the site and designing it to attract more customers.

Marketing And Sales Branding

As we have mentioned before, everything that your company touches and creates needs to have your logo. It is a good way to get your name out there into the world and relating that logo to your business. Once you have achieved a presence in the local market, it is easy to transition into the world using the internet. However, it is also crucial that the design of this logo, along with other products, must be uniform and corresponds to your goals.

Social Media Marketing

It is also important to have a graphic designer to help you design your social media page. Aside from your website, having a social media account increases the likelihood of having more customers. Based on many research articles like this, more people spend time on social media than anywhere else. Graphics help by adding original banners to the page and posts promoting your products and services. Some can also help with short videos for promotions and other types of engagement.

Graphic Design in Product Packaging

We have also mentioned the importance of having your logo on your products, but there is another necessity in this situation. The design of the product itself is also crucial in creating brand integrity and identity. It is the first thing that most customers will see in what you offer; then, the logo will be next in line. For this reason, it is essential that the packaging is eye-catching and functional, and practical for the brand.

Graphic Design and Presentations

Lastly, graphics genuinely help in almost any kind of presentation using tools like PowerPoint. Many often make these presentations and use stock images as a way to convey their message. There is a reason why it is the most popular choice, but it is not the most effective way. Having original images is so much better as it perks the interest of your audience. If it moves and creates sound, for example, then it is even better to capture their attention.

Graphic Design Importance – Final Points

As you can see, there are many advantages that you can garner from having a graphics designer for your company. It is a good way to market yourselves and create a uniform look in every aspect of the business. Having such an identity helps with customers recalling your services and associating them with your logo. Thus, once they see it in a public space, they are more likely to gravitate to it due to a positive experience.

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Why Do You Need Product Design Consulting? Fri, 09 Apr 2021 14:51:28 +0000 If you’re about to design your first product, you will most probably need the support of an experienced technology partner. What is a product design consultant and why you should consider using their product design consulting services? What Is Product Design Consulting? Product design consulting is a comprehensive service combining both creative and technical expertise

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If you’re about to design your first product, you will most probably need the support of an experienced technology partner. What is a product design consultant and why you should consider using their product design consulting services?

product design consultation

What Is Product Design Consulting?

Product design consulting is a comprehensive service combining both creative and technical expertise on designing, building and launching a product. It may play a critical role for clients who are about to start product development but don’t have prior experience. Product design consulting usually includes services such as:

  • Concept creation
  • Strategy development
  • Prototyping
  • Detail engineering
  • Industrial design
  • Cost analysis

An expected result of the process is a product of good standard, high functionality and appealing aesthetics. Using product design consulting can help you solve a lot of the problems that we’ll discuss in a bit.

When Do You Need Product Design Consulting?

Hiring a product design consultant is recommended in a few special cases. Let’s take a look at them to see whether working with product design consultants is really worth considering.

You Lack Expertise

If you’re designing a product for the first time or you’re about to enter a brand new industry, you most probably don’t have experience yet. Product design requires a bunch of skills that are difficult to gain quickly when you’re just starting out. Working with a product design consultant or agency will provide you with access to wide knowledge and support in specific areas. However, remember to make sure that they really specialize in the area of your interest and understand your industry very well. Working with an external company will also help you to avoid building an in-house team, which is costly and time-consuming.

You May Face Problems (and You Surely Will!)

If you’re lucky, you can find a product design consultant who is experienced in exactly the field of your interest. They may have already solved similar problems or designed and launched similar products. Such experience may turn out to be simply invaluable in the case of difficulties or bottlenecks in production. The wide knowledge and expertise of your partner can help you solve issues quickly and with less effort.

You Don’t Have Resources In-house

As we’ve already mentioned, you may not have skilled employees on board – especially in the beginning. Hiring a professional product design consulting agency can help you get access to expertise and knowledge you don’t have on hand. If you have an experienced team, but they’re busy with other tasks and projects, hiring an external specialist will still require less effort than recruiting. You will also get access to a nearly unlimited pool of technical skills and creativity.

You Don’t Have Time for Internal Development

If your company is already focused on a few projects, working on the next one might simply be too much. The bigger the company is, the longer it may take to kick off new initiatives. Hiring external support may help speed up product development so you can see results much faster. Thanks to this, you will be able to complete more projects simultaneously, and it’s your product design consulting partner who will coordinate the whole process and assign the right people.

You Need New, Fresh Ideas

Even though you’re experienced in product development, you may still significantly benefit from cooperating with an external expert. This will give you access to new ideas and solutions from the same or other industries. Thanks to this, you will be able to adjust your project to consumer needs much more accurately and increase your market reach.

You Want to Secure Your Team

Some problems or delays may occur when your employee decides to leave the team. It might be difficult to quickly replace them with an equally skilled specialist. When working with an external partner, finding new talent will no longer be your problem. A product design consulting company will most probably immediately assign someone from their pool, and the designing process will be nearly undisturbed.

The Benefits of Working with a Product Design Consulting Expert

If any of the points above apply to you, it’s definitely a sign that you should consider cooperating with a product design consultant. This is recommended for organizations of any size, including small and medium companies, startups and global organizations that want to improve their processes. We hope this article has helped you to decide whether it’s a good idea for you.

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12 Best UX Design Podcasts Mon, 05 Aug 2019 10:12:02 +0000 The best web designers offer you 12 great UX design podcasts, which give you an in-depth look at the sphere nowadays.

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The sole fact you paid a visit to this page and are now starting to devour this article means that UX design is your passion, doesn’t it? This, in its turn, must signal your total immersion in this IT phenomenon, which keeps you from allocating your time to something similarly important. And by “important” we mean keeping up with the latest trends or UX design as well as enhancing your handle of this practice, and the like. You can easily do it with the help of the trendy UX Design Podcasts.

All these typical designer needs are painfully hard to fulfill – as we stressed earlier, design development alone takes them an eternity, so can we really talk about any additional insights into this field? And, given that UX design can’t but require you to always stay updated, balancing your designer’s routine with researches into this industry gets especially challenging.

Efficient Podcasts

But there indeed are some effective solutions to this tumult. Modern technologies enable us to reach information in just one click and catch up on whatever we need for our steady professional growth. You can still indulge in following UX design trends alongside your crazy schedule! The masterminds of web designers take care of your troubles by offering you enthralling UX design podcasts that provide an in-depth look at the industry today. In this article, we handpicked the top 10 podcasts for you to run, drive, or even work too!

1. High Resolution: the Opening of Our Top UX Design Podcasts 

Many reviews on tech platforms argue this podcast to be a must-listen for every striving UX designer. High Resolution is a limited video series podcast series featuring 25 design prodigies, the leaders of the world’s leading tech companies – Google, Facebook, Behance, Spotify, Airbnb, eBay, and others. The podcast creators take pride in making one of the coolest lineups of design geniuses in one series.

This podcast centers on two major themes: discussing the approaches to design, the methods of its employment, and the way it’s communicated; sharing the expertise of the top IT companies. According to its producers, the podcast’s mission is to distribute the latest knowledge of web design all over the IT world, contributing to the growth and development of this ever-evolving industry.

2. Creative Pep Talk

As the name of this podcast Creative Pep Talk suggests, it’s laden with creativity and intellectual fun. Andy J. Miller, its founder, is an illustration enthusiast with a background in graphic design. His podcast is aimed at educating and inspiring listeners through entertainment, the core highlight of the project. In the podcast, Andy discloses his personal stories, shares fascinating interviews with top designers, and employs many other creative tools for addressing the needs of his devoted listeners.

3. User Defenders

UX Design Podcasts user defenders

With its website adopting the pop-artist style of a comic magazine cover, the podcast features the game-changing stories of design icons. And, keeping consistent with what its creator states, the podcast takes a glance at their success stories. It unveils the techniques and tools whereby top designers made their career for the viewers to adopt some of them in their own professional path.

Another objective of the User Defenders podcast is inspiring UX designers to create and aspire. They are breaking down the barriers of their abilities and skills. From the keenness its creators’ approach, we can tell that such a “heroic” image was definitely chosen for a reason. 

4. Google Design – One of the Top UX Design Podcasts

Have you ever dreamed of developing design at a legendary search engine company like Google? Or have you thought of at least being a spectator? This extraordinary podcast allows you to peek into the regular working day of the designers at Google! The podcast Google Design focuses on Google designers’ daily routine, with its spectacular ups and downs and gives you an insider’s look into the design development culture at the top technology company of the modern era.

5. UX Podcast

The history of this podcast began when two avid designers with out-of-the-box thinking started experimenting with the conventional approach to user experience design. James and Per took up generating way-out methods to explore the UX design realm and move beyond the traditional perspective of viewing it. At the end of the day, they have developed an extensive two-month series of UX podcast. It is intended to bridge knowledge gaps, promote UX Design Podcasts, and study this phenomenon inside out.

6. What Is Wrong With UX?

UX Design Podcasts web

This amusing and insightful podcast What Is Wrong With UX is hosted by Laura Klein. She is a founder of Lean Startups and Users Know, and Kate Rutter, co-founder of LUXr. Having these “big bananas” of the UX industry all in one podcast alone draws thousands of tech-savvy users to check out each episode. To make this project stand out from the other typical UX design podcasts, the women came up with a rather casual format. Each episode features them chatting about the world of UX design and drinking cocktails.

The podcast provides bright UX-related ideas and solutions and also contributes to the accelerating and unaging feminist movement. Most tech resources unintendedly represent male domination in the industry’s development, creating a travesty of gender equality. What Is Wrong With UX confronts this waning stereotype by inviting the viewers to witness how women can drive progress!

7. Shop Talk – Among the Best UX Design Podcasts

Another podcast entertaining by format and informative by nature is Shop Talk. It offers you a piercing perception of the UX design philosophy as well as other IT matters. Chris Coiler and Dave Rupert, two seasoned design geeks, introduce their viewers to the current tendencies in the enterprise. They provide their expert opinion on the viewers’ demand.

The podcast gained its popularity mainly due to its question-answer section. The hosts reflect on the viewers’ inquiries, giving their weighty explanation on everything concerning information technologies. Besides its informative part, Shop Talk contains hilarious jokes, a laid-back atmosphere, and the striking charisma.

8. Design Details

Holding a rather dull and ordinary name, this podcast hides something a lot more exciting and worthy! It’s hosted by two tech-crazy daredevils. They won’t stop quipping each other in a playful and witty way that most of you will find cute. Design Details is one of the UX Design Podcasts devoid of boring pretentious talks “settling” the issues of the technologies world.

9. The Big Web Show

“The most intelligent, well-crafted web design podcast I’ve ever listened to. Informative, hour-long question-answer sessions with industry experts,” — this is how one iTunes review describes this distinctive piece of podcasting. This award-winning series The Big Web Show offers you a chance to listen to informative interviews with the pacesetters. The interviews are dedicated to discussing the hot questions the enterprise brings. It is also about exploring the ways of expanding the limits of conventional design strategies.

10. Dollars to Donuts

This veteran podcast Dollars To Donuts traces back as early as 2016. So some design connoisseurs may consider it behindhand in the trending UX design culture, underestimating its true worth. But Dollars to Donuts combats this biased approach by delivering thrilling and unique content on the design empire. And the long history of the podcast only reflects its successful performance and the theoretical input it has made.

11. Metric – Its Place Among UX Design Podcasts

This joyous UX design podcast is recognized for its amicable and casual format. Metric mostly centers around the trending topics of the enterprise. It also occasionally dedicates its series to studying the problems of how beginners enter the workforce. The strong positive vibes this podcast gives to its viewers bring it international admiration and acknowledgment from design geeks. The only downside that the viewers may face with Metric is that its release schedule is somewhat inconsistent and varying. 

12. UXpod

UX Design Podcasts discuss

This podcast is one of the longest-lasting and most famous UX Design Podcasts in the industry. UXpod was founded by Gerry Gaffney, a design wizard who is credited with the instigation of the design podcasting tendency. The subject of this podcast focuses on goes far beyond the UX design realm. It studies the ways design can aid us in everyday life. 

Contrary to the fun-driven series we mentioned before, UX design adopts a rather constrained and mannered style. It brings to the fore its sole purpose – enlightening both experts and newbies in the matters of UX design. 

Drawing the Line

The UX design enterprise proves to be incredibly dynamic and ever-changing. And, as we stressed earlier in this article, keeping yourself up-to-date with the newest tech “bombs” is the core step. It helps sharpen your designer expertise and broadening your perception of this practice. 

Whether you develop a design for some custom college essay writing service or a software company, it is important. The mastery you gained with these UX design podcasts will get you through all possible pitfalls. Also, each of these hot design podcasts will give you a priceless experience of delving into the abode of boundless knowledge and modern wisdom.

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How Landscape Design Software Can Help Recreate Your Home Mon, 27 May 2019 10:51:15 +0000 Create extraordinary structures in the comfort of your own home with great landscape design software!

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If you’re a creative soul sometimes you get a sudden itch to recreate the space around you. You may find yourself repainting your house once a year or moving the furniture around to make a different look just to scratch that itch. When you want to completely recreate your home inside and out, then most importantly you want to be the one to create a design with the help of a landscape design software.

Being creative has its advantages. While not all artists are architects, that doesn’t mean you aren’t able to customize your home and bring your renovation ideas to life. Here are some tips and tools to do it.

Landscape Design Software Tools

Have you ever seen technical drawings from an architect? Blueprints, drawing desks, and the proper drawing tools are simply not part of the regular art supply. So why not use 3D landscape design software? These digital tools will help you can design beautiful structures with a few clicks to start making your dream home designs a reality.

What Features Do These Landscape Design Software Have?

Landscape Design software tools

Digital Design Libraries

Most landscape designing tools have an easy to use digital library that gives you access to a variety of design ideas and templates for indoor accessories such as furniture and fixtures. For outdoor designs, you can select trees, pool placements and lapa structures.

The digital library has a content browser so you can find your favorite accessories by keyword, making everything quick and easy. Once you’ve found your favorite structures simply click and drag the items onto your design board. With the content browser, you can explore new designs and features as they’re added.

You’re also able to save your favorite structures and accessories into categories for easy accessibility.

Landscape Software Design Templates

Using your digital library you can create templates. Templates are particularly useful if you’re designing landscapes for clients. You need a program that will allow you to do more work in a short amount of time. Landscape templates allow you to get the job done faster and more efficiently.

Software design templates can either be created by you or you can download pre-designed boards according to your preference.

Easy Edits

apps to make video edits adobe premier pro

There’s bound to be edits that you’ll need to make when you’re designing your structures. Select design software that will allow you to make changes easily. Landscape software such as VizTerra detects changes that have been made and recalculates your design.

All you have to do is click and drag your structures to reposition them. The program will automatically update your landscape after every edit you make.

Designing Tools

In order to design professional structures, you need the correct tools for the job. Integrated digital tools aid in customizing your structures down to the last detail. You’re able to reshape and redraw items to suit your preferences. With easily accessible tools and creative design thinking you can do the following:

  • Change from 2D to 3D fast
  • Show topographic terrain
  • Reposition objects
  • Measure your landscape
  • Fit to scale
  • Customize items
  • Adjust the size of a structure

With today’s high tech features and computer screens providing clear images, you can get a true sense of what the final product will be like.

Change Landscape Resolution

You’ll need a precise view of the property you’re working on, so you should opt for design software that allows you to view landscapes in every angle at high resolutions. This will give you an accurate aerial view of the property you’re working on and will provide you with the following advantages:

  • Calculate per square foot
  • Measure the perimeter accurately
  • Assess every outdoor detail on the property
  • Redesign landscapes remotely without visiting the site
  • Detect potential risks on the property safely

Many mistakes and challenges can be avoided, saving you time and money in the long run.

How to Construct With Landscape Design Software

website design

You can use the tools and functions mentioned above to start constructing your landscape. In order to create safe landscapes, you’ll need proper data and some finalizations. With the following features, you’ll be able to construct your landscape effortlessly with minimum drawbacks.

Reveal Calculations Instantly

In order to build hardscapes, you need the proper calculations. Using digital design software that calculates your structures accurately will save you a lot of time. You’re able to access the measurements of every design instantly.

Programs that calculate structures accurately will shorten the time of construction as you’ll have all the data you need at your fingertips.

Analyze Complicated Measurements

Landscape software can measure the most complicated structures and save the data instantly. The information is saved digitally and can be viewed whenever there are adjustments to be made.

This allows you to calculate the material needed for hardscape structures such as concrete placements and dirt displacements.

Print Site Plans and Blueprints

The most crucial parts of any construction are blueprints and site plans. Without these plans, you can’t get construction companies to execute your designs effectively. Blueprints provide construction companies with the exact landscape details they need to start building.

Your software should always have an option to print out your site plans quickly and easily. You can present your printed site plans for your construction company for approval.

Additional Beneficial Landscape Design Software Features

Landscape software should have as many features as possible to make your life easier as a designer. Some landscape design programs are basic and can’t provide you with a lot of detail. If you select software with the below features the program can be highly beneficial to you.

Export to Other Programs

Not everyone uses the same software as you but your software can be compatible with other programs. The most popular design tool is AutoCAD as it’s used by many architects and engineering firms.

Select a program that’s compatible with other software tools such as AutoCAD so you can share your designs easily with other teams.

Video Presentations

creative approach

After you’ve done a full digital construction you can see how your landscape looks in a video presentation. The video presentation will bring your design to life showing you full 3D rendering of what your property will look like after construction is complete.

For professional presentations for clients, you can integrate digital effects. These effects include showing what it looks like during different times of the day.

Day time features are important as some clients want rooms to be constructed where there will be the most sun exposure. You can feature daytime mode in your video presentation.

Irrigation Lines

Software that can map out the exact position of the property’s irrigation lines can be extremely effective. With an accurate presentation of irrigation mapping, you can integrate sprinkler systems and water piping systems effectively.

Social Media Compatibility

Sometimes clients or even construction companies prefer to use other means of communication. You’ll need a program that will allow you to share plans, videos and images of your designs via social media.

The most popular social media platform is Facebook or you can use LinkedIn for a professional modern approach in design industry. Be sure to send your designs via a private message on the preferred platform for privacy purposes.

Free Software Trials

Some landscape software tools offer free trials. The free trial gives you the opportunity to test the program before buying it. When selecting a landscape program make sure the software has the following features:

  • Easy design library access
  • Intuitive tools that are easy to find and use
  • Effortless installation process
  • Multiple design functions
  • Video features
  • 2D and 3D design
  • Photo modes
  • Device compatibility

Designs you Can Create with a Landscape Design Software

Landscape Design Software

Software programs are designed to help you find and select the structures you want simply by clicking and dragging them onto digital drawing boards or layouts. Some programs allow you to scan your property from the inside and outside using a camera so you can adjust the structure digitally.

Construct Outdoor Designs

If you’ve always dreamed of designing a unique patio area where you can sit and read a book or drink a cup of coffee, landscape software can help you make it real. In fact, you should take a look at all the outdoor constructions you can create with landscape software.

Swimming Pools

You can design the shape and size of the pool you want. You can even measure the amount of water the pool will need based on the size. Use the day time feature to see where the property gets the most sun during the day so you can plan the swimming pool in this area.

Fire Pits

Having a fire pit in the backyard is the perfect outdoor feature to have for night time outdoor events. You’re able to construct an outdoor fire pit that’s safe and big enough to build a bonfire. Design the shape and perhaps include seating arrangements around the pit for comfort.

Outdoor Entertainment Area

Construct a safe area to have barbeques for family and friends. You can construct an open spot with an integrated bar and perhaps a gaming area. You can either place a cover over the area or have a completely open-air construction. Use your design tool to change and edit the area according to your preference.

Plan the placement of your outdoor structures digitally to see how they will look. Once you’re satisfied you can start physically constructing your outdoor designs.

Indoor Decor Using Landscape
Design Software

change colors

Change Color Schemes

Repainting your house may make you hesitant as you’re not entirely sure the colors of the paint will complement the décor. Before repainting you can simply change the color of your walls digitally to see how it will look.

Reconstruct Walls

If you’re bored with how plain the walls are in your house, perhaps integrating edged frames or making the walls high might suit the room better. Higher walls with longer windows create elegance and allow more light into the area.

You can also change the shape of the walls and use different materials to build them. Stone walls are popular around fireplaces as stone is safe to contain the fire. Stone walls also add a rustic look to areas of your house particularly if you’re going for earth tones and winter-themed décor.

Retile Kitchens and Bathrooms

Re-tiling a bathroom or a kitchen can either make or break the atmosphere in these areas. With your landscape design tool, select the color and material that may suit your bathroom and kitchen area. Lighter tiles are usually used for bathrooms as it represents cleanliness and purity.

Multi toned tiles that are systematically placed to create patterns are perfect for kitchen areas. You’re able to design these features digitally to see how it looks before you retile.

Final Thoughts – No Construction Commitments

The premise of landscape design software is to see how the designs will look before you physically change structures. If you’re not happy with the design you can simply start over.

Now anyone can be an architect with landscape design software. You can create unique structures with a click of a button. Why not try your hand at digital landscape designs? You could create extraordinary structures in the comfort of your own home.

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Creative Design Thinking As A Cure to All Design Problems Fri, 10 May 2019 07:37:53 +0000 To avoid burnout, designers have multiple creative design thinking tools. Let’s take a look at some of them, accompanied by great examples!

The post Creative Design Thinking As A Cure to All Design Problems appeared first on DesignWebKit.

We live in an era where design is just about as important as the functionality of a product. Let’s just take Apple as an example. Its products are great from a purely technical standpoint, but so are many others. What makes them stand out is their sleek and attractive design that further accentuates their technical abilities. To an outsider, being a designer might seem like an incredibly satisfying and stress-free job. Only the first part is true. Design is a field where there are plenty of stress and challenges to be found. Despite the fact that it largely revolves around one’s creative design thinking.

For instance, a lot of them have trouble with time management. When it comes to clients acknowledging how many hours of work it took to complete a single design. And when it comes to meeting deadlines. It is a problem because sometimes you just can’t force creativity. There is so much competition out there. So, designers are also struggling to find full-time employment, which is why 25% of them are self-employed.

Designer Pressure

As much as 60.8% of marketers will point out that design and visuals are integral to successful marketing.  However, designers will often get frustrated with their clients. Especially if they are non-creatives since at times they feel like they have to defend their designs. Due to all of the issues above, designers are under a lot of pressure. It inevitably leads to creative burnout, especially if they have been in the business for a long time. All of a sudden, a blank canvas is no longer an opportunity, but an obstacle. Moreover, it is preventing them from doing something more interesting.

To avoid experiencing burnout, or rather to overcome it, designers have plenty of creative thinking tools at their disposal. They have been fuelling design and innovation since the beginning. Let’s take a look at some of them, along with some great examples.

How to Overcome Design Problems with Creative Design Thinking

creative design thinking

Creative thinking is always confused with artistic professions, such as writing, painting, photography, music, and yes, even design. While all of those require a person to be creative, not all creative thinkers are artists.

According to Nathan Patterson, who works as a designer for Assignment Holic, being able to think creatively is simply being able to look at something in a new way. Some would also call this “thinking outside the box” or “lateral thinking”. In both design and innovation, creative thinking is sometimes the only way to come up with new ideas and concepts.

Creative Design Thinking Tools

With that in mind, here are some of the most common creative thinking tools and examples which demonstrate their effectiveness.


Brainstorming is one of the most well-known methods for solving problems and coming up with fresh new ideas. Especially when it comes to creative design thinking. As you probably already know, it involves getting a group of people together in one room. Then they can make suggestions in a free-thinking environment which encourages everyone to draw associations and connections between different ideas.

Hopefully, the resulting brainstorming session will help them discover a new direction or a solution. Brainstorming can quickly turn into a mess if there aren’t any constraints. It is really so, according to Helen Stevens, one of the managers for Essaygeeks, whose company practices weekly brainstorming sessions.

Facilitating Creative Sessions

To facilitate the creative design thinking process and make your brainstorming sessions constructive, you need to do several things:

  • Limit your sessions. Keep them under 60 minutes long. It should give you enough time to come up with something new, without it turning chaotic
  • Present a target problem – begin by showing everyone involved the problem in question so that they stay on topic
  • Allow just one person to speak at a time. While brainstorming is definitely a collaborative method, you don’t want people speaking over each other. Instead, you want to them have a dialogue and build on each other’s ideas
  • Don’t be dismissive. Allow everyone to present their ideas, no matter how weird, crazy, or expensive they might seem. They may point you in the direction of something more feasible
  • Quantity over quality. The goal is to get many creative design thinking ideas, and hope that that quantity will breed quality

Examples of Brainstorming

creative thinking

Let’s take a look at one the examples brainstorming was used as one of the creative design tools. Located in Manhattan, STORY is a 2,000-square feet store, and a brick-and-mortar one at that. It does things in real life most stores only do online. Their concept store incorporates all of the best elements of magazines, galleries, and online stores.

You may think that their store is just well-designed and nothing else. So, you would be surprised to find out that they get together to brainstorm ideas. Then they change the look and design of the store itself every four to eight weeks. They also change their merchandise, and all of the accompanying store elements to give it an entirely new look and feel.

It includes all of the best practices of creative design thinking. It also merges marketing, commerce, and customer experience, which can give large online stores a run for their money. All of that in a world where people are obsessed with online shopping. Ironically, their success has led to them being bought by Macy’s last year.

Surfing the Web

None of this brainstorming stuff will work much if you are working alone. Seeing as many designers work, they need to look into other ways for creative design thinking and ideas. Thanks to Google, designers have a vast ocean of resources, both in terms of tools and ideas.

However, discovering new tools and ideas online is easier said than done. As there are plenty of great resources which you may never reach. Whether it’s because they haven’t done their SEO or because their webpages aren’t responsive. As a result, Google buries them on the 50th page of search results, where nobody will ever find them.

Google provides you with the I’m Feeling Lucky button. You would be surprised at where it can take you. The downside is that it can take a long time for you to find something relevant to you as a designer.

What you need is something that is a bit more focused, but which is still random enough. Unfortunately, the best tool for that exact thing was StumbleUpon, which was shut down in 2018. Mostly because it failed to catch up with the responsive design trend.

Mix Vs. Google

creative design thinking mix

Fortunately, there are still alternatives, such as Mix. If you are a StumbleUpon user, Mix will allow you to import all of your interests from the old platform. Mix also features a much better interface and has a user dashboard which is made up of your favorite links. However, unlike StumbleUpon, loading the entire page, Mix only shows the title of the page, a summary, and its featured image. In that aspect, it is somewhat similar to Pinterest, which is another great platform where designers can find inspiration.

Mind Mapping

Mind maps are hugely popular among designers, due to their visual nature. Presenting your ideas in a visual manner is certainly convenient, that is not the only advantage of using mind maps. They also allow you to develop one central idea. From it, other, more specific ideas will branch out in a nonlinear manner. That makes everything more easily digestible for our brains.

Now, mind maps can be used to break down complex concepts. They can explain a hierarchy inside a company as well. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on their use for creative design thinking.

Making the Most of Mind Maps

creative design thinking mind map

In order to make the most out your mind maps, you should do the following:

  • Use words, short phrases, and images only. Putting down simple words instead of sentences will make things simpler. It will also enable you to write down your ideas faster and come up with more of them
  • There are no bad ideas – as in the case of brainstorming, all ideas should be considered. Regardless of how strange or unoriginal your initial ideas may be, the goal is to flush them out. And to allow your brain to produce more, which may end up being more useful and relevant.
  • Aim for multiple idea levels – you should have at least five different ideas stemming for your main topic. Also, when you have completed each of those, you want to have at least 4 levels of ideas. It will provide a tour with more breadth and diversity of ideas. If you stick just to your main topic, you will never past the stuff you already know
  • Use a large surface. Whether you are using an actual physical board or a digital one inside an application, make sure that the space for your ideas is sufficient so that you don’t end up being restricted.
  • There are plenty of mind map examples out there. They demonstrate how mapping should for creative design thinking be done. We will focus on the one below, which as a mind map on how mind maps are made. Although this particular mind map uses the same color for all of the branches. Preferably, the color should be different for each one. The author has used a different background color for each of the word groups, which helps with orientation.


Storytelling is usually something we associate with books, short stories, or movies, not design. However, there is a visual element to storytelling, regardless of the medium. When you are reading a thriller novel, your brain is creating a series of images which are helping those words written on the page come to life. In other words, you are imagining the stuff you are reading, which means that this type of storytelling is not without visuals.

And when it comes to movies, the cinematography is one of the most important elements of storytelling, especially when it comes to genres where visuals play a huge role, such as historic epics, horror movies, or sci-fi extravaganzas.

As far as the online world is concerned, infographics are probably the best example of a harmonious marriage between design and storytelling. In addition to being very entertaining, they are also very useful when it comes to presenting a large amount of statistical data, which would seem pretty dry and boring if presented in the form of an article or blog post.

Examples of Infographic

While we are on the subject of design, movies, and infographic, let’s a look at the interactive infographic designer for Inception, which is a movie directed by Christopher Nolan. Nolan, who has directed such movies as Memento, Insomnia, his Batman trilogy, as well as Interstellar, is known for making movies with complex plots, and Inception is no exception, it features a “dream inside a dream” concept, which can become a bit much once you get past the second level, and the movie itself has left many movies goers scratching their heads.

This infographic, however, guides you through the entire plot, and the simple, yet sleek visuals, only helps make the story clearer. Apart from the ending, which will make you question if it’s a dream or a reality, which was the filmmaker’s intent.


We are not just talking about collaborating with your colleagues, because that should be a given. We are talking about getting together with other designers, as well as other creative professionals, such as writers, filmmakers, musicians, or actors.

Not only will you be able to kick your creative design thinking into high gear by tossing ideas around with other creatives, but you will also expand your horizons and get a glimpse into the creative processes of others, which may help you come up with a fresh perspective on one of your future projects.

No Fear of Collaboration

zooey deshanel

And you shouldn’t be afraid to collaborate with people which seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. Music is full of such examples. Remember when Run DMC and Aerosmith did a re-recording of Aerosmith’s old hit “Walk This Way”? The single was a huge hit yet again, and not only did it help make Run DMC a household name, but it also helped Aerosmith revitalize their career and get some new fans. Also, their fusion of rock and rap would be a precursor to nu-metal, which ruled the charts in the early 2000s.

This just goes to show how some collaborations should not be dismissed, even if they don’t look good on paper. Another example of that is a collaboration between Zooey Deschanel and Tommy Hilfiger. Zooey Deschanel is known for her quirky and unusual style, which served as an inspiration for Tommy Hilfiger. This resulted in a chic, nautical-themed collection which had both the critics and the customers raving since they are also affordable. And while the red, navy and white color palette is 100% Hilfiger, pattern and materials immediately evoke Deschanel’s usual style. In this case, both parties got a chance to feature their own identities, but in the process, they created something that exceeded their own usual scope.


Have you ever found yourself stuck inside yet another mind-numbing meeting? Now, we are willing to bet that nine times out of 10, you are probably doodling something on a piece of paper to pass the time. While this may have saved you for boredom, sketching is actually one of the most effective ways to come up with new design ideas. Also, you can use those sketches to create entertaining visual elements that will impress both your colleagues and your clients.

If you are not yet comfortable doing this, work on your sketches for a while. Limit the number of elements you are using, but focus on making them as good as possible. You can even save your sketches and doodles from before, and get back to them once your drawing skills are up to snuff in order to breathe some new life into them.

Examples of Successful Sketching

creative video

Before we get onto how design and sketches can help you with creative design thinking, let’s talk a bit about Sir Ken Robinson. Robinson, who is a world-renowned professor, author, speaker, and advisor on education, became popular after one of his TED talks. Apart from offering valuable advice, Sir Ken Robinson was an absolute riot, and he has the audience in stitches more than a dozen time during his relatively short speech. However, we are more interested in another one of his speeches, which has been turned into an animation.

In this speech, he gets a bit more technical, but through a series of brilliantly drawn sketches, the authors have managed to bring the subject closer to the viewer, which they might have dismissed otherwise, due to its complexity and breadth of data. One of the images that stand out is the humorous representation of smart people, which are shown as university professors, and non-smart people, which are shown as two guys carrying a heavy piano up the stairs, wishing they had listened more in school.

Reading Books

One of the consequences of the fast-paced lives is a chronic lack of time for just about anything. Especially, for reading books. We are always short on time and in a rush. So, we opt for shorter and less in-depth forms, such as blogs and articles. Or we avoid reading altogether and focus on watching videos and listening to podcasts. While there is value in each of those forms, there is no substitute for reading books. Especially those which will get your brain to start firing on all cylinders. That is why all those literary classic is so important.

But, seeing as you are designer, you should also make time to read some of the best books written on the subject of design. While you may feel like you have soaked up enough knowledge by looking at tutorials on YouTube, taking online courses, going to school, and working with diverse clients, there is always more to learn, and only books can provide you with the kind of solid foundation and detailed analysis of everything you have ever wanted to know on design.

The Must-Read List

One of the books you should definitely read is Eric Gill’s An Essay on Typography. Nowadays, typography is not just used to make the text more readable but is also a design element in itself. A lot of companies opt to design a logo which only features their name written in a custom font. As well as colors which reflect their existing visual identity. In this book, you will not just see a ton of examples inspiring to create some of your own fonts. You will also learn about the history of typography and understand why it is so valuable now.

Conclusion – Creative Design Thinking Tips

Getting stuck in a rut is something we all experience as designers. These examples show us that there are plenty of ways and tools we can rely on at all times, which will help us tap into your creative potential and get us to think outside the box. That way, we will almost never run out of ideas or ways to tap into them. Start implementing these creative design thinking tips today and take your design process to a whole new level, as well as your entire career. Good luck!

The post Creative Design Thinking As A Cure to All Design Problems appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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Top Web Design Trends 2019: Features You Have Never Used Before Tue, 05 Feb 2019 09:37:05 +0000 Now you have all the web design trends 2019 sorted, explained, and illustrated. Yes, all in one place.

The post Top Web Design Trends 2019: Features You Have Never Used Before appeared first on DesignWebKit.

With all the New Year resolutions set in stone, it is high time to learn about web design trends 2019. As we all know, no other field changes as fast as web design. That is why we have prepared this post for both professional web designers and website owners who prefer to stay on top of things. And voila – now you have all the web design trends 2019 sorted, explained, and illustrated. Yes, all in one place. So, get ready to raise your eyebrows while reading as web design trends 2019 are a lot more surprising than you might think!

Web Design Trends 2019 to Keep You In the Loop

#1. Glitch Art: Intentional Errors  
glitch art

Glitch art as a concept embraces visual products that contain errors, mostly digital ones. Surprisingly enough, these errors are specifically designed for aesthetic purposes. The main function of the photoshop glitch effect plugin is to attract attention to the content. Other possible reasons to go for glitch art are to create a cinema-like atmosphere or a vintage style on a website.

Of course, the usage of the photoshop glitch effect plugin is limited to websites of certain market niches. Sure thing, glitch art can look great on photography website templates, like the website design for photographer online portfolio below. However, on a jewellery website or a law firm landing page, the photoshop glitch effect plugin may look inappropriate.

moto cms website template jacob

Details | Demo

#2. The Most Intelligent Chatbot: Artificial Intelligence In Action

intelligent chatbot

Are you already looking into ways of how to create the most intelligent chatbot for your business? If yes, then we know that you are well aware of web design trends 2019. One of these trends consists of the intensive cooperation between web designers and AI (aka Artificial Intelligence) specialists. There are many aspirations connected with the cooperation mentioned above. And developing the most intelligent chatbot is indeed one of the most promising projects for both artificial intelligence and UX.

the most intelligent chatbot

What can you achieve with the most intelligent chatbot? For starters, you provide the 24/7 customer support at a reasonable price. Believe it or not – developing a chatbot tailored to the needs of your business is inexpensive. This gets obvious when you compare the price of a professional chatbot with the expenses on finding, teaching, and supervising a customer support team. What is more, the potential of chatbots is not limited to e-commerce and banking services, as one may think. A telling example of how the most intelligent chatbot can influence your life is Babylon Health. This chatbot is capable of imitating a medical specialist. It will ask you questions about medical health and provide you with a professional medical consultation promptly.

#3. Mobile-Friendly Navigation at Its Best

mobile-friendly navigation

It is a well-established fact that mobile technologies have changed the landscape of web design for good. That is why it is a small wonder that mobile-friendly navigation is one of the top 5 web design trends 2019. Obvious advantages of designing mobile-friendly navigation include the improved user experience.

To get superb mobile-friendly navigation, a web designer has to be ready to change a website menu big time. To begin with, it is important to make a menu fit the size of a mobile screen. Then, navigation has to be bigger in order to be tapped with a thumb. Sometimes, it is necessary even to shorten a number of items in a menu so that it looks appealing to generally impatient mobile users. Quite often, one has to change the type and size of the dominant font so that your content looks legible on smaller screens. Needless to say, the overall design of mobile-friendly navigation has to be consistent with the other design elements, like in the Italian restaurant web template for catering site below.

website template motocms whitehouse

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#4. Broken Grids and Asymmetry: Attractive and Yet Unexpected

Broken Grids and Asymmetry

One of the most popular websites on the global scene, HuffingtonPost, is a telling example how one can use broken grids elegantly. In a trending section on the right, there is a list of articles. The numbers in red used in this list seem to be hiding behind titles, thus attracting additional attention to this section. This is exactly what a professionally designed broken grid does. It catches an eye of online visitors without diverting their attention from the information provided. So, if such a renowned website as HuffingtonPost is not afraid to keep up with the latest web design trends 2019, what stops us from using broken grids, right?

website templates motocms spa

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The spa and beauty website template above is another example of how a modern website can benefit from asymmetry. The semi-transparent black menu situated asymmetrically definitely dominates the homepage of this template. Even more importantly – this menu makes the whole website recognizable from the first sight, doesn’t it?

#5. Fluid Shapes Inspired by Nature

fluid shapes

As one can see from the homepage of CrowdRise below, natural shapes look stunning in the background image and call-to-action buttons. The gradual shift from strict geographical forms to more graceful fluid shapes is getting popular among web designers. One of the main reasons to go for fluid shapes on your website is creating a psychologically comfortable environment for users browsing the web. Another common reason is standing out on the market dominated by grids and straight lines.

The weight loss landing page template for nutrition website you can see below also exemplifies the idea of fluid shapes in web design. Thanks to the natural colour palette and the appropriate use of the white space, natural shapes look appealing and welcoming for new and returning online visitors.

motocms website template weight loss

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Web Design Trends 2019: What is Next

Judging from the web design trends 2018 and top web design trends 2019, one can say that modern websites represent the mix of styles and approaches. From retro aesthetics to nature and asymmetry, the web design seems to be evolving too quickly to be seen in black and white. That is why feel free to start experimenting with your web designs to leave your competitors behind.

The post Top Web Design Trends 2019: Features You Have Never Used Before appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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