user-friendly cms – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Fri, 21 Oct 2022 18:37:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Figma or WordPress – Which is the Best Platform for You Sun, 03 Jul 2022 09:59:34 +0000 If you’re looking to start your own website, the number of available platforms can be downright confusing. There are plenty of options out there, and each one comes with its own benefits and drawbacks; however, Figma or WordPress will be the best choice depending on your specific circumstances. In this article, we’ll give you the

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If you’re looking to start your own website, the number of available platforms can be downright confusing. There are plenty of options out there, and each one comes with its own benefits and drawbacks; however, Figma or WordPress will be the best choice depending on your specific circumstances. In this article, we’ll give you the lowdown on Figma and WordPress so that you can make an informed decision about which platform to use when creating your own website.

Figma vs WordPress

What Is Figma

Figma allows designers to create vector art and work collaboratively, all within a single app. It’s entirely browser-based and syncs with your desktop as well as across multiple devices. Figma is a relatively new design tool but has already gained popularity among many top companies including Facebook, Google, Airbnb, and more. In fact, if you look at some of these companies’ job postings for UI/UX Designers you might notice that Figma is listed as one of their requirements. So what exactly makes it so popular?

What Is WordPress

WordPress is a great website platform, but there are some caveats. First, it’s not beginner-friendly: There’s a steep learning curve to designing and customizing your own site. Second, if you want to make money from ads on your site—which can potentially be lucrative—it’s also not beginner-friendly. Third, even though WordPress has been around since 2003, most people still think of it as an open-source blogging tool. While that may have been true in its early days, today WordPress powers more than 60 million websites (including TechCrunch), making it one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in use today. In fact, according to W3Techs, nearly 25% of all websites are powered by WordPress

All About Figma

Despite their similarities, Figma and WordPress aren’t built on a level playing field. Figma works best when you don’t need customization, and you have enough resources to hire developers to customize it. But if your time is more valuable than money (i.e., most startups), it may be better to use WordPress as a CMS and focus on building great user experiences through custom design rather than having a clunky development environment that requires more hands-on maintenance than actual content creation. To help make your decision easier, here are three ways in which these two platforms differ:…

I would put my name at top of the post so it’s not plagiarism. And I will do my work professionally. I hope you choose me.

All About WordPress

WordPress was created in 2003 and has grown to be a leader in content management systems. The platform allows you to easily create, maintain, and publish content online. When it comes to figuring out which platform will best fit your needs, you’ll have to decide if WordPress offers everything you need. How does it stack up against Figma? Let’s take a look at some of its benefits and drawbacks. If you want to dive deeper into each system, check out our full reviews of WordPress and Figma below. For more information on how these platforms work, read our overviews on CMS vs. UI design platforms.

After reviewing both options, here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

If you’re new to design: Figma can get you started right away with little to no coding knowledge needed. It offers pre-made components that allow designers with limited coding experience to build interactive prototypes quickly and easily.

The Pros and Cons of Using a WordPress Platform

So you’re thinking about using a WordPress platform to run your company’s website. But there are plenty of other platforms out there, such as Squarespace and Wix. What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using WordPress compared to other platforms? Let’s take a look at some of its pros and cons. First, let’s talk about what makes WordPress so appealing: it’s easy to use and offers lots of plugins that can make your site highly customizable. It also comes with SEO tools that will help improve search engine rankings, and if you want more functionality down the line (like building an e-commerce store), it can be easily integrated into something like Shopify.

The Pros and Cons of Using a Figma Platform

Figma may be a newer player on the scene, but it’s quickly gained traction among designers and agencies thanks to its modern design tools and low price point. Figma offers similar functionality to Adobe’s Experience Design tool, but it doesn’t have all of Adobe XD’s advanced features. The benefit of using Figma is that you can use it anywhere—you don’t need to download any software to your computer. However, if you want access to all of your files offline, you’ll need to pay $12 per month (or $100 per year) for their Plus plan. With Figma, there are no file size limits, so you won’t have to worry about breaking up your designs into multiple files like with Adobe XD. This means that as long as you have an internet connection, you can continue working on your project without interruption.

Making a Choice Between Figma or WordPress

WordPress and Figma are two of today’s most popular platforms on which to create a website. What makes them so popular? How do they compare? And which one should you choose if you want to get started making your own website today? Let’s take a look at how these two platforms stack up against each other in terms of features, cost, ease of use, and more. We’ll also take a look at some third-party tools that will help you use either platform to its fullest potential! So whether you’re just getting started with your first website or you’re a seasoned veteran looking to branch out into something new, let’s find out which platform is right for you: Figma or WordPress.

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User Flow Makes your UX Design Better Thu, 27 May 2021 12:49:27 +0000 A user flow in UX design is a diagram or drawing of a path that the user of a product takes to complete a particular action. Each process will typically have its own user flow, which defines the path of least effort to accomplish that task. For instance, a user’s path between the home page

The post User Flow Makes your UX Design Better appeared first on DesignWebKit.

A user flow in UX design is a diagram or drawing of a path that the user of a product takes to complete a particular action. Each process will typically have its own user flow, which defines the path of least effort to accomplish that task. For instance, a user’s path between the home page or the home screen of an app and the end of the registration process or account setup can be considered a user flow. Obviously, there are several user flows for a particular app or website. That is why special flowcharting tools are often used to define various user flows for a site or app.

User Flow for your UX Design Better

A user flow is also known as a UX flow or flow chart. This can be done either digitally using the appropriate software or physically by drawing it out on a piece of paper. It essentially involves a series of individual actions that make up the entire process. For instance, the user flow for an app registration process might look like this when represented in text:

Entry → Welcome Page → Fill Form → Validate and Submit Form → Verification Email → Authentication → Success Message

That might be oversimplifying it. However, it gives you a good idea of what a user flow is and how it should be rendered.

Why Do We Need User Flows?

Creating user flows when designing a website or an app allows the designer to visualize the user’s path when interacting with the product. Again, since there are multiple interactions possible, there will be multiple user flows. Once the designer understands this ‘map’ of user actions, they can effectively implement the design elements required to execute those actions. There are several other reasons why user flows are essential to superior UX design:

  • User flows optimize the number of steps required to complete an action
  • They help create intuitive interactions to help users get “in the zone” quickly
  • Used to evaluate the effectiveness of UIs or user interfaces so modifications can be made
  • Help enhance and optimize user experience, which is the goal of UX design
  • They can also be used to help clients and other stakeholders understand how processes are work and how they can be made more efficient
  • Define and outline the functional and visual elements of a digital product, so the designer knows exactly what to do

From a high-level view, the biggest reason why user flows are important is that they help stakeholders visualize how an app or site will work from a navigational point of view. The esthetics are deliberately kept out of the picture, as in the case of wireframe prototypes. They show various user flows and logical sequences rather than the actual design and look. That part is considered during the UX design stage in tandem with user flows.

So, we’ve defined user flows and looked at the value they bring to the app or website design process. Next, let’s understand the mechanics of creating a user flow or UX flow chart, after which we’ll look at some of the best tools to create a user flow chart.

How to Create a User Flow Chart

There are some pre-defined steps to follow to create a relevant and useful user flow chart. They are as follows:

  1. Define the purpose of the task – What is the intent of the actions? What does the user want to accomplish or gain? What do you want the user to accomplish from a business viewpoint?
  2. Determine the source and point of entry – A user coming in from an email link might have different requirements to one coming in from a search engine results page. Understanding these differences allows you to customize the experience to a greater degree.
  3. Find out what information the user requires at each point of the interaction. Ensure the information is made available at the right time and on the right step of the process. For example, in an eCommerce site, you may want to tell the customer upfront whether or not you ship to their destination. Making that information available early on will help avoid any frustration when they browse, select a product, fill in their billing information, and finally get to the shipping part to realize that you don’t ship to their ZIP code!
  4. Map each user flow separately and then use a design tool to create the user flow chart. This will help you create an accurate high-fidelity interactive prototype and mimics the actual end product before it goes into the expensive development stage.
  5. Test the user flow chart, collect feedback, analyze the results, and tweak the flow until it fits multiple user personas. Validating your user flows is critical to the success of your website or app. Do this thoroughly, or you will end up making expensive changes later on, not to mention putting your customers through hell with a bad UX.

Three Best User Flow Tools for UX Flow Design

There are tons of UX design platforms out there, but here are three of the best applications for user flow design. They provide you with all the necessary tools to create accurate and concise user flows so you can quickly validate them through testing and other methods.

Wondershare Mockitt

Wondershare Mockitt

This amazing design and prototyping tool come with a comprehensive toolkit to create stunning designs and create high-fidelity interactive prototypes in minutes. There’s an entire section dedicated to different types of flow charts. You can use them to get a head start on your user flows. You will have access to a full set of design components, the ability to create your own Bezier and Boolean-based vector designs, and a convenient way to link various elements to show complex user flows along with page designs. This will give the project’s stakeholders an accurate view of user flows and the opportunity to create realistic prototypes to show them how the app or site will look.

Key Features and Benefits of Wondeshare Mockitt

key features

  • Cloud-based utility – works inside any browser on a connected device
  • A comprehensive collection of asset libraries, templates, UI kits, design systems, and flow chart elements
  • Rapid prototyping with fast linking and link editing adds gestures, transitions, effects, animations, etc.
  • Import Sketch files and prototypes them in Mockitt
  • Collaborative commenting and reviews in real-time
  • Easy code inspection, asset downloads, and overall frictionless developer handoffs
  • Convenient and secure sharing of flow charts, designs, and prototypes
  • Affordable for small and large teams
  • Free-forever plan for individual and trial use
  • New features include a design tool and the flow chart module

From a user experience perspective, Mockitt is as good as it gets. The clean and intuitive UI, clear navigation, impressive libraries of components, and attractive pricing combine to create a compelling choice for any design team. Make better UX flows, designs, and prototypes with Wondershare Mockitt and see the difference for yourself.


Lucidchart - User Flow

Lucidchart is a viral flowchart tool that you can use to create complex or simple user flows. One major advantage is that you can preselect groups of icons specifically for creating user flows and other types of flowcharts. Rather than access a separate module like Wondershare Mockitt, Lucidchart lets you choose the icon sets you want to use for each diagram. The toolbar layout is very similar to most Microsoft applications, which makes it easy to start using. There are also several tutorials and help guides to start right.

Key Features and Benefits of Lucidchart

  • A vast library of icons for flowcharting and user flow creation
  • Microsoft app-like interface provides a gentle learning curve
  • Create swimlane containers to define ownership for multiple user flows
  • Link shapes to external documents for additional context
  • Commenting feature to collaborate easily with multiple stakeholders

Lucidchart is also relatively expensive and offers great value for individuals as well as teams. The only downside is that it is purely a charting tool for user flows. You can create mockups, or wireframe-like process flows that can be prototypes. But unlike Wondershare Mockitt, you can’t design a website or an app directly on Lucidchart. Nevertheless, as a top-rated tool used by many of the world’s largest companies, it deserves special mention.


User Flow Makes your UX Design Better

Figma is very similar to Wondershare Mockitt and Lucidchart in that it is also an online service that you can access through any modern browser on a connected device. In addition, Figma has a massive repository of free and paid third-party resources such as plugins, design systems, UI kits, and much more. The only downside here is that it is quite expensive, which makes it prohibitive for smaller companies with limited budgets.

Key Features and Benefits of Figma

  • Impressive component libraries with access to third-party collections
  • Easy design and prototyping tool, but it does require some training
  • User flows can be translated into interactive prototypes to show functionality
  • Import designs from Sketch and Adobe XD and prototype them in Figma

Figma has an extensive user base, but the interface is a little complicated if you’re a first-time user. The price tag is also a concern, as we said. However, it is undoubtedly a robust platform with rich resources if that’s what your project requires.

User Flow Makes UX Design Better – Conclusion

There’s no contest here in terms of value for money – Wondershare Mockitt wins the bet hands down every time. It is also constantly in a state of development, which means you’ll see new features periodically. A great example is the new design tool and user flow (flowchart) module in the platform. More such features will keep being added to the platform. All your user interface design company needs to do to get the latest update is to have the application open on your computer. The cloud-based service will take care of the rest. Try Mockitt today and create the right user flows to make your UX designs even better.

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What You Need To Build a Website – Top 5 Checklist Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:20:37 +0000 Like any First-Time activity, building a website and launching it the first time is intimidating, overwhelming, and in all honesty, can also get a little frustrating. Despite some technicalities here and there, it’s quite a manageable task, even if you’re not a tech whiz. So, what do you need to build a website? Someone who

The post What You Need To Build a Website – Top 5 Checklist  appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Like any First-Time activity, building a website and launching it the first time is intimidating, overwhelming, and in all honesty, can also get a little frustrating. Despite some technicalities here and there, it’s quite a manageable task, even if you’re not a tech whiz. So, what do you need to build a website?

Someone who can’t manually code or afford a developer can spend considerable time learning to do so or be rescued by certain helping tools. Tools that are specifically curated to build you a website from scratch. The two most common tools or apparatus for constructing a great first-time website are Web Builders and CMS (Content Management System). Let’s skim through what both of these tools specifically cater to.

CMS – Pros and Cons

As the name suggests, CMS manages all the content on a website and might seem a little complicated to beginners. It is online software that leverages a pre-built framework where you can easily design and set a theme with a drag-and-drop feature or simply purchase customizable, predefined themes and many add-ons. The main advantage of CMS as your tool of choice is that you have more room for creativity. You can create plug-ins and insert or delete features and designs you find appropriate. It helps you manage, create, search, and store content that is customarily stored in a SQL database. Installing plug-ins is not only an easy way to improve your website’s functionality and usage but also helps you manage backups, security, and statistics.

For CMS, you will require a host that, if need be, can be changed without any downtime or complex changes. Acquainting yourself with all the ins and outs of CMS may steepen the learning curve if compared with Web builders, but it also presents many options for themes and features. All are easily manageable by people with minimal technical know-how. The open-source access to the main underlying code allows you to tweak the code and make the open-source ranges, unlike a web builder. Some commonly used CMS are Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and MotoCMS.

What You Need to Build a Website – Specifics of Web Builders

Moving towards Web Builders, they offer relatively less flexibility than a CMS. This is because they are limited by a platform that they are hosted on. Web Builders use some proprietary tools and pre-built components that help to create a fully functioning website without any coding and technicalities. They are more user-friendly in comparison with CMS as you can completely change the layout of your website from simple, streamlined tools in a drag and drop function.

No matter how quick and easy setup is with a Web builder, they still hit a limit when some changes and features need to be made/added. This is why they are not ideal for larger organizations and businesses that need control over their websites for scaling and customization with time. Some popular web builders include Shopify, Weebly, Squarespace, and Wix. Understanding the difference between the two is not sufficient to get started. You need to keep in mind certain things before launching a new website. Here’s a little checklist for building a first-time website in no time!

What You Need To Build a Website – Pick a Domain Name

First and foremost, pick a domain name! A domain name, a.k.a URL of your website, is the address that will be used to identify, visit, connect or find your website. After several attempts (for the availability of name) your first step of building a website will be out of your way. Creating a domain will cost you no more than 15$-20$. You can easily register a domain name online at platforms like, GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc.

Choose the Right Web Building Platform

As discussed earlier, you can either opt for creating a first-time website by yourself or go for a platform that offers tailored tools for this very job. But the choice between the two can be influenced by many factors. The end goal of your website will determine which of these website creation tools you should be using. For instance, if it’s a blog site you intend to run, have no coding experience whatsoever, and have no time to go through the technicalities of a CMS, then a Web Builder is your best pick. Consider the skill level and features you want on your web page. Your target audience might help you decide how advanced or simple your website should be appropriate.

Web Builders are a perfect choice for all the first-timers as they are inexpensive, quick, and require absolutely no prior knowledge. Have a thrilling new idea? Get on a web builder and get your website up and running in only twenty minutes. As easy as a web builder’s operation is, they also offer a great cost-saving solution. You can pick a professionally designed template off of your web builder software and start off. A pleasing first look at the website creates a good impression on the visitor and encourages them to stay, read, or share your website. Pick from antique, modern, colorful, or subtle templates according to your requirements.

Read also: How to create a website without coding

Website Hosting

A website host is an online location where all your data and content from the website are stored and kept. The host is a server that is accessible by all users of the internet. This directs users to your website at any time and hence allows 24/7 reachability. You can host your website from a website builder or your domain platform. If your website is getting more and more visitors, you might need to upgrade your host to a more advanced one that can handle the increased traffic. The website’s loading speed will be enough to indicate this need for up-gradation.

What You Need To Build a Website – The Logo

Hire a graphic designer if you have the budget. If not, simply use free online logo originators to create a catchy yet sophisticated logo. You also get paid logo originators online, which is still a less expensive option than a professional graphics designer. Though they cost more, your logo is worth the investment. The logo is half the part of your brand identity, and it depicts that your brand is trustworthy, serious, and here to last! Lastly, if you own some artistic skills yourself, all you need is Photoshop or Adobe Corel draw to put together a fascinating logo quickly.

Content to Rank

SEO and uniqueness of content are crucial for any web site’s success! You must be well-acquainted with how Search Engine Optimization works if you’re building a website. Make sure that your website has a good SEO foundation. Take sufficient time to figure out the content hierarchy, site architecture to metadata. To rank high on Google search results, you need engaging, interesting, and original content on your website.

Hire professional writers and copywriters who are aware of tactics that capture more visitors to your site.

KarDone Multipurpose Shopify Theme to Build an Effective Website

kardone shopify theme

What is the fastest way to create a website, especially an online shop, which is a must-have nowadays? Surely, it’s building the website on a base of the ready-made Shopify theme, such as KarDone. Why is it one of the most efficient themes? The first benefit is a Shopify visual builder. With its help, you get the possibility to create as many unique layouts as you need. Just expand your limits and order the sections as the ideas spring to mind.

Then, you will be pleased to get only one theme with a set of 16 templates inside. They allow you to build a diversity of websites with the necessary topic, for instance, auto parts, medicine, sport, fashion, and others. KarDone provides the online shop with responsive pages, sliders, wishlists, product reviews, and multilingual options essential for any customer. Catch KarDone Shopify theme, build your layouts and fill them with your content and gain clients.

Sirius – Handmade Minimal Shopify Theme Store for Dropshipping

Sirius - Handmade Minimal Shopify Theme Store for Dropshipping

No matter who you are: a student, a beginner entrepreneur, a representative of a large company, or just a person who is well versed in modern technologies – sooner or later, you may have a desire or need to create a site on the Internet. What do you need to do? Perhaps you are stopped by a lack of experience or lack of time. With the minimal Shopify theme store, you get a lot of benefits that can make your work much easier.

Despite the fact that each site is unique, this topic can become a great base. You can change the design and fill it with unlimited products. It will help you create a multi-page site or simple landing. Take advantage of the great features and tools: to set up an online store, attract customers, and increase sales. Sirius is the best solution to help you promote your business.

Mysterio – Fashion Shopify Theme

Mysterio Shopify Theme

Today, aspiring entrepreneurs most often rely on customer acquisition through word of mouth and social media. However, even in the case of a small business, the site can serve as a good help and give new impetus to the growth of the client base. Having your own representation on the Internet is an important step in strengthening the company’s image and increasing the confidence of users/buyers. It is also a great way to find new partners and quickly gain the trust of the audience. Don’t know where to start? Use Mysterio – it’s a great foundation for building any website.

It is important to understand the sequence of actions. Especially if you are working on the site for the first time. Working with Mysterio is easy. You will find detailed documentation in the package. You can even create a list for yourself if that makes your job easier. You will be sure that you will not miss anything, and your website will become a great helper for the development of your business.

Bottom Line

Any kind of first-time website can be crafted by following the aforementioned checklist. The list of things that you need to build a website may seem like a lot, but in the end, it always proves to be worth it. All you need to do is plan, break it down, and stay on track. Using web builders and several other online tools, you can pull off a great first-time website all by yourself. And once you do, be consistent with fresh content, and you’re good to go!

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Gutenberg vs Elementor: Love It or Loathe It Fri, 08 Feb 2019 10:30:06 +0000 Comparing Gutenberg vs Elementor is like comparing two superheroes. Both have significant advantages and disadvantages. Check them out!

The post Gutenberg vs Elementor: Love It or Loathe It appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Today we are talking about Gutenberg vs Elementor, but before it – some words about WordPress as a trend these days. The popularity of Content Management Systems is reaching its peak, rapidly and unavoidable. Owing to its remarkable popularity, WordPress is riding a wave of online marketing expansion by helping retailers around the world quickly plan, build and optimize their online channels with minimal effort. There was a time when WordPress was for many people a mere blogging platform but not anymore!

WordPress Riding the Tide

elementor advantages

With the release of WordPress 5.0, the new Gutenberg editor interface came into existence. And the platform will replace page builders like Elementor, Divi or Beaver Builder once it’s officially in the core. It’s good we have choices. I mean, imagine a place where every product would be the same. It would be a monopoly. Do you think it is good for the global economy? Absolutely not! The same situation is in the page builder’s niche. Let’s take a close look!

I have come across several hoaxes regarding this newbie in town. Some say from 24 milliseconds to 116 milliseconds it slows down WordPress core while others disagree with the same. However, comparing Gutenberg vs Elementor isn’t the fairest of fights. Both editors have different focuses and provide an advantage at different stages. Unfortunately, many of you want a page builder because it allows them to add some extra styling to their existing post and pages. But please, let me show you how Gutenberg and Elementor state which one of these tools is right for your needs.

Gutenberg vs Elementor: Do They Share Anything in Common?


Of course, they do. Every page builder must contain a few elements such as drag and drop functionality, a set of convenient blocks, real-time customization and so forth. If these features are lacking in your product, you cannot name it a page builder.

With the emergence of Gutenberg, WordPress developers can work very peacefully as they don’t require to hurry. In comparison to other page builders. Apart from this, even before the final version, users could actively test its functionality. And with WordPress 5.0, the team of developers is ready to track all the bugs and gather feedback.

What makes Gutenberg more likable?

gutenberg drawbacks

Mobile-friendly interface

It may quite interest you to know that only Gutenberg offers such perfect compatibility with mobile. With the increasing use of mobile phones, developers create a product that works flawlessly with smartphones instead of PCs.

Useful writing features

As I said before, in the beginning, phase WordPress was created for blogging. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t have a huge bunch of other functionalities then. Since its inception, it is still considered one of the best content management systems. With the introduction of Gutenberg, WordPress now comprises lots and lots of useful features for writers, like a sidebar table of contents (built according to tags), easy anchor bonding, and a quoting mechanism.

Simple embedding

The page builder, in particular, allows you to embed the reach content for example – YouTube video, Facebook, Twitter posts and Instagram pictures to the page pretty easier. Also, It can embed content from 32 platforms, showing no signs of slowing down in the future.

Clear design

Well, many of you have this misconception that clear design is all about talking about appearance, which is not so! I mean the customization is clear from redundant elements. Whatever tools you may need must be shown in drop-down lists. This is because you can use it only when it’s necessary. Above all, nothing distracts you from work; you can stay focused all the time.

What I Personally Like about Gutenberg?

Comfortability. In Gutenberg vs Elementor comparison, Gutenberg looks and feels like an environment for writing- it’s comfortably intuitive. Think of a beefed up TinyMCE environment as TinyMCE can be considered similar to Microsoft Gutenberg to Apple. It just feels good, don’t know why, but you might like it.

Well-organized. You will find blocks and blocks everywhere. In fact, these elements are the ones that keep the content well organized. Keeping your content strong these blocks lean towards SEO to a great extent. For instance, if you go to the upper right corner of the writing canvas, I am pretty sure you will find a small grey circle with the letter “i” in the middle.

All you require doing is a simple click can get you a quick rundown of your existing post. Right from word count to the number of blocks, a number of headings and a list of the headings with especially those heading which you are currently writing can be highlighted. Simply by clicking any of these headings can take you to it in the editor and that’s it you can start editing again.

Other Advantages of Gutenberg vs Elementor

Managing workflow. The work panel present on the right has all the information. This information aids you well in keeping the right track of your work. And do you know what the interesting part is, It is divided into two tabs, document, and block, featuring a number of sections.

Metadata. Starting from different sections for status and visibility to revisions, categories, the feature image (see bugs below), excerpt, discussion, page attributes, document outline, and extended setting (see bugs below for this one too), everything is available in the document tab. And since it already exists in the grey “i” circle on the top right, the document outline can be considered in this case as redundant.

Familiarity. Comparing Gutenberg vs Elementor, it may quite interest you to know that under extended settings you may find the page/post attributes, sidebar layout, footer widgets, page builder container and disable elements. In addition to this, page builders appear to be part of the immediate future with Gutenberg.

Design and formatting. The blocking tab features sections for text settings, background color, text color, and block alignment. Well, this is not it there is much more to come soon, I hope, more text settings options, margin and padding settings and maybe media settings would arrive anytime soon.

Clean & Tidy. In order to stay nice and neat, all of these subsections are, and you see only what you need at the given point in time.



In the early stages, it was pretty hard to predict whether the product will turn out to be successful or not. Launched in the year 2016, the page builder expects it will grow at a fanatic pace. According to several sources, by now it has more than 80 000 downloads and the highest rating on

Pros of Elementor

Vast, active and passionate are certain adjectives used to define the community of users. Down below I would like to mention a few points on Gutenberg vs Elementor topic, stating why people love using Elementor.

  • Revision history functionality. Of course, mistakes are meant to be made. These mistakes could turn out to be so nasty, that you won’t be able to delete it somehow. Here’s the time when revision history can provide some help. Elementor saves the changes you make in terms of a special list. And do you know what the best part is? You can turn back to each and every stage in case of some troubles.
  • Open source origin. This point certainly means that the code of the program is available for end-users and everyone can propose an improvement, fix bugs and add new functionality. With Elementor evolving on a rapid basis, several teams of developers have started working enthusiastically.
  • Active user’s community. Moving on to the vast community of users, Elementor provides great assistance when needed. It may quite interest you to know that there are more than 5000 passionate participants in the Facebook group. And chances are pretty much higher of your question being discussed before by someone else, if not you can simply ask and expect to get your answer in about an hour.
  • Helpful video tutorials. As of now, I don’t find the need to help you at almost every stage of the website creation process. Elementor creators who have shot the video for each of their action in the past, you can do this as well with every issue you meet during the journey to success. If you couldn’t find any answer among these videos, you can simply try talking to people on Facebook.

Multipurpose Modular Elementor WordPress Theme – Monstroid2

Now, let’s look at Monstroid2. This is a multipurpose modular Elementor WordPress theme that provides all the advantages of drag-n-drop editing. So, if you like Elementor, this item is a must-have for you, as it includes lots of page templates and pre-styled sections. Just imagine, there are 73+ skins in total. This argument is even more valuable for those who want to save time on building sites for different clients.

As for the cool enhancements of Monstroid2, it comes with a library. It’s called Magic Button and consists of 1K+ ready-made UI elements and the mentioned templates. Therefore, you’ll always have all the layouts at hand. Plus, the WooCoomerce plugin and hotel booking are added by default.

Moreover, this modular Elementor WordPress theme guarantees the fastest page loading. Also, your website will be compatible with all browsers and show stable performance on the screen of modern gadgets.

What do They Lack?

search engine optimization techniques

Although both page builders are enjoying an impressive level of success they do lack somewhere. In Gutenberg vs Elementor fight, it’s better to know what disadvantages they offer or else you might require changing the builder in the middle of your project.

Drawbacks of Elementor

Often plugin update issues are faced by developers. Being aggressive in nature, Elementor is an evolution. The Developer’s team has literally worked hard in creating updates and in such a rush, bumps are meant to happen. However, there is an added functionality that allows professionals to choose the version of the plugin they are currently used, which means one can always go back if something doesn’t seem to work in the correct manner.

Only the content area can be changed. If you wish to customize the header and footer one requires you to go to the WP dashboard. In the present scenario of Gutenberg vs Elementor, the Elementor team is working on a special plugin for header and footer customization; however, it isn’t ready yet. No White Label option. Of course, it affects only developers, but did you know that the templates, the ones which were created via Elementor can’t be sold on third-party marketplaces?

Cons of Gutenberg

Being a beta software, the page builder can be easily tested and even liked by several ones. But don’t get mistaken by thinking about it as live software. All you require is having WordPress 5.0 to get its full potential. It has a low rating on WordPress. Users have lots and lots of complaints regarding the page builder.

The main complaint is about problems in the builders’ work, and it is not just one they are numerous. So, there is no point in discussing it here. Bugs, bugs everywhere. Professionals and enthusiasts testing the builder do find tonnes of bugs every day. As a result, in the Gutenberg vs Elementor competition, Gutenberg developers try to fix them as soon as they can, but it will surely take some time.

A Tale of Two Pages


Comparing Gutenberg vs Elementor is like comparing two superheroes. Both comprise significant advantages and disadvantages. Telling which one is better is extremely difficult because Gutenberg turns as a viable alternative for those who are mainly looking for buttons, tables and stuff like that, for those who use a single column layout, for those who aren’t familiar with padding and margins, if having to try a few different blocks until you find one that lets you change the background colour doesn’t annoy you, you’ll be in business.

Whereas Elementor can offer you full control over styles, spacing, etc., you can use pre-built widgets instead of workloads, create designs that differ from your theme’s default styling, work flexibly with column layouts.

Gutenberg vs Elementor: Final Verdict

gutenberg and elementor

With Gutenberg, WordPress developers can do all the same types of things as Elementor, so chances are there you might feel disappointed. But that doesn’t mean it is worthless because it is a viable option. It is a lightweight way to add new types of content or some basic layouts to your WordPress content. This surely means that Gutenberg can be used for the basic stuff, i.e., to create a reusable Elementor template block for anything else.

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Magento 2 Features: Get Familiar With New Possibilities Fri, 06 Jul 2018 06:35:56 +0000 If you are thinking of going for Magento 2.0, allow us to give you the needed motivation. Read the post and you will find the most prominent features of the platform which can be used for your business.

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Magento development is an all-time favorite Web development platform of eCommerce enterprises. It is a very evolved platform having more than 2,30,000 online retailers. Magento has become not just another web development tool but a new name for excellence in eCommerce website development. With new Magento 2 features, it has a lot in store for its potential users. So, if you are thinking of going for Magento 2.0, allow me to give you the needed motivation:

Magento 2 features main image

  • The new architecture of the Magento 2 upgrade is more open and flexible than any of its predecessors.
  • More advanced quality and quantity of new themes for Magento 2.0.
  • Speed will soon become a synonym of Magento web development, as Magento 2.0 will offer 50% faster page loading.
  • Easier upgrades and maintenance are the two best Magento 2 features added to Magento development services, and Magento 2.0 is also following this.
  • Magento 2.0 ensures high security for its admin and users with built-in payment gateways.
  • Migration is made easy from Magento 1.0 to Magento 2.0 with an inbuilt migration tool.
  • Magento 2.0 has a built-in framework testing tool.
  • Magento 2.0 includes HTML5, CSS3, Full page caching, PSR Compliance, RequireJS.

Let me show you the big guns if you are still not impressed with these Magento 2 features. I’ll waste no more time on simple praises. So, let’s get straight to the point; what are the newest Magento 2 features?

User-Friendly Experience

website user experience main image

Many of the Magento development service users are not professional web coders. So, having a tool that can help non-technical personnel to build their own eCommerce websites is the biggest achievement for Magento, and with Magento 2.0, this functionality has raised several steps. Magento website development has never been so easy with 2.0.

For Magento 2 version, the Magento’s old version was stripped down to bare functionality and then built the whole thing anew from scratch. With the new addition of HTML5 and CSS pre-processor technology, Magento web development has risen to a completely new level.

The Magento UI library is more customizable and easy to maintain. So a Magento web development user can customize almost every element like;

  • Any button visible
  • Dropdowns
  • Forms and Icons
  • Actions Toolbar
  • Page layouts
  • Navigation
  • Popups, Ratings, Messages
  • Tables, Tabs
  • Typography

These are just a few major regions included for customization.


virus protection main image

Magento 2.0 is a lot different from its ancestors. The only similarity could be just the famous orange of its logo. Magento 2 upgrade offers a new Admin panel with increased admin security. There are some skeptical views over this Magento 2 feature. However, I’ll let you decide for yourself whether it is a curse or a boon. Only one person can log in to the admin panel at any given time using one admin account. Some may consider this Magento 2 feature a pesky hindrance, but this feature is a real lifesaver for companies that have earlier faced hacking attacks and lost valuable data. There is a simple solution for all users who are skeptical about this feature. Just create new admin accounts for every admin user to let them all log in simultaneously.


Magento 2 features accessibility image

Magento 2 upgrade has taken the ease of access to a new level. By providing drag-and-drop layout editing, users can build and edit their eCommerce store in a matter of minutes. The backend dashboard for administrators is touch-enabled, so all the changes can be done on a tablet or a Smartphone. This is a fantastic feature for Magento development service users if their business has them always traveling. Having complete access to your eCommerce admin panel on the go can save time and money.

Improved Performance

Magento 2 features Performance image

The speed of handling queries is significantly increased because the Magento system transforms merchant data like data, price, catalog, etc., into an index table where data fetch is done quickly. With frequent updates, this query performance is improving day by day. The users can create a test environment to test the code and apply changes according to preference by using a new set of test scripts. Magento 2.0 has a Varnish Cache integration. It helps to reduce server load, which in turn speeds up the page load. Varnish Cache is a leading HTTP accelerator technology responsible for caching common requests. This is one of the Magento 2 features that are becoming a favorite for all the developers who aim for speed and functionality.

Magento Marketplace

In the older Magento 2 version, third-party extensions were a great feature to add functionality to the eCommerce stores. Still, many times these extensions can cause some conflict with parts of the website because of the poorly built add-ons. But with Magento 2.0, there is a new Magento Marketplace where Magento does a strict review before adding the extensions to its market. There is a slight downfall as Magento 2.0 is still new to this review process, so additions of new extensions are delayed. But on the upside, the users will get the best extensions in the market, such as Magento 2 shop by brand or Magento 2 custom checkout fields.


Magento website development has always been pioneering technology for the eCommerce industry. With Magento 2 features, other platforms have raised the bar very high. Until other platforms catch up, Magento 2 will be the industry standard, and their team has already been planning for Magento 3. But until then, let us enjoy the sweet fruits of v2.0. As an eCommerce enterprise, you will need an excellent Magento development company to help you shift to Magento 2.0 and give you the most out of Magento web development.

The post Magento 2 Features: Get Familiar With New Possibilities appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS. What’s Your Best CMS? Tue, 06 Mar 2018 13:04:18 +0000 There are dozens to hundreds of CMSs and web platforms that we can use to launch our own projects on the web. Depending on what kind of a website you’d like to launch and the purposes you want to reach with its help, you can choose from purely blogging, business, or eCommerce solutions. Recently, most

The post Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS. What’s Your Best CMS? appeared first on DesignWebKit.

There are dozens to hundreds of CMSs and web platforms that we can use to launch our own projects on the web. Depending on what kind of a website you’d like to launch and the purposes you want to reach with its help, you can choose from purely blogging, business, or eCommerce solutions. Recently, most web platforms’ functionality started to expand with new features, thus providing us with the so-called hybrids. This means that even if you choose a blogging web platform, you can enhance it with the eCommerce functionality or other solutions that come to your mind. One of such combinations can be Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS.

joomla vs drupal vs motocms

A couple of weeks ago, we compared Squarespace vs. WordPress vs. MotoCMS functionality. Now, it’s high time to take a closer look at another “trio” of the most popular web platforms to create blogs and business sites. Please welcome Drupal vs. Joomla vs. MotoCMS in-depth comparison.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Intro

Before we dig deeper into details and compare Drupal vs. Joomla vs. MotoCMS features, let’s specify who and what purposes they are best suited.

What is Joomla?

Joomla is the second most popular blogging CMS after WordPress. It is a totally free platform that gets more powerful and feature-rich every year. It boasts impressive extensibility and ease of use. Millions of websites and applications use it as their rock-solid foundation.

It can handle all types of bogs, business, corporate, and even eCommerce projects. The latter is made possible with the help of the Virtuemart extension. It is built with PHP and MySQL. It will be effortless to install and handle this CMS for all developers familiar with these technologies. Unlike WordPress, Joomla requires basic technical skills to set up and manage all of its components. Like WordPress, you need to download the CMS, set up hosting, and get your site live afterward.

As mentioned earlier, it will work to construct eCommerce sites and social networking-style apps. The community of Joomla developers provides plenty of useful extensions and Joomla themes that you can use for the quicker launch of your web project. There are both free and premium solutions compatible with all versions of the CMS. Whether you need plugins, modules, languages, URL redirects or other functionality for your Joomla site, there are plenty of cool extensions that will boost the performance of your site.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is not as easy-to-use as the previously-mentioned CMS. This is one of the most powerful and secure CMS that we can find on the web. Drupal calls itself a “content management framework”. You can use it to build websites and apps without any difficulty. It will be beneficial for the launch of large corporate projects, PHP powers drupalHP. The core package of the CMS contains a blog, forum, contact form, other community-style options. The functionality can be extended by means of Drupal modules and Drupal themes. The latter comes loaded with the specific sets of features that are needed for the launch of niche sites.

In order to set up Drupal on your site and take advantage of its extras, you will likely need the help of skilled developers. It is hardly the best option for beginners. The complicated back-end customization takes some time until you get used to it. So, you should better find a freelancer or a web design studio that will get the job done for you if Drupal is your CMS of choice.

What is MotoCMS?

This is not the first time that we mention MotoCMS on the blog. This is one of the most popular drag-and-drop site builders, which allow the users with little to no coding skills to create unique web designs and launch site sites to the web code-free. MotoCMS is especially popular for small business and modern websites. It will work well for personal and eCommerce projects also. The latter is made possible due to the useful eCommerce plugin, available for downloading from MotoCMS developers.

MotoCMS is not an open-source website builder. It is sold under several licenses, giving you the freedom of choice of the most optimal option for your personal or business web project. Before you pay for the page builder download, you can try how it works for free. There is a 14-day free trial version available. It provides you with access to all of the core functionality of the builder.

To find out more about this website builder, you can read a detailed and engaging MotoCMS review with company’s founder interview.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Ease of Use

Each of the mentioned CMS Drupal vs. Joomla vs. MotoCMS) has its own target audience of users who can handle the back-ends and launch websites on their basis. If you are looking for some the hierarchy from the beginner- to pro developer-friendly solution, then we would place them in the following order:

  • MotoCMS
  • Joomla
  • Drupal

Wonder why? Here is the answer.


Compared to WordPress, Joomla it not that quick and easy to install yet you can do this without any special coding skills. There are several easy-to-follow steps, which you can handle intuitively. Apart from that, there are shared hosting providers offering 1-click install packages. This is especially useful for beginners and business owners who want to launch websites on their own.

As soon as you install Joomla and land on the control panel, be ready to spend some time at the learning curve. The dashboard looks different from WordPress. There are plenty of menus and site customization options that you will need to take care of.


The way you install Drupal is similar to Joomla. In order to install it on your site, you need to download the package first, upload it, and run the installation script afterward. You can also use Drupal distributions. These are pre-packed bundles with modules and configurations needed to build specific kinds of websites.

As soon as you install Drupal on the web host, you should be ready to seek professional assistance to change things on your site. We are not talking about the way add content. That’s pretty obvious. Tweaking the appearance and managing the non-content elements – this where the most difficult part begins.


MotoCMS admin panel is intuitive to be managed by the non-techies. This is the best solution for everyone who has little to no coding skills yet searches for the ways to build sites without extra help. The website builder features WYSIWYG system. The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to bring changes to the theme’s design and see customization results, i.e., real-time. This makes MotoCMS a better option than Joomla and Drupal in terms of usability.

In order to make the site customization easier, MotoCMS developers enhanced the admin panel with tips that appear in the form of pop-ups. It’s easy to take the first steps during the site customization. Uploading the template files and installing them on the web host is just that easy.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Themes & Extensions

All three CMSs from the Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS cluster support themes and extensions. There are both free and premium solutions offered in the respective communities. This gives you the chance to pick the most optimal items that match your personal requirements.


There are plenty of themes and extensions in the Joomla community. You can choose free or premium solutions based on your budget, purpose, and the desired functionality. Although the choice of Joomla themes and extensions is not wide as WordPress, there are still plenty of pre-made solutions that are intended to suit niche-specific sites.

This CMS doesn’t include the possibility to look for themes and extensions from the administration panel. However, there is an extension that allows you to add install from the web feature for extensions. The same is not applied to Joomla themes. You should be ready to look for the optimal solutions manually.


When it comes to Drupal themes and extensions, the situation is similar to Joomla. In order to find ready-made designs and plugins for your site, you will need to run the manual search on the web. There are modules and themes suited for a wide range of purposes. Although they are not as numerous as in the WordPress community, several useful options are still added regularly.


MotoCMS site sells a wider range of website templates that are suited to be applied to a range of the niche topics. These include business, photography, social, industry, medical, and even eCommerce themes. The latter are enhanced with eCommerce plugin, which allows you to create a fully-featured web store.

All MotoCMS themes are optimized for the seamless performance on the screens of mobile devices. This frees you from the need to install additional extensions on your site. Whatever MotoCMS theme you select, you receive a fully-featured solution that includes everything to launch a niche-specific site out-of-the-box.

Templates provided by this builder’s team include a 14-day free full-featured trial version. This fact enables you to become familiar with the WYSIWYG editor and choose the ready-made theme that will be the ideal match for your own site.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Security


In case any security issues occur on your site, Joomla will quickly respond to your request and patch it up. They release new features and updates regularly. As the site administrator, you can decide on your own whether or not you’d like the updates to be installed. In the Joomla community, you can also find extensions to backup your site. You can also make your site less vulnerable to security attacks through the installation of security-oriented extensions on your web page. This may be

  • Jacquard
  • Akeeba Admin Tools
  • Joy defender
  • Secure


It is one of the safest CMSs ever. They publish security vulnerabilities on the official Drupal site every time those are found. Similar to Joomla, Drupal provides security plugins and modules that will make your site less vulnerable. The traditional tricks like keeping the modules up-to-date, creating smart passwords, baking up the site, using secure connections, etc. will keep your site more protected.


MotoCMS releases regular updates, which will make your site more vulnerability-resistant.  This CMS’s yearly subscription also features free regular updates, which ensures that whatever product you select, you can be sure that your data is protected. The other important thing in this plan is that it includes an SSL certificate that ensures complete security of the website.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Features


It a free CMS licensed under GPL. It is flexible enough for blogs, business and community sites, and even eCommerce projects. The latter is made possible due to the VirtueMart plugin.

It supports a handful of extensions, which can boost the performance of your site just the way you need. You can even install the WYSIWYG editor. With its help, you can modify the layout of your site without any coding skills. Joomla supports front-end editing options. These allow you to tweak the site as you browse it. There is also the drag&drop image editing included. This allows you to drag and drop an image from your computer directly your site’s content is.

Joomla is SEO-friendly. It allows you to set custom URLs, manage tags, redirects, etc. This is a multilingual CMS that supports up to 70 different languages. It is a content management system at its core. It provides extensive content management and publishing options. You can add and manage articles the way you desire. The media manager allows you to upload and manage visual files the way you require. Editor buttons allow you to bring quick changes to the content of your site with a single click.


Compared to Joomla, Drupal has a narrower features list. The open-source CMS provides advanced menu and user management options. The respective features make it so much easier and quicker to build advanced websites, blogs, social networking pages, etc.

Drupal supports all the major content types. With its help, you can upload the pages of your online projects with videos, polls, stats, texts, blog posts, and much more. You can enhance the functionality of the CMS by means of extra plugins, module, designs, and ready-made themes. There are plenty of themes and extension providers on the web. Google it.

Many companies give preference to this CMS because of its versatility. Owing to its taxonomy, you can enjoy the more advanced options of tagging and organizing the content. You can easily target the keywords that you searched at any moment in time. Drupal also lets you build community-based websites. Thanks to the strong user roles and access control, you can create as many user roles as you wish.


MotoCMS includes a usable drag-and-drop admin panel, which makes it different from Joomla and Drupal. You do not need to be a coding expert to tweak the ready-made layout. All you need to do is to modify the layout as per your own preferences, upload images and texts, and enhance the pages with other pieces of content you wish.

motocms dashboard image

All configuration options are quick and easy to handle. For example, in the Design section, you can find all settings that are needed to configure text properties, chance color scheme or apply any other kind of changes. Pages section allows you to bring specific changes to each page of your site. The Widgets panel contains all elements that you will need to tweak the layout of your site. MotoCMS themes are fully responsive. Each page of any template is intended to adjust to all screen sizes automatically. There is no need to develop a mobile version of your site. There is a special “Sizes & Values” section, which allows you to manually adjust every block of the web page.

MotoCMS SEO Properties

Besides, MotoCMS is SEO-friendly. With its help, you will be able to build a website that makes your project more noticeable in the search engines and grows the public interest in your brand. MotoCMS includes all options for the proper on-page SEO. These include meta descriptions, page titles, keywords, custom URL setup, etc.

All themes come integrated with Google Analytics and Webmaster tools. You can switch them on via the admin panel of your website. The respective functionality provides you with the explicit information about the performance of your site and the user behavior on your web page.

motocms analytics image

MotoCMS is also optimized for the higher page loading speeds. This is one of the most crucial factors that influence the position of your website in SERP’s. This CMS is ready to become the starting point of web stores. There is a collection of eCommerce templates that include every piece of functionality that is necessary for building a feature-rich web store. These include product labels, order management option, payments processing, smart filters, products categorization, and much more.

White Label options allows website owners, developers, and agencies to start building their name online and get closer to the customers, without a single mention about MotoCMS as the provider of the specific theme for the site, but with the range of modern website templates and even White Label Demo options.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Pricing

While Joomla and Drupal are the two open-source CMS, though you need to pay for all the services and additional options, MotoCMS isn’t free. However, with the subscription package, you get a free and easy website builder, 1-year hosting and domain name support, SSL certificate, and full website setup. There are 2 price variations available at the moment.

  • Yearly All-inclusive Subscription for only $9.9 per month
  • Lifetime ‘No-obligations’ Package for $263

There are pre-designed MotoCMS templates suited for each of these versions. So, you basically buy a template that contains a drag-and-drop page builder and additional customization opportunities.

All MotoCMS templates include free 14-day trial version. All of them have feature free 24/7 support and lifetime updates.

Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS Final Words

Choosing the best CMS basing on our experiment Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS for your future online project, you need to keep in mind your personal requirements and goals. Is that a small business site or a large corporate web project that you want to bring online? Are you technically-savvy or not? How much money are you ready to invest in the platform for your site? What kind of functionality do you need to include? It may be a good idea to make a list of answers to these questions in order to select the best platform for your online project.

The post Drupal vs Joomla vs MotoCMS. What’s Your Best CMS? appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems Fri, 16 Nov 2012 07:34:09 +0000 There are plenty of different content management systems all around the Internet. No matter you’re setting a personal blog, a corporate website or just want to start out your online business, the age of CSS and hand-codding pages are left in the past. Today all it takes is purchasing hosting and installing a content management

The post Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems appeared first on DesignWebKit.

There are plenty of different content management systems all around the Internet. No matter you’re setting a personal blog, a corporate website or just want to start out your online business, the age of CSS and hand-codding pages are left in the past. Today all it takes is purchasing hosting and installing a content management system (CMS) on your computer. And in no time you will have a cool website that displays all the needed content.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

There are lots of ways in which you may use your website from running a technical support to displaying an image gallery. Therefore, in spite of popularity of the WordPress platform, there are a lot of other content management systems available. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, let’s figure out what kind of CMS will suit you the best.

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Of course, it’s the most commonly used and the most accessible CMS. Its main advantage is a quick installation and a huge developers’ and users’ community. As a result, there is a variety of plugins that will surely help you in your work with WordPress platform.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

Easy PHP, CSS file editing and a big templates library make WordPress an amazing platform for creating any kind of website ranging from a personal blog to an e-commerce online store. In order to learn more you can visit the official WordPress website.


This CMS is suitable for any purpose and extremely customizable. A brief trip to Joomla official website will confirm this statement, because you’ll see that millions of websites are running on this software.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

Joomla is often used for small and medium businesses, non-profits and individuals. Joomla’s admin panel is easy to use. Many different options, from styles for adding feeds to website templates prove that this is a quite popular choice. You can try out a demo version or download a copy in order to test Joomla.


Drupal is an open source free CMS that is why it’s often the best choice for building the first website. Drupal is suitable for either personal blogs and enterprise sites. And like WordPress it has hundreds of modules that can be added to your website and increase its functionality.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

If you click on the screenshot you’ll be taken to the home page. There you can take a look at a showcase of websites that were made with Drupal. The latest version has some technical flaws, but it is worth noting that Drupal is one of the most popular CMS.


MotoCMS is a great content management system that allows you to create your own website without programming skills. You need just drag and drop visual elements of the website to customize it. All MotoCMS templates have this built-in CMS or it can be added to an ordinary web theme at your request.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

There are lots of different website templates for any kind of business ranging from online stores to photo portfolios in MotoCMS store. You can easily go and choose the one that will fit your needs properly. The MotoCMS comes with a website template in one pack.


Sometimes you need a little coding knowledge to use CMS applications and ModX is a powerful example of this. There are more than 100,000 websites running on this CMS. ModX allows to use multiple styles on the same web page.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

Moreover, ModX minimizes the need for SEO experience as it was developed as a “brother”of search engines. Without additional plugins you’ll get all the needed information required by Google, Bing and other search systems.


Of course, there is a chance that you have already found the right CMS from a list below that will surely suit your future website. But wait. If all you need to do is just display a couple of useful and functional pages, the TinyCMS will be a good choice.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

It’s a perfect option for a small website and simple things. It uses a TinyMCE article submitting tool and PHP files in order to create a website. You can learn all the details and check the demo out on the official website TinyCMS.


TextPattern is an ideal solution for producing blogs and corporate sites. It has direct minimalist admin interface and flexible design engine.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

It’s equipped with important tools that allow you even transfer content from another CMS. It also contains an anti-spam system to avoid unwanted messages. A range of plugins that can be easily installed via the browser window make TextPattern a good solution for your business.


The main aim of this CMS is to make it possible for everyone to create and to manage a website without investing lots of time and efforts.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

It’s a time saving solution for developers, designers and site owners, so it accounts for its popularity. It is focused on the end user, so Concrete5 is quite easy in use.


RefineryCMS is based on Ruby on Rains framework, therefore it provides an easy hook to add new functions and to redesign the front end.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

A lot of different engines such as blogs, search, membership, image galleries, and much more are featuring by RefineryCMS. It’s the most suitable option for any kind of business. The admin panel is simple and user-friendly, so end users feel invited.


Software of DotNetNuke is written in Microsoft’s ASP, so it’s more suitable for Windows servers. It’s a very strong reason to use this CMS, because many corporations host their intranets on Windows server.

Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

Thanks to the open API developers can simply customize a web application. Of course, end users also benefit from this easy in use CMS. It’s not a free system, but you can try out its demo and trial versions on the official website.

[th_ft count=”4″ title=”Pick a Design for Your New Website!” cat=”2″ type=”63″ keyword=””]


If you’re looking for a CMS that will perfectly fit your needs, you should open official websites of the systems that are listed here and try out demo versions of each of them. There are lots of things you need to consider while choosing a CMS for your future website. Your choice depends on particular kinds of business as well as on your skills. I hope I could alleviate your difficulties and clarify some moments regarding the most popular CMS.

The post Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems appeared first on DesignWebKit.
