website security – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:39:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Ways Hackers Can Breach Your Business and Private Information Mon, 08 May 2023 08:00:14 +0000 In the digital Wild West, data is gold. Everyone, from high-ranking corporate figures to casual users, can play victim to hackers on the hunt for personal information. Online hacking is near-constant, as a University of Maryland study shows a new hack is launched every 39 seconds. But how do these perpetrators infiltrate your systems? Is

The post 7 Ways Hackers Can Breach Your Business and Private Information appeared first on DesignWebKit.

In the digital Wild West, data is gold. Everyone, from high-ranking corporate figures to casual users, can play victim to hackers on the hunt for personal information.

Online hacking is near-constant, as a University of Maryland study shows a new hack is launched every 39 seconds.

But how do these perpetrators infiltrate your systems? Is your computer at risk?

In this article, we’ll cover 7 common ways your data can be breached and the risks you face as an individual or corporate entity.

Let’s dive in…

7 Common Ways Your Data Is Breached

How to prevent this hack

#1. Human Error

To err is human – making mistakes is perfectly natural, and it’s one of the largest concerns regarding data breaches.

On August 18th, 2018, over 300 student records were accidentally posted on Strathmore Secondary College’s intranet. Among the documents visible to any student or teacher were private medical and financial data.

How to prevent this hack:

Cybersecurity and data privacy training is the only way to reduce human error. Make sure to make your cybersecurity training accessible and exciting for employees while also keeping it informative and up-to-date.

#2. Insider Threats

From accident to malicious intent, insider-caused breaches have increased by 44% since 2022. This happened to General Electric (GE) between 2008 to 2019, when two employees stole thousands of private files. It took over 10 years to catch them, by which time they’d stolen countless trade secrets.

How to prevent this hack:

Highly sensitive and confidential information should only be accessed by top-level, trusted employees. Tight access controls and background checks can help reduce the insider threat risk.

#3. Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attack

A MITM attack consists of a hacker being in between the user and a web application. Thanks to their vantage point, the attacker can manipulate and actively eavesdrop on their victim.

For instance, 2017 saw huge vulnerabilities in some leading banks’ apps. It allowed countless MITM attacks against users trying to access their bank accounts.

How to prevent this hack:

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates an encrypted bridge between your computer and the data you’re accessing. As easy as flicking a switch on a VPN app, it allows you to hide your personal information – even from a snoop who made their way onto your connection.

#4. Ransomware

Ransomware is extremely malicious software that holds your data hostage until a ransom is paid.

In February 2022, super-conductor chip company Nvidia was attacked by ransomware.

Rather than pay the ransom, Nvidia tried to hack the hackers, causing employee credentials and business information to be quickly leaked online.

How to prevent this hack:

There are a handful of cyber hygiene techniques you can use to reduce the chances of a ransomware attack:

  • Keep all software updated;
  • Maintain regular data backups;
  • Install ransomware protection;
  • Implement tight access controls.

#5. Phishing Tactics

Scammers have been using phishing methods for decades to trick users into sharing their private data.

Phishing emails often masquerade as legitimate emails from your bank or other trustworthy corporations. So if you see an email from Netflix saying your account is suspended, think twice before offering login data or following any link.

How to prevent this hack:

Dodge phishing tactics by refusing to share your personal data through any unsolicited conversation. As they often look identical to legitimate company newsletters, make sure you verify the email address, links, and sender before proceeding any further.

#6. Malware and Other Viruses

Malicious software is designed for one reason – to cause damage. Malware is the term used to describe programs that intentionally disrupt servers and computer networks or leak private information.

To give you an idea, Mirai is malware founded in 2016. It combines infected computers into a “botnet”, which is used and controlled remotely in large-scale attacks.

How to prevent this hack:

Antivirus software is your premier safeguard against malware. This software regularly scans your entire system for malicious programs, code, and vulnerabilities. Just make sure to find antivirus software with modern features and regular updates.

#7. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack

A DoS attack has one purpose: to disrupt and shut down a computer network, making it inaccessible to users. You may remember hearing of the Google hack in 2020, where a hacker attacked thousands of Google IP addresses for 6 months.

The attack peaked at 2.5Tbps, four times larger than a previously record-breaking Mirai botnet attack.

How to prevent this hack:

There are many ways you can protect against a DoS attack:

  • Create or upgrade your incident response plan;
  • Install and keep up-to-date firewalls, antivirus, VPN, and other security tools;
  • Monitor network traffic for DoS attack patterns;
  • Train staff to spot signs of an attack.

Reading all of these examples of breaches and leaks, you’re probably wondering to – how does any of this affect me?

What Kind of Data is Targeted in a Breach?

Depending on the target, a hacker is on the lookout for personal data of any kind. Below, we’ll briefly discuss what data is targeted in personal and corporate hacking.

Theft from Individuals

If your personal computer and network are infected, hackers will be targeting:

  • Personal details like your name, address, etc.;
  • Payment data like credit card and bank details;
  • Any link between you and your workplace’s network.

Individual hacks are primarily intended to facilitate identity theft. Hackers will use your personal information to buy products, apply for credit cards or even take out loans.

Corporate Theft

When a corporate network is breached, hackers are looking for the following:

  • Employee data like date of birth, social security numbers, etc.;
  • Corporate bank accounts and other account data;
  • Confidential design and product information;
  • Access to corporate digital infrastructure.

If your company is breached, hackers may aim to steal employee data. However, the cause of corporate attacks is often for digital resources or to aid competitors.


It’s become evident that hackers will victimize anyone. Both large corporations and individuals are at risk of being breached and their data stolen.

Yet, being aware of the ways your data can be breached and how to avoid them, your chances of a hack are significantly less.

Make sure to incorporate some of the most effective cybersecurity measures we’ve mentioned in the article, and you’ll be way more protected from the hacks.

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10 Types of Cybersecurity Attacks Wed, 25 Jan 2023 12:25:54 +0000 Cybercrime is a menace for both businesses and individuals. Unfortunately, the cyber threat landscape only continues to worsen as more businesses and individuals increasingly use connected devices. According to a recent Statista report, there were approximately 817 cases of data compromises in the US in the first half of 2022 alone. During that same period,

The post 10 Types of Cybersecurity Attacks appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Cybercrime is a menace for both businesses and individuals. Unfortunately, the cyber threat landscape only continues to worsen as more businesses and individuals increasingly use connected devices. According to a recent Statista report, there were approximately 817 cases of data compromises in the US in the first half of 2022 alone. During that same period, data breaches affected over 53 million people.

Cybersecurity Attacks

So, how can you protect your business from cybersecurity attacks? First, you need to be conversant with the common cybersecurity attacks, and then you can develop sound cybersecurity measures to protect against those attacks.

In this post, we’ll walk you through what cybersecurity is, the common cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and the 10 types of cybersecurity attacks you should look out for.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the practice of safeguarding networks, devices, systems, and programs from malicious attacks. These attacks are usually designed to access, alter, or destroy sensitive data, extort money from victims using ransomware, or interrupt normal business operations.

Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is becoming increasingly difficult as more people adopt the use of connected devices and threat actors come up with more innovative attack methods.

Daily Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

To reduce cybersecurity risks and safeguard against cyber threats, individuals and organizations must know and minimize the number of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in their ecosystem. Here’s an outline of the common cybersecurity vulnerabilities:

  • Legacy or Unpatched Software: Using software past its intended service or failing to install software patches can leave your system vulnerable to zero-day attacks and all known exploits that weren’t resolved when you last installed a patch.
  • Misconfiguration of Operating System/Firewall: Failure to properly configure your operating systems and firewall can result in an easy entry point for threat actors.
  • Lack of Encryption or Data Sanitization Measures: Failing to sanitize or encrypt data when entering it into an IT system from an end user’s device can result in sensitive data leaking. Lack of encryption could also lead to client-side vulnerabilities, allowing Man-in-the-Middle attacks that can affect user applications and platforms.
  • Old Malware: Old malware is a vulnerability given its implications after affecting a computer—it can create a backdoor for new cybersecurity attacks or become a reference point for gaining access to other computers.
  • Lack of Cybersecurity Awareness: Approximately 95% of data breaches result from human errors. This is because most employees aren’t conversant with cybersecurity best practices. Training your employees to be security-aware can help improve your organization’s overall cybersecurity.

How to Improve Your Cybersecurity Plan

A cyberattack can tarnish the reputation of a business and lead to several hours of downtime. Fortunately, while new zero-day attacks can surprise users, most cybersecurity vulnerabilities can be avoided. All you need to have is a sound cybersecurity plan.

This could entail using patching and vulnerability management software, conducting frequent vulnerability scans to identify common system vulnerabilities and patching these weaknesses, performing risk assessment, and developing disaster recovery plans. It also entails conducting cybersecurity awareness training to reduce human-related vulnerabilities.

Ten Types of Cybersecurity Attacks to Look Out For

1. Malware-Based Attacks

Malware attacks are one of the most common forms of cyberattacks. Malware is a malicious software virus such as adware, spyware, ransomware, Trojans, and worms designed to disrupt or steal data from a computer, network, or server. Adware displays advertising content such as banners on a user’s screen, spyware steals all your sensitive data without your knowledge, Trojan disguises itself as legitimate software only to have your devices infected, while ransomware encrypts files on your system so you can’t access them until you pay a ransom.

Basically, a malware attack occurs when a threat actor tricks you into installing or downloading malware on your device. Upon installation, a malicious script will run in the background, bypassing your security, allowing the threat actors to access sensitive information or even hijack control.

2. Phishing Attacks

A phishing attack occurs when a threat actor sends you a fraudulent text or email (smishing), or phone call (vishing). The messages usually look like they come from a trusted individual or business—such as the bank, police, or a company like Apple or Microsoft, while in the real sense, they are from an imposter. Suppose you reply to these messages with confidential information such as your password or pin; the fraudsters can use it to take control of your account.

Phishing messages may also instruct you to open or click an email attachment that will either redirect you to a phishing website designed to steal your information, or it will download malware on your device.

3. Password Attacks

Password attacks are forms of cybersecurity attacks that entail hackers attempting to guess, brute force, or dupe you into revealing your password. There are different types of password attacks, including password spraying and brute force attacks.

Password spraying entails hackers attempting to use the same password across multiple accounts. On the other hand, brute force is where a hacker creates software that attempts different username and password combinations until they find one that works.

4. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MiTM)

These attacks occur when cybercriminals intercept sensitive data or breach your network to “eavesdrop” on you. Man-in-the-Middle attacks are especially common when using public Wi-Fi, which is easily hackable. For instance, say you are using Wi-Fi at a local cafe and decide to check your bank account balance. A hacker can intercept your data and capture your logins when you log in to your account using public Wi-Fi.

Hackers can also use MiTM attacks to spoof conversations—they can intrude in your conversation by using the identity of someone you usually talk to. You may unknowingly divulge sensitive information to the hackers, especially since you won’t be aware that the conversation has been spoofed.

5. SQL Injection Attacks

SQL injection attacks take place on a database-driven site when a hacker manipulates the standard SQL query. The hacker injects malicious codes into a vulnerable website’s search box, resulting in the server revealing vital information such as logins and passwords. A successful SQL injection will give the hackers administrative rights and may also allow them to view, edit, and delete data in your database.

6. Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack

DOS attacks occur when a threat actor uses false requests and traffic to overwhelm a system and shut it down. DDoS attacks use the same technique except that the threat actor uses multiple breached devices simultaneously. DOS and DDoS attacks aren’t used to steal data; they are used to halt or even shut down business operations.

7. DNS Tunneling

DNS tunneling is the go-to attack technique for hackers looking to bypass conventional security systems such as firewalls to access networks and systems. The hackers encrypt malicious programs within the DNS queries and responses (which most security programs ignore). The hackers gain remote access to the target server once the malicious program latches onto it.

8. Zero-Day Exploits and Attacks

Zero-day exploits refer to cybersecurity vulnerabilities that exist in a network or software without the manufacturer knowing. For instance, Microsoft may launch a new product that unintentionally contains a way for threat actors to breach sensitive information in the cloud. Upon discovering the error, the attacked company has no time to fix it since they are already vulnerable.

That said, a zero-day attack occurs when threat actors exploit those vulnerabilities to gain access to a system and steal data.

9. Insider Threats

While most cybersecurity attacks come from external threats, such as a hacking group, there are times when security breaches result from insider threats. These threats occur when someone who works for an organization intentionally steals data, leaks passwords, or gives someone unauthorized access. For instance, a disgruntled former employee using their access to delete company records.

10. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking occurs when a hacker manipulates you into clicking a malicious link so they can access your computer and uses its processing power to mine cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This will seriously slow down your computer system and make it susceptible to other potential vulnerabilities.

Wrapping Up

Let’s face it: cybercrime won’t slow down any time soon, but that doesn’t mean you should do nothing to protect yourself. Instead, you should assess your cyber security status to determine which cybersecurity attacks you are most vulnerable to and develop a sound cybersecurity plan to protect against those threats.

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Why Developers Need a VPN Mon, 20 Jun 2022 10:29:52 +0000 Most developers don’t get the crucial importance of a VPN in their work. Web and app developers work with sensitive information all the time. This valuable data is always vulnerable to theft if you don’t protect your privacy with a VPN. A quality VPN is the best cybersecurity measure for developers. How Do VPNs Work?

The post Why Developers Need a VPN appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Most developers don’t get the crucial importance of a VPN in their work. Web and app developers work with sensitive information all the time. This valuable data is always vulnerable to theft if you don’t protect your privacy with a VPN. A quality VPN is the best cybersecurity measure for developers.


How Do VPNs Work?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that routes your device through a third-party server. A third-party server replaces your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and your data transmitted is through that. Your IP address is also replaced with a new IP address, so your internet activity can’t be traced back to you.

VPN encrypts your data so that even if a hacker manages to hack in, your data stays inaccessible and useless to them. This protects your device against malware and breaches.

Why Do Developers Need a VPN?

Most app and web developers work with valuable data like custom designs and layouts, apps, websites, and other elements, which are always at risk of hacking and stealing. They could be working on websites or apps for an online store or brand, and such data needs to be protected from competitors and cybercriminals. A VPN protects your client’s data and prevents such data leaks. Even if a cybercriminal gets past the layer that masks your IP address, the effort will be futile since encryption protocols will protect the data.

As mentioned above, your data is also at risk of getting spied on or getting stolen by competitors. Although unethical, it is common practice for competitors to spy on other developers before launching a new product or service to gain a competitive advantage. A VPN helps developers protect client data from such breaches.

At times, developers have to research competitor websites and web applications to optimize their products or services. But that needs to be done anonymously. VPNs come in handy by providing that online anonymity.

One of the biggest hassles for developers is getting past regional restrictions. Developers frequently have to use online services to research and help in developing their products. But most such online services are sometimes restricted in their region. For instance, if you need to access a banned or restricted website in Australia, you will need a VPN service to break through such barricades. Or, if you need to access Disney Plus but live in a Disney+ restricted region, you can connect your device to an Australia VPN server to gain that access.

How to Pick the Right VPN

Everything on the internet can be breached. However, hacking through a VPN is a huge hassle, and breaching a high-quality VPN is rarely possible. Your unprotected internet connection has the highest possibility of getting breached and hacked compared to a VPN.

This is why you need the right VPN to protect your connection. Your VPN service should be high-quality and trustworthy. It should have a fast and stable connection with unlimited data and device compatibility. A slow and unstable connection will only be frustrating for you. A broad range of devices is essential to get VPN extensions on various web browsers. Your VPN should also have a vast server network, so your options are never limited, and if one of the server crashes, there are always more servers to connect to. A kill switch, no-logs policy, and 256-bit encryption are a few crucial features needed for developers.

To sum up, a VPN is an essential tool for developers. As a developer, you owe your clients to keep their data and intellectual property safe with you. Investing in a high-quality VPN is your ticket to do that. A VPN will maintain your privacy and help you throughout your development process.

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Are VPNs Safe? Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:36:09 +0000 VPNs have become a popular piece of software in recent years, with ads for different VPNs all over the internet and countless sponsorships to get them promoted. They are a very common sight on a lot of tech-literate people’s computers, and they will only get more popular as they improve. But are they actually a safe

The post Are VPNs Safe? appeared first on DesignWebKit.

VPNs have become a popular piece of software in recent years, with ads for different VPNs all over the internet and countless sponsorships to get them promoted. They are a very common sight on a lot of tech-literate people’s computers, and they will only get more popular as they improve. But are they actually a safe choice? How do you select a VPN that you can trust rather than one that might work against you?


Free VPNs

While many people might turn to free VPNs as a way of testing out their potential, it is important to choose a free VPN that you can trust. A completely free VPN is making money through alternate means, such as selling your data or even illegally mining cryptocurrency using your computer. You also run the risk of installing a “VPN” that is actually malware or ransomware, locking down your device, or causing major security issues.

VPNs that offer free versions or free trials are much safer since they are being paid for their more advanced services. This can make options like Atlas VPN a much more appealing place to start since you have a way to try them out before spending any money on the service.

Premium VPNs

Premium VPNs generally make up for the cost of a subscription or purchase by giving you much higher security, keeping your data private rather than selling it off to third parties. They are also much less likely to have paid ads, which free VPNs might try to insert into your daily web usage.

Of course, you still have to track down a VPN that you can trust. If a site seems very suspicious but offers a paid VPN, then it is a good idea to think carefully before paying them. Certain VPN sites are simply scams set up to get personal data or bank information from unaware users. Like any service, you should do your research and figure out which VPNs are most likely to work for you. If you are having doubts about a VPN, then look deeper into its user reviews to see if there are any major complaints.


In general, paid VPNs are going to have better security than free ones, but most VPNs have some kind of security. However, it is still important to choose a VPN that can actually keep your information secure, even if that means paying slightly more for a premium VPN option. While it can seem annoying to pay a regular monthly fee for a VPN, that fee is often covering things like malware detection, data security, backup servers if your chosen server goes down, and a host of other benefits. A free VPN can’t match that without resorting to selling your data for funding.


It is also important to consider how you are using your VPN. A VPN company has to follow the rules of its home country, so you can’t always use them for specific things – even if those things are legal in your country. It is a good idea to look up any VPN that you have an interest in using, no matter how popular they seem. The more you know, the more informed your decision can be.

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Free VPN Service – Protect Your Online Portfolio With VPN Sat, 11 Dec 2021 18:34:55 +0000 No matter if you’re a self-employed person or own a business, using a free VPN service is a must. A VPN is a Virtual Private Network that helps protect your online data by hiding your IP address so that it is not visible to hackers or any third-party company. If you’re self-employed and offer multiple services

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No matter if you’re a self-employed person or own a business, using a free VPN service is a must. A VPN is a Virtual Private Network that helps protect your online data by hiding your IP address so that it is not visible to hackers or any third-party company. If you’re self-employed and offer multiple services to your clients, having an attractive portfolio plays a crucial role in acquiring leads. But how will you ensure that your online portfolio is safe and secure from hackers? Leveraging a reliable VPN, such as, can protect you and your portfolio and keep your browsing data safe from hackers. A free VPN provides an encrypted tunnel, and it is responsible for establishing a safe and secure relationship between the user and the internet. Not only can you secure your portfolio, but you can access geo-restricted content, such as Roblox games, Netflix, Hulu, etc., without worrying about your online data.

Free VPN

What Makes The Best Free VPN Service?

With a rapid increase in malicious attacks, VPNs have gained huge popularity in recent years. A VPN ensures the users’ web security so that sensitive information, such as location, name, bank details, address, etc., can’t be visible to third-party companies or hackers. A VPN can spoof your location and allow users to access content that is unavailable in your region. With that in mind, this article will discuss some of the best and free VPN services you use to protect your online portfolio.

Top 5 Free VPNs To Protect Your Online Portfolio


The first on the list of free VPNs is PrivadoVPN, an ideal VPN to protect your online data. It offers unlimited speeds and a 10 GB data limit per month. Surprisingly, you can still use PrivadoVPN once you have finished your monthly data. PrivadoVPN works with Windows, Android, Android TV, Mac, and iOS. It also offers a FireStick App so that you can use it on different smart TVs. Above all, it comes with an automatic kill switch feature, an essential security feature often found in paid VPN services.


When using a ZoogVPN, you don’t have to worry about your online data as it uses multiple encryption protocols, such as IKEv2 and OpenVPN. Most users prefer to opt for OpenVPN, a suitable protocol for security and speed, and is the standard among VPNs. ZoogVPN is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Linux, and Android devices. Additionally, it supports Android TV and FireTV. Like PrivadoVPN, it also offers a kill switch feature – just for free! This feature ensures that all internet traffic is interrupted whenever the secure VPN connection unexpectedly drops.

Free VPN – Windscribe

Windscribe is an excellent VPN that works on all operating systems and devices. It works perfectly on Mac, iOS, Android, and even FireTV. It’s completely free – and has 10 servers divided amongst different countries worldwide. Whereas its paid version lets you use more servers from up to 63 countries. As compared with other free VPNs in the market, Windscribe servers are really fast.


CyberGhost offers high-quality and top-notch security features so that the users’ data can’t be leaked to hackers. It uses AES-256 encryption, which makes it impossible for anyone to access your data. Additionally, it comes with an automatic kill switch feature. It has a no-logs policy, meaning that it doesn’t store any information about you. Your online data, browsing history, and real location will never be exposed. CyberGhost also offers a faster speed, and you won’t face any lags while watching your favorite Netflix show. The best thing about CyberGhost is that it offers unlimited bandwidth – this means that you can browse, stream, and play video games as much as you want.

 Avira Phantom VPN

Want to connect multiple devices at once? Look nowhere – choose Avira Phantom VPN. Its free version allows its users to connect to more than 6-7 devices. It is available on Macbook, iPhone, and Windows laptops. It is easy to set up and is a good option if you’re new to VPNs. CyberGhost supports IKEv2 and OpenVPN – The most secure protocols available. And with 256-bit encryption, your online data is safe and hidden from hackers and third-party companies. The best thing about CyberGhost is that it doesn’t store your data, browsing history, or personal information.

Free VPN – Summing Up

While surfing the internet, you should prioritize your online data and security. To choose the right VPN for you, it’s essential to conduct proper research on multiple VPNs to understand their working and features. Using a free VPN is great, but you should think of investing in a paid one. It offers the best security, as well as streaming and torrenting support. However, the above-mentioned free VPNs offer top-notch and high-level data security and protect you from malicious attacks.

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Biometrics and Small Business – Biometric Authentication Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:55:04 +0000 The concept of biometrics might sound a little technologically advanced for a small business to think about, but the reality is that the implications are already relevant, especially when talking about biometric authentication. For example, biometrics can be one factor in a Multi-Factor Authentication security strategy. With that in mind, the following are some things to know

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The concept of biometrics might sound a little technologically advanced for a small business to think about, but the reality is that the implications are already relevant, especially when talking about biometric authentication. For example, biometrics can be one factor in a Multi-Factor Authentication security strategy. With that in mind, the following are some things to know about how biometrics could potentially be relevant in your small business.

Biometric authentication

What Are Biometrics & Biometric Authentication?

Biometrics are unique, inherent physical characteristics that can be used to automate recognition. Fingerprints are one that we commonly think of, and facial recognition also falls into the category of biometrics. Biometrics can be behavioral or physical characteristics. They can be useful for granting access to data, devices, or systems.

Enterprise-level organizations are already relying on them pretty heavily for cybersecurity purposes, but it’s something that’s becoming a more realistic possibility for small businesses too. One recent survey found 92% of enterprises said biometric authentication is an effective way to secure identity data on-premises. In that survey, 86% of respondents said it’s effective to protect data in the public cloud.

In a separate study, 62% of companies said they were already using biometric authentication, and an additional 24% plan to roll it out in the next two years. While there are a lot of benefits, there are also things to consider. For example, you can only use biometrics for your employees in a way that’s not going to infringe on their privacy.

Small Business Applications

Some of the potential small business applications of biometrics can include.


The primary reason for a small business to think about investing in biometrics right now is for cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a huge concern that continues to grow. Attacks are more pervasive and sophisticated, and threats increase because of the opportunities presented by more remote work. Biometrics can be part of a Zero Trust security architecture, with Multi-Factor Authentication verification. The idea of Multi-Factor Authentication is that it creates more challenges and obstacles for a hacker to gain access to systems and information. Authentication is a process your employees use to provide digital evidence verifying they are who they say they are. The factors used in MFA are something you know, like a password, something you have like a phone or token, and something inherent to you, which is biometrics.

Biometric Authentication in Small Business – Time and Attendance

Some small businesses are beginning to use biometrics to more accurately and efficiently track employee time and attendance. For example, fingerprints can be used to see who’s clocking in and out. Biometrics can also be a tool for granting access to restricted areas of a business. Employers suffer around $11 billion a year in losses due to time theft, so the investment into biometrics may show a very favorable return.


In general, if employees feel like there is a system tracking what they’re doing at work, including if they’re working offsite, they’re going to be more accountable, and they’re less likely to do certain actions that could be damaging to a business. Biometrics can be an essential part of regaining a sense of control as many companies move to the cloud from an on-premises model.

Payment Processing

The use of biometrics to authenticate payments is picking up steam across the board. For example, some large companies have employees pay for things in the onsite cafeteria using their thumbprint. It’s a natural expansion of digital payment technology that most people are using.

Biometric Authentication – Types of Biometric Factors

A biometric identifier at the core is related to a characteristic that’s intrinsic to a human. They can fall into one of two categories—physical and behavioral. Physical biometrics include.


This is something that’s very affordable and accessible for small businesses right now, and fingerprint scanners are already present on many new smartphone devices. Fingerprint scanning is currently the most common type of authentication using biometrics in the enterprise.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition, as well as retina scans, fall into a larger category of photo and video. If a device has a camera, it can potentially be a source of biometric authentication.

Physiological Recognition

This can include ear recognition, or recognition of palm veins, as examples. This isn’t very common right now.

Voice-based Recognition

Some businesses are already using voice recognition and voice-based digital assistants.

Typing Patterns

This is an interesting concept that could have a lot of implications for businesses, including small ones. We all have a different typing speed, cadence, and pattern, so there may be biometrics based on the impact you have on the keyboard as you type.

Physical Movements

The way you walk could be used for authentication in the future, although it’s not widespread for small businesses right now.

Biometric Authentication – Biometrics Aren’t Foolproof

While there are a lot of business advantages of investing in biometrics, especially with cybersecurity, they’re not without potential pitfalls. First, there’s the feeling that employees might have about their privacy invasion with things like facial recognition, retina scans, and fingerprints. You have to be sensitive to these feelings as an employer and realize what boundaries need to be in place.

It is also possible to copy some biometric features. While biometric data can protect your cybersecurity, it’s not entirely immune to hacking. If you’re hacked, it’s not like you can just go and change your information like you would a traditional password. Small businesses will also have to be mindful of the regulatory roadmap ahead much of which doesn’t currently exist.

The best thing for small businesses to do right now as far as biometrics is to not jump into anything too quickly. Instead, they should learn what they can and find ways to make this technology attainable and beneficial for them without sacrificing employee privacy. You should also introduce it in incremental ways so that your employees have the chance to get more comfortable with the changes, especially if they’re working remotely and this is a high-priority change that’s necessary.

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Top 8 Reverse Phone Lookup Tools Thu, 27 May 2021 10:43:32 +0000 Being harassed on the phone? Avoiding phone ads? Being a phone scam victim? Here are the top 7 reverse phone lookup tools to help you protect yourself and get the needed data easily!

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Are you under harassment by prank calls or nuisance calls? Do you fear to be a target of an attempted phone scam? Are you trying to avoid repeated calls from telemarketers? Or are you suspicious that your partner might be cheating on you? Well, you are not alone. There are millions of people using reverse phone lookup tools for millions of valid reasons all the time. Criminal activities initiated with a phone call are especially on the rise. In a recent report, Business Insider listed robocalls, grandparent scams, bogus vacation prizes, and fake IRS calls among the top phone scams encountered today. And an alarming 40 percent of Americans in their twenties have reportedly experienced fraud and lost money along the way. So age bears no relevance to the probability of you becoming the next target.


Whether you are simply trying to assure the data security of you and your family or attempting to verify some critical information or trying to pursue a missed opportunity, identifying and running a background search of that elusive phone number could come handy at any time. While there are many reverse phone lookup tools available at hand, here is our list of top 7 for you to choose from based on a range of criteria including paid and free services, the depth of details required, ease of access and the level of intrusiveness.

Search Engines

Search engines like Google provide a good start for reverse phone lookup tools. There are many reasons why 3.5 billion people search Google every day. It’s free and easy to use. It can instantly retrieve records that are available online from company websites, social media platforms, Google maps, and the likes. Billions of pages are indexed by Google, helping users to discover an incomprehensible amount of data.

Typing in the phone number together with the area code can get you access to relevant URLs. If you are aware of any additional details related to the number, you can type it in to improve the search results. These search engines also provide the option to narrow down your search. Google, for instance, allows you to refine your search further with advanced options and settings. You can narrow the search to a specific region if you know the location of the caller. It also provides you with the option to retrieve available records that were published online during a specific time frame to further narrow your search.

However, if the caller has not shared the number online or uses a brand new number, chances of finding them might be limited.

People Search Sites

Background search sites like Nuwber have nowadays become the popular choice for reverse phone lookup tools due to several reasons. They provide fast, accurate and comprehensive reports, all the while protecting your identity.

These sites sift through a wide network of information sources. They provide you with a detailed background report with an incredible amount of data. These can range from a person’s name and address to workplace and professional background. You can even find out any sensitive information like property ownerships and mortgage details. It can also get you access to police records like traffic violations as well as felonies and arrests.

One cannot overestimate the ease of access these people search sites. They offer a one-stop-shop for a discreet background search, saving you valuable time and keeping your search activities anonymous. Basic information is provided free of charge by most of these websites. You may have to pay a small fee for a more in-depth report based on your requirements. However, considering the depth of information these sites provide and the level of accuracy and ease, this is very much an affordable choice.

Social Media

There are an estimated 2.77 billion social media users all over the world while 79 percent of Americans claim a social networking profile. The data is certainly overwhelming. Using social media sites to perform a reverse phone lookup tools make more sense. The most popular social media platforms like Facebook, which claims for around 2.4 billion users would give you access to a wider network of profiles to search through.

Most of these platforms provide the option to search phone numbers and will display relevant profiles and posts, enabling you to get access to a range of personal details of the caller through their social activities. However, its biggest drawback is that the efficiency of the search depends on the user’s profile and privacy settings. Therefore it will not list profiles of users who have, for example, chosen not to disclose their contact details. Another point to keep in mind is that these social platforms store a ridiculous amount of data about your social behavior and therefore could also be storing details relating to your search activities on the platform. It could end up recommending you as a friend to the very person you are looking up, resulting in giving them unnecessary access to your social media profiles and network of friends and family.

That being said, the unique advantages of using social media sites for reverse phone lookup tools cannot be overlooked. They are especially useful if you are getting harassed by spam calls or if you suspect fraudulent activity. A social media search could unveil any similar incidents related to the number. Most people nowadays tend to share negative experiences with their social networks. It could also provide you with the opportunity to find and reach out to others with similar experiences. You can even start a conversation and create an online support community.

Reverse Phone Lookup Tools – Spokeo

Spokeo reverse phone lookup tools

Spokeo is one of the cheapest and biggest reverse phone lookup tools out there. It can find various information using thousands of sources and has more than 20 million clients per month.

You can find old friends, classmates, identify unknown callers or research your date. Professionals use it to check everything they need about people, including marital, contact, family, criminal, and bank information. Finally, you get an easy-to-understand report with search results that can help you find out the truth about someone.

Service is simple to use and has a strict privacy policy. The free search provides you with essential information. If you want more personal details, Spokeo has a special trial offer and a monthly subscription.

Reverse Phone Lookup Tools – Subscribe to Caller ID

Phone Lookup Tools

This is the most basic among the reverse phone lookup tools to identify anonymous callers to especially protect yourself from any frauds and scams. The Caller ID feature helps you to identify the name and location of the caller before you answer the call.

This service is now commonly available with telecommunication operators and can be accessed with any digital, analog or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system (as an example RingCentral VOIP services). It’s often available free of charge or at a nominal fee. However, it might not always provide you with 100 percent accurate results, since the name displayed will be based on what is registered with the telecom operator.

Reverse Phone Lookup Tools – Call Return Service

This is an easy and hassle-free way to lookup a phone number when it’s not visible on your screen. Provided by most telecommunication companies like Verizon and T-mobile, this feature provides you with the option to return the last call received by inputting a unique code. It could also read out the caller’s phone number with an automated system. The call return service can be accessed with *69 in the US, while this code would differ from country to country.

This feature might require a small payment depending on the service provider. How effectively this works could depend on a number of factors such as the registered caller ID.

Caller Identification Apps

Apps like Truecaller and Whoscall are increasingly growing in popularity. A caller identification app has become another useful tool to keep on your phone to identify calls. The number of details these apps can provide you is not too big and not comprehensive. However, they provide an easy and effortless way to put a name to the caller.

In addition to caller identification, these apps can also provide message identifications, blocking of spam calls and text messages as well as call recordings. Some apps also display the location of the caller and even offer offline directories to ensure a seamless service when internet access is not available. Massive user-generated databases of spam directories often provide these services, with the largest apps claiming to have access to databases with over 1 billion numbers.

You can download them free of charge. However, you can access more features and ad-free versions at a small fee. Caller identification apps are commonly available on app stores. However, you will first need to check compatibility with your phone make and model, the operating system and other specifications before downloading or making any payments.

Reverse Phone Lookup Tools – Phone Directories

Phone directory services are provided by most telecommunication service providers for their customers and are often available free of charge. You can simply call the directory assistance hotline of your telecom operator. Then request for the registered name of an unknown number.

These services are usually on round the clock. Their ability to help you will often depend on whether or not the caller registers on the same network. However, this is an easy and non-intrusive way for hassle-free reverse phone lookup tools.

If you are feeling harassment from a caller, you can even request a call block and monitoring. While your telephone operator would not usually reveal any registered personal details of the caller, it could certainly monitor and escalate for investigations.

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Keep Your Workspace Safe Digitally – 4 Most Useful Tips Wed, 19 May 2021 14:32:49 +0000 Keeping your workspace entirely safe is almost utopic, considering the huge thrive of cyber thieves nowadays. But if you take good care of technology, it will automatically behave in the same way towards you. No humans were able to defy the laws of physics, either. There are plenty of ways we can keep the workspace

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Keeping your workspace entirely safe is almost utopic, considering the huge thrive of cyber thieves nowadays. But if you take good care of technology, it will automatically behave in the same way towards you. No humans were able to defy the laws of physics, either. There are plenty of ways we can keep the workspace safe virtually. Just as physics, technology has its own rules, and it will never break them. But at the same time, technology can be tamed by us, and behold the best methods to keep the workspace safe.

Keep Your Workspace Safe Digitally

Plan Сybersecurity Еraining

It’s mandatory for all your teammates to be fully aware of the most common cyber threats such as vishing, phishing, and so on. Therefore, it’s a great idea to see how they’ve done their homework and put them to the test after a serious series of training programs. Updates frequently occur even in the world of cyberattacks, and everyone has to be as aware as possible. For instance, hackers often learn new phishing techniques, behaving as different entities for trying to steal important pieces of information from the victim.

Keep Your Workspace Safe Digitally – Change Passwords as Much as Possible

Don’t hesitate to change your passwords as frequently as you do with your socks! Use only complicated passwords and take full advantage of a browser’s ability to automatically generate and remember such passwords, as Mozilla Firefox does. In this way, you won’t have to go through the annoying process of remembering the passwords by yourself and carefully type them each time you log in. The browser will do it all for you without any problems or difficulties. But of course, you’ll have to make sure that you won’t forget your browser’s password!

It’s an age-old ‘secret’ that the simpler your password is, the easier it will be for hackers to uncover it and gain access to your accounts and personal info. Furthermore, you should never use the same password for more than one account.

Don’t Neglect Your Internet Router

The router you and your colleagues stay connected to is crucially important. So, you should always guard it to stay protected from the vast world of cyber threats. First of all, you have to make sure that your router is up-to-date, as regardless of its manufacturer, it will always receive new software and firmware releases for security reasons at the router panel typically located in, or it may differ from the router brands. Be sure to hit the option for updating if you haven’t done it in quite a while!

It may sound peculiar, but protecting your router also means to assure the best spot possible in the room. Having the little gadget placed in one of the corners and at an extended height is a bad idea. You should position it on top of the highest point if possible. Last but not least, make sure your router is protected by powerful antivirus software, and there are many options to choose from in this area: Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Avast, and so on.

Keep Your Workspace Safe – Set up Reminders

Pretty much nobody has a sparkling memory these days, and it’s completely normal. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to keep your teammates informed with regular reminders in digital calendars about what’s next at the office. Having a lot of work to do will inevitably cause feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Therefore, mistakes will occur, and some of the workers forget about the deadlines, delay the work, and so on.

Whether we like it or not, we all live in the COVID pandemic era, meaning that protecting your workspace only digitally isn’t enough. Rules like wearing a mask or maintaining a physical distance are some of the basic methods of staying safe from the coronavirus. They’ve become mandatory for any company.

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VPN Security Breach Explained – Chinese VPN Providers And Data Breaches Thu, 15 Oct 2020 21:29:18 +0000 A VPN is a series of virtual connections directed over the internet. These connections encrypt the data as it travels through the user’s gadget, web servers, or the internet. According to VPN testing data, most of the protocols contain inbuilt encryption, such as HTTPS, LDAPS, NNTPS, among many more. The recorded number of data leaks

The post VPN Security Breach Explained – Chinese VPN Providers And Data Breaches appeared first on DesignWebKit.

A VPN is a series of virtual connections directed over the internet. These connections encrypt the data as it travels through the user’s gadget, web servers, or the internet. According to VPN testing data, most of the protocols contain inbuilt encryption, such as HTTPS, LDAPS, NNTPS, among many more. The recorded number of data leaks in the United States has increased significantly in the last couple of years. In 2017, there were 197.6 million cases, which was an increase from 2016, which saw 36.6 million records. In China, Seven VPN providers from Hong Kong were held responsible for going against privacy policies. They allegedly breached private data belonging to their users, so VPN security breaches happened. These VPNs include Secure VPN, UFO VPN, Free VPN, FAST VPN, Rabbit VPN, Flash VPN, and Super VPN. It has been mentioned that every one of these VPN providers has tracked down to the no-log VPNs. This implies that they had not been keeping records of any activities from the users in the apps.

vpn data breach

Purported Claims

Nonetheless, those that dug a little deeper discovered that the shared server had substantial activity logs records. The information included gadget IDs, phone models, PII, plain text passwords, email addresses, home addresses, IP addresses, and so much more. The VPN security breach allegedly encompassed site activity, connection logs, clear text passwords, payment data, and addresses. These accused companies are white labels focusing on rebranding services derived from one common VPN provider.

Inconsistent Statements

Someone from UFO VPN stated that it could not promptly lock down its information due to staff changes caused by the pandemic. It maintained that the activity logs were only used for general checking of performance. There were claims that these logs were anonymized. For example, there were inconsistencies in the UFO VPN statements. Although the reports cite details that pinpointed this explicit naming, there were some inaccuracies. Seemingly, there are logged activities, discrediting that there were no logs.

VPN Security Breach – Investigative Basis

Recent discoveries revealed that a single developer designed the VPNs that leaked critical data. This was established based on these factors:

  • The VPN hosts are on similar assets
  • The VPNs use a uniform server known as Elasticsearch
  • Up to 3 of these VPNs have an almost identical branding design as seen from the respective websites
  • These VPNs use one payment channel known as Dreamfii HK Limited

From this information, it is clear that these applications are whitelisted VPNs from a single developer who then rebrands them into different names before releasing them into the market. UFO VPN’s developer is claimed to be Dreamfii. From the in-app advertisements, Dreamfii is supposed to be a business marketing firm.

The assets are also found in other services such as Secure VPN meant for iOS users, Flash VPN. All these services have claimed from their websites that they offer their users military level encryption security. They also say that they do not store any logs further to strengthen their confidence in their services. However, research efforts have proven that the opposite is true.

The activity logs from these VPNs can easily be extracted from which one can monitor everything about the user’s activities online. They expose sensitive information about the user as well as all the websites they may have visited. Furthermore, plain text passwords are unencrypted whenever you are using these VPN services, which isn’t in line with military-level security channels.

How Extensive Does the VPN Security Breach Run?

It is easy to verify how far the VPN security breach has spread in a few isolated incidents. Sometimes, this problem can be easily solved. However, in most cases, this isn’t what happens. It involves extended periods of trying to get to the bottom of the VPN security breach before becoming more evident on how far the damage has spread. To figure out how and who is responsible for the exposure, a lot of time and attention needs to go into doing it.

It is essential that anyone that is affected by such a VPN security breach to understand how serious it is. Since the VPNs in question were established by the same developer, the risk of exposure from their database is another point of concern. Log information retrieved from the servers shows just how significant a threat this is for the user. Logs have details relating to the package identification data for several VPN services.

These apps transfer user information to the compromised servers, and all have an identical template. Another point of concern is that a few of these VPNs have package names identified from URLs of applications from the Google Play Store. These apps may have variations for both Mac and Windows platforms.

For instance, after downloading the UFO VPN on the phone and connecting it to any random server across the world, you can easily set up a new email and input some personal data. From the logs, you will be sure to find all that information stored in cleartext format. And it’s not just that; you will find information about your device’s IP address, your location, and what servers you are using. This is enough confirmation that your data is live and the entire database actually exists.

VPN Security Breach – Data Entry

Recent investigations have revealed that these leaky servers are still online and even have logs with recently stored entries. Further investigations show that these servers’ information is credited under the users and systems that use Fast VN, Super VPN, UFO VPN, RabvitVPN, Free VPN, and Flash VPN. Data entries are also not exclusive to only a single VPN but connect to all of these VPNs mentioned earlier.

Other forms of data found on the logs include

Clear Text Passwords

From the logs, there is sensitive information relating to the VPN user activity. Some of the data include the user email addresses, passwords that they used when opening up new accounts, and the number of times they failed to log in using the credentials. They also have a history of all requests for any changed passwords, all in clear text format.

Payment Data

The logs from the VPNs have critical financial data, such as the API links from PayPal. Further details include the names in full as well as the emails used to transact from such platforms. Most users could be inclined to use such a payment channel with the hope of better VPN security. Cryptocurrency users are also at risk since details regarding their emails, among other personal data, are stored in these logs.

Technical Data and Online Activity

The exposed servers document information about the devices’ technical specifications on which the Chinese VPNs are installed. Such data includes:

  • Device Location
  • Device type and ID
  • The IP Address of your device
  • Data on your online web traffic, as well as websites, visited
  • Your Internet Service Provider
  • Application Version

From the logs, it can be established that the servers that these VPNs use are subject to exposure. Their IP addresses and locations can be easily identified. What this does is that it renders the VPN ineffective. This is because your IP address can be easily extracted, and as a result, their online activity can be traced. In countries where there are restrictions on certain websites, visiting them can lead to persecution since the logs could verify all your online activities.

VPN Data Logs

The VPN services used the servers to hold some of their internal information. The information included logs from their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications. It also had details about user activity from the VPN service through the VPN provider’s platform. More data included information from speed tests as well as instances of password alterations.

Customer Support Information

The compromised servers have logs that show several messages directed to the consumer service agents of these VPNs. Most of these messages from the users were primarily centered on poor customer support and fraud reports linked to the VPN service provider.

Huawei User Data

Users with Huawei devices remain at significant risk of exposure. Investigations found data entries in the logs that had nothing to do with the user or their devices. Further still, reports suggested that Huawei was actively monitoring their clients in America from information relayed from the devices they got from the company.

Unique Personal Identification Information

The leaky servers failed to mask crucial personal identifiable information (PII) that had data relating to

  • Home and work address locations of the users
  • The full names of the user
  • Login details of their VPN accounts such as usernames and passwords
  • IP addresses of the users as well as that of the VPN servers

VPN Security Breach – Effects of the Data Breach

The scrutiny of these statements means that there exist problems with rebranded VPN products. White labels work on rebranding services without necessarily keeping their promises. It would be best to stick to well-known brands if you are worried about your data privacy. You could check out brands such as Windscribe and visit link directing to reviews online. Users who are specific regarding their data may opt to have a VPN provider that has a good track record.

Hong Kong serves as a unique administrative part of China. Such happenings pose a lot of risk in this area as threats to authorities could leverage VPNs. These threats can easily navigate through surveillance and censorship in mainland China. If this continues, it could be hard for the administration to block rebels. The current problems revolve around altering login data and switching details. While this is going on, there are approximately a billion online records with a vast data breach, affecting nearly 20 million VPN users. There was an unsecured shared server used by multiple VPNs. Incomprehensive VPN security actions could be the reason why such VPN security breaches occur.

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Career in Cybersecurity – How to Know If It Is Right for You Thu, 27 Aug 2020 22:41:08 +0000 If you have been considering a career in the tech industry and have a knack for computing and programming, you might be wondering just what direction your career should go. To be sure, there are quite a few options available to you when you decide to follow a career path into the world of tech,

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If you have been considering a career in the tech industry and have a knack for computing and programming, you might be wondering just what direction your career should go. To be sure, there are quite a few options available to you when you decide to follow a career path into the world of tech, many of which are incredibly lucrative and rewarding. With so many options, in fact, you might find yourself struggling to figure out exactly which niche within the tech industry you should pursue. With the rate that tech is evolving, there might even be a dream job out there yet to be discovered. One option that might be near or at the top of your list is that of a career in cybersecurity.
If you are interested to embark on this exciting journey, familiarizing yourself with essential cyber security terms such as Kelvin Zero cyber security terms can equip you with a solid foundation to excel in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field, allowing you to effectively contribute to the protection of digital assets and data.
career in cybersecurity

This is the area of the tech industry that strives to keep data secure for both private individuals and businesses. Moreover, since the trend towards a more technologically based world continues, it is unlikely that jobs in cybersecurity will ever be in short supply. The fact of the matter is that as technology advances, so too, unfortunately, will efforts to breach security. For this reason, talented and skilled cybersecurity experts will be needed to protect against, and combat cyberattacks

The job security, earning potential, and fascinating nature of a job in cybersecurity makes this area of the tech industry enticing for many. However, to be successful at such a job, you will need to possess certain qualifications and qualities. Here are a few ways in which you can know if you are cut out for a career in cybersecurity. 

Career in Cybersecurity – You Have the Right Education

As you might imagine, a career in cybersecurity requires those who work in this area to possess a certain level of education. While you might be able to obtain a lower-level entry position in the field of cybersecurity on the merits of an associate degree, you will need to earn at least a bachelor’s degree if you hope to make a successful career for yourself in this niche of the tech industry.

Most of the more appealing positions in terms of earning potential and job security require a master’s degree in addition to your bachelor’s degree in computer science or a similar field of study. This is because the demands of the job necessitate a higher level of knowledge and understanding about the world of cybersecurity.

Earning your master’s degree can be a difficult task to accomplish in many cases. This is because of the need that most people have to enter the workforce after graduating with a bachelor’s degree. You also might have been able to land a job with your bachelor’s degree that is allowing you to obtain valuable experience that will contribute to your overall success down the line in your career. If you are reluctant to step away from your current job for such reasons or are otherwise unable to, you don’t need to despair of your desire to earn your master’s degree. An online cyber security masters degree might be the right fit for you so that you can go on to achieve all that you aspire to in your career in cybersecurity.

You Know What You Would Be Getting Into

Before you make any major decision in your life, it is important to understand precisely what you are getting yourself into by following a certain path. The same applies to when you are trying to decide what sort of career path is right for you. 

When it comes to a career in cybersecurity, there is a great deal of research that you will want to do on the topic to discover if you should gear your efforts towards this area. Moreover, with so many different types of jobs within the field of cybersecurity, you will want to gain a working understanding of the specific job you would like to pursue.

Some jobs in cybersecurity will lean more towards the software development side of the tech industry. Therefore, if you are proficient in software development and would like to use your talents for the purposes of creating more secure systems for people and businesses alike, this might be a great career choice for you. However, if you do not have an interest in either of these things, then you might want to consider other options.

Know, also, that much of cybersecurity involves statistics, algorithms, coding, and analyzing. So, if any of these areas do not appeal to you in the slightest, cybersecurity might not be a good fit for you. Other things to consider that one should always bear in mind when considering a certain career path include location, earning potential, job security, workplace flexibility, and the type of work-life balance you would be able to strike should you enter this field. If most or all of these things align with your ambitions, then you should certainly carry on in your efforts to build a career in cybersecurity.

Career in Cybersecurity – You Love to Learn

While it has already been established that a career in cybersecurity will require a higher level of education and a certain type of degree for you to be successful, it is important to bear in mind that graduation is not where you stop learning. Careers in tech are, for the most part, marked by the fact that the learning that one must do to keep up with the demands of the field can never truly end.

The world of technology is one that is constantly growing, changing, and developing. Not only are new advancements appearing all the time, but existing technology is constantly finding new applications. Because of this, those who work in tech must be prepared to stay current and up to date on such changes and advancements that are relevant to their specific area of expertise. The field of cybersecurity is no different. Furthermore, while there are some great job opportunities out there for those skilled in cybersecurity, there are only a limited number of jobs at the top of the field. Such jobs go to those who are committed to learning as the industry grows and changes. 

The learning that you will need to do will have to be self-led to a degree. The aspects of your formal education will certainly equip you with a great deal of knowledge. Still, you will need to take the initiative throughout your career to expand that knowledge base of your own accord. If you hope to build a career for yourself in cybersecurity, you need to be comfortable with the concept of continual learning. However, if you hope to build a successful career in cybersecurity, you will need to be completely into that concept.

You Are Adaptable

There are many traits that one must have to be cut out for a career in cybersecurity. Such traits include flexibility, the desire to work hard, and a passion for technology. However, one of the most important qualities that you will need to have to have a successful career in cybersecurity is that of adaptability. Adaptability is a quality in which you can quickly change as the problem you are trying to solve changes. It requires you to be comfortable analyzing a situation and recognizing where you need to alter to produce the best possible outcome. Patience and adaptability often go hand in hand as well since finding a solution can sometimes take a great deal of effort and time.

The quality of adaptability also comes into play in the field of cybersecurity as a result of the often fast nature of the work that you will be doing. Threats or cyberattacks can come out of nowhere and at a moment’s notice, meaning that if you are deep into working on a particular project when one strikes, you need to be comfortable switching gears right away to address the more pressing matter.

It is natural when dealing with an emergency or threatening situation to feel panicked and ill-equipped to manage. However, if you hope to be successful in a career in cybersecurity, you need to be able to rise to such challenges and keep your calm in the process. When panic sets in, your thinking can become clouded and hazy. You should be honest with yourself about how well you operate under pressure. If you aren’t comfortable in such situations, you might need to look into other areas of cybersecurity that don’t involve the direct and immediate response to threats.

Career in Cybersecurity – Final Points

Not all people are adaptable by nature, so if you don’t think that you are quite at the level of adaptability that you would need to be at to be successful in cybersecurity, there are ways of developing this trait. You might need to take steps to adjust your mindset regarding the approach that you take to your job, and you will certainly need to home in on your communication skills. Still, with the right amount of perseverance and patience, you can become a more adaptable worker.

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