fonts – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Thu, 03 Aug 2023 05:46:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guidelines for Effective Use of Avenir Font in Web Graphics Wed, 09 Feb 2022 11:35:05 +0000 Do you want to improve the design of your website? You have to use effective strategies in choosing the right font for your web graphics. Typography plays an important role in enhancing the usability of websites. You have to arrange the letters in a perfect style so that the text of your web page should be

The post Guidelines for Effective Use of Avenir Font in Web Graphics appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Do you want to improve the design of your website? You have to use effective strategies in choosing the right font for your web graphics. Typography plays an important role in enhancing the usability of websites. You have to arrange the letters in a perfect style so that the text of your web page should be so readable. The text-based content in web graphics should be picked by following the best practices so that it will be legible for your viewers.

Font in Web Graphics

They will get a comfortable reading experience from your web page. This element is so vital in the designs of websites and graphics designers spend lots of their time to get perfection in this terminology. Let me show you the best practices for improving the selection of the right typeface in your web graphics but before that just learn a few basics of typography:

Typography Basics

You will find a majority of the information available on any web page is written in textual form. The graphic designers use different fonts and their families to blend their web graphics in a stylish way. This presentation of textual data is chosen by following a certain set of rules known as typography.

Typography defines the readability and its comfort level in any textual design. The font type, size, spacing, and orientation will show off the mood of designers. They present different characters mixed with symbols and fancy letters in such a way that the reader can’t recognize the brand message hidden in these designs. It is probably the easiest way to send your brand message and goal to your consumer’s mind without any hurdle.

Why Is Font So Important in Web Graphics?

The feel of choosing the right typeface for your web design can come over time. Graphic designers need to practice this exercise for long hours and will get this sensation at the end of the day. It is important to practice this expertise in the right way, otherwise, you may mess with the situation. If you are planning a successful website design and need to improve the readability and usability of textual content of your web design then you should choose Avenir Font Family for the best practice in web graphics.

As a website owner, you need to spend more time choosing the right typeface for your web design. The textual content should not be challenging for the readers to understand and read. For this purpose, you need to follow best practices to select the right font for your web design. Keep reading and find the best possible way to design perfect textual content that feels better on the reader’s eye and you can convey your brand message to them.

Things to Remember When Selecting Font in Web Graphics

Graphic Design Resources

There are plenty of ways to optimize your typography in a user interface. There is a certain set of rules or crucial things which should be looked for while choosing the perfect font for web graphics. Let me show you the easiest way to improve the readability of your textual data in web design.


The most important thing in choosing the right font for a web design is to go for the typeface which matches your brand’s character. The designers hide the brand message and its business goal in their visual designs so that the reader can’t realize the branding inside the typeface. The spirit of your brand should be integrated with the characters and symbols of the selected font. It is vital to choose such a type that is a perfect representation of your brand.


The textual data in any web graphics should be legible. If you choose an unclear or unreadable typeface for your design then the reader might disregard your design. You can decorate the titles and headings of your text in some fancier way. The body text must be legible on all types of screens and it should be comfortable for the eyes of its viewer.

Serif vs Sans

Serif typefaces are usually great for printed text. They are more readable in digital formats. It is not a good idea to use serif fonts for all textual content of your website. You can use serif fonts in titles or headings but if you looking to describe these headings in body text then you should go for sans serif font. They have more readability power in blocks of text and viewers can understand your message in a better way.

Font Family

You should know the size of the font family which you have selected for your web design. There are certain occasions where you have to choose similar fonts family for a single web design. The most effective way to choose different styles and weights in your textual content is to go for a font with a superfamily.

Limit the Total Number of Fonts

You can limit yourself to a total number of typefaces for a single web design. It will improve the usability and scalability of your content. You may apply different typefaces for different headings, but the textual data should be visible in one way for readers. The headings and body text should be distinguished from each other in font combinations. This will also improve its usability and readability. The readers comfortably understand the intent of your text.

Avoid Using too Similar Fonts

Using multiple fonts in a single design looks so creative and increases visual diversity. You can present your textual data more innovatively. Just remember that these typefaces may not clash with each other. If you are looking to choose two fonts for a single web design then rest assured that these two typefaces should not look identical to each other.

When Selecting Two Fonts, Use Decisive Contrast

When you are going for multiple fonts, this combination should generate harmony between them. There should be a substantial amount of contrasting variations between these typefaces. If one thing is similar in these fonts, the other point should have a conflict with the first one.

The best way to use decisive contrast is to mix your title, headings, and body text with serif and san serif typefaces.

Useful Tips

Here you will find some pro tips which can be used in any web design:

  • Limit the number of fonts in a single design
  • Try to choose sans serif font for body text
  • Never use all caps
  • Avoid text animations and extra spacing between lines
  • Limit the total length of a single line
  • Try to select standard fonts for web graphics
  • Keep the total number of fonts minimal
  • Try to pick a typeface that can work in several sizes

Role of Font in Web Graphics – Our Verdict

As a web designer, you need to get familiar with all the best practices of choosing the right font for your web design. This feel will come with the passage of time and routine exercise but once you get the sensation of according to your web design then you can easily pick the right font for any design in just a few minutes. If you are looking for the best font for the textual content of your web graphics then you must go for Avenir Font Family for this purpose.

It is important to keep the total number of fonts minimal and use sans serif typeface for the body of your textual data. The spacing between lines and characters needs to be identified to a certain limit. Further, remember that standard fonts are easy to read and provide a specific look to your textual content. I can hope that these practices will give you lots of confidence while choosing the typeface for your web design.

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Everything You Need to Know about Font in Logo Design Fri, 23 Apr 2021 11:50:04 +0000 To really bring forth an established and recognizable logo it is not just about the design of the image and putting a few words up there. The font also plays a role in the way your logo represents your brand. For some it sounds like such a trivial element of logo design, but would you

The post Everything You Need to Know about Font in Logo Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

To really bring forth an established and recognizable logo it is not just about the design of the image and putting a few words up there. The font also plays a role in the way your logo represents your brand. For some it sounds like such a trivial element of logo design, but would you believe that some companies go as far as to dissect the font their potential partner or competition uses because they know a lot about the font in logo design?

fonts in logo design

In essence, the font you choose can go a long way to building your brand image, and just to enlighten you we are going to tell you exactly why!

Why is Reading About Font Selection for a New Logo Design Important?

Once you have read the surprisingly detailed information below that covers such a small and seemingly inconsequential aspect of logo design, you will be just that little bit wiser when it comes to using the font in logo design. Think of designing a new logo as a jigsaw that needs all the elements to match to show off the finished picture. Every jigsaw has its personality just like every photo or painting. It can tell someone a lot about the personality behind it, which is partly why works of art can sell for millions, and in some cases are priceless. As such, the font your logo embraces will play a part in building your brand image!

Therefore, take the time to read the sections below. It will take just a couple of minutes of your time and we hope it will enlighten you. One thing is for sure when you create a new logo or hire a designer to do it, after reading this guide you will most certainly be taking fonts into consideration!

The Mix of Colours, Fonts, and Image Tells a Story About Your Brand

OK, so imagine your company is looking for an infrastructure development fund to invest in, or it could be a business looking for a design company to create an attractive website. When you are looking through the company’s portfolio or brochure you notice that the company uses ‘Times New Roman’ for its logo text. Now, this may not bother you at all, but if the roles were reversed and it was a company considering hiring your firm, there are some that would give your services a wide berth just because you used ‘Time New Roman’.

Why? There are many reasons. It may be because your logo uses one of the most common font types out there instead of choosing one of the many funky fonts available. Plus, the ‘Times New Roman’ font may not suit the industry your business operates! Yes, fonts can match industries and we will cover more on this subject in the next section.

Fonts Have Personality Traits!

Ok, so the ‘Times New Roman’ example may not always be a bad choice depending on the industry in which your business operates. We just used that as an example. In fact, this font generally means that your business personality is stable, practical, mature, and formal! Great for a law firm or an accountancy company, but certainly not good for a design company, marketing firm, or hedge fund management company.

The issue with ‘Times New Roman’ for most companies is that it is just too traditional—so much so that Microsoft removed it as their default font on Microsoft Office products—Yes! They really went that far as to change it!

Here is how some other fonts giveaway the personality or brand image of your business:

  • Serif—Classic, Traditional, and Trustworthy
  • Decorative—Dramatic, Stylized, and Distinctive
  • Script—Unique and Elegant
  • Handwritten—Informal and Artistic
  • Slab Serif—Confident, Bold, and Quirky

Examples of companies that use Script fonts are Ford and Instagram. Elegant and unique is the story both are trying to project while they are vastly different companies in industries worlds apart, so doesn’t this contradict what we were saying above?

Ford Font in Logo Design Explained

You may disagree with Ford’s characterization, but this is a company that formed in 1903 and the Script style came as early as 1909 and all the way until now has changed very little. Back then fonts arguably had more meaning than they do today, and Ford was elegant and unique back then while today a good deal of you may not agree—but due to the company’s long history, there are still plenty of people classified as Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y that still see Ford as the pioneer of car manufacturing, hence the logo font still stands despite the fact it is perhaps not as elegant and unique as it once was.

Instagram Font in Logo Design Explained

Now Instagram we all must agree with. The social media site is both unique and elegant in so many ways. Its uniqueness is obvious- it is a social media site that relies almost entirely on visuals, and what’s more, is that there is no other site designed in the same way. Pinterest comes close but works differently to Instagram. As far as elegance is concerned, Instagram rarely has any bad press. The site is there for people to express themselves via pictures and images. As they say, a picture can speak a thousand words!

Font in Logo Design – How Your Font Could Lose Your Company Business!

To some company decision-makers, the use of the wrong font shows an absence of vision, laziness, and a lack of understanding of the industry in your business operates. It can also be a sign that your company likes to take shortcuts. The logo image could be fantastic, and the colors spot-on, but in the eyes of the company that was considering your services, the job on your logo is only two thirds complete i.e., what is to say that your company will put 100% effort into their contract as your logo is only 66.66% complete!

It sounds crazy to think that there are companies out there that think this way, and guess what? The companies that do think this way tend to be the billion-dollar PLCs, LTDs, and LLCs with fancy logos and custom fonts. Fonts these companies spend tens of thousands of dollars to produce, and more money to patent it! That last fact is the final icing on the cake that proves just how important font in logo design is in the world of business.

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Funky Fonts to Make Your Designs Expressive Fri, 07 Feb 2020 13:38:26 +0000 If you feel that your design is a bit boring and needs a little zest funky fonts may solve the problem. They add that “wow” factor that completely grabs the attention of your visitors.

The post Funky Fonts to Make Your Designs Expressive appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Hardly there’s a person who doesn’t want his website design to be expressive. It’s not surprising. Frankly speaking, nowadays even your grandmother knows that online success is impossible if your website doesn’t look appealing. In case you still don’t pay due attention to the role of fonts in web design, it’s high time to reconsider your views. Perhaps, funky fonts are the very thing you need to breathe a new life in your design.

Why Use Funky Fonts?

Of course, there are a lot of traditional fonts everyone has already got used to. Unfortunately, sometimes they are not enough to convey your message in full. Traditional fonts usually lack emotions and individuality. So, if you feel that your design is a bit boring and needs a little zest funky fonts may solve the problem.

To tell the truth, funky fonts are the greatest way to enliven any design. Firstly, funky fonts make your design look more stylish. They add that “wow” factor that completely grabs the attention of your visitors. Secondly, funky fonts help you better express your personality. Thirdly, they make your content “speak” to your online audience. That’s why funky fonts are definitely one of the greatest ways to increase the attractiveness and expressiveness of your design.

25 Cool Funky Fonts for Your Design

Are you ready to start experimenting with your design? Then, here’s the collection of really cool funky fonts that will make your design stand out.



Areaman is a funky all caps font. Its chunky bold letters are designed to scream from posters and headlines. The font has over 300 glyphs. It includes several variations of the standard alphabet. What’s more, Areaman offers various letter pairings with extra discretionary ligatures.



Funkydori is its author’s nod to the groovy seventieth with their posters of Unicorns and the rainbow-striped bell-bottom trousers. This lovely font contains 950 characters including those of basic and extended Latin. Moreover, it comes equipped with 213 alternates, 13 discretionary ligatures, and 38 ornaments.



Radka is a tidy and elegant font. It comes in 4 styles: regular, italic, medium, and bold. The collection of doodles such as arrows and dividers can really enliven your design. Unfortunately, the font includes only English characters and doesn’t support any foreign languages.



Flashback definitely deserves to occupy a noticeable place in the collection of funky fonts. It will transport you back in time and fill your design with that specific retro flavor. In fact, Flashback is not a single font. It’s an original font family represented by Dropout, Rough Diamond, and Thorny all caps headline fonts.

Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink is a quirky girly font. It contains over 120 different hand-drawn characters for a range of languages and dialects. The font also includes numbers in bubbly circles. What’s more, you get a bonus – Tickled Pink in 3-D style.



Fluffy is a cute, tender, cottony font as light as the air. It offers you both uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. Based on the shape of clouds the font is ideal to convey any idea connected with warmth, comfort, and safety.

The Ice Cream

The Ice Cream

Probably, the Ice Cream is the yummiest font you have ever met. The two-weight font family will undoubtedly add a unique, fresh, and tasty feel to your design. Furthermore, together with the font, you receive an unusual collection of Popsicle illustrations.

I Need Coffee

I Need Coffee

I Need Coffee is an all uppercase funky font that includes numbers and a few pieces of punctuation. The font is really great for social media campaigns and blog posts. Its characters strike the right balance between readability, usability, and elegance.

Cabeza Grossa

Cabeza Grossa

Cabeza Grossa is a funky font that can fully grab the attention of your online audience due to its uniqueness. The font is full of hints to mid-century modernism and not-too-subtle references to the pop and mod movements. No doubt that it won’t let your design stay unnoticed.



Loopo is an interesting font that was created as an experiment with rotating forms. Thanks to the round and fluid look of the characters the font seems to be in perpetual motion. Loopo offers you an extended set of glyphs that contain characters of various languages.



Kitten is another font family that won’t leave you indifferent. This funky font family comes in five weights and has three style variants: Regular, Slant, and Swash. Besides, Kitten covers over 40 languages that use the Latin alphabet, with a full range of accents and diacritics.



Bank is a striking modern all caps display font in two styles (regular and bold). The font was created especially to give your design the most contemporary look. It includes 12 Geometric shape backgrounds in Vector and Photoshop format to better suit all your design requirements.



Groovy is one more retro style funky font. Due to its chameleon-like appearance, the font may look fun, trendy, or solid depending on the usage. The font comes in 2 styles and contains a complete western set of characters.



Skitch is a funky hand-drawn serif with regular, solid, and fill options. The complete family includes 11 fonts in OTF format. The font contains double-letter ligatures, discretionary ligatures, and stylistic alternates. Furthermore, it offers you an eccentric collection of ornaments and a set of expandable borders.



Eveleth is a large family of 16 funky fonts capable of adding exceptional realism and vintage charm to your design. It represents 3 different sub-families each with its own unique printed texture. What’s more, each sub-family has six distress options per letter and 3 options for all other characters.

Hello Sunshine

.Hello Sunshine

Hello Sunshine is a bright and sunny funky font. Its hand draw letters look expressive and elegant at the same time. The font provides you with an opportunity of adding ornaments to any lower case letter. Besides, it allows you to finish off your word or phrase with an end character swirl.

Melany Lane

Melany Lane

Melany Lane is a funky flourishing font with curls and quirks that will easily make your design stand out. It offers you over 1300 glyphs and 364 ligatures for creating unusual letter combinations and fixing overlapping letter pairs. Open type features contain contextual alternates, swash, stylistic sets, ligatures, initial and terminal forms, and old-style figures.

Cinque Donne

Cinque Donne

Cinque Donne (which means “Five Women” in Italian) is a font family with a classic flavor. Its 3370 glyphs include double-letter ligatures for the more natural look of your typing. Besides, each letter of the alphabet has a large number of alternates that allow you to experiment with the font.

Celari Titling

Celari Titling

Celari Titling is a funky font that fills your design with a strong impression of dimension and speed. Its simple curves, easy lines, and sturdy shapes will definitely arouse the interest of your online audience. Celari OpenType version contains some serious add-ons to easily customize the font according to your needs.



Walls is one more funky font created using the felt tip pen technique. The font manages to combine an eco-friendly style with contemporary motives. Walls come with 2 typefaces. Each typeface contains 415+ glyphs and supports more than 70 languages including Cyrillic.



Coleman is the finale in today’s collection of funky fonts. It’s a jazz-inspired Font Duo with complete interchangeability. Both fonts provide you with 714 unique glyphs. Multilingual, accented, lively, and fun Coleman & Coleman Duo may become a wonderful solution for your expressive design.

Add any of these funky fonts to your collection and forget about the traditional plain look of your website. However, bear in mind that the chosen font should complement the overall design. That’s why always try to keep the balance between the expressiveness of the font and its usefulness.

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The Fonts that Rock: Collection of Astonishing Free Rock Band Fonts [Updated] Sat, 18 Jan 2020 05:39:04 +0000 Finding the perfect rock band font for the band’s website is a hard-rock task. If the font is used for a logo it becomes even harder. The logo is a hallmark of the band, thus it should be unique and recognizable among all fans. Free rock band fonts that you can find here are perfect

The post The Fonts that Rock: Collection of Astonishing Free Rock Band Fonts [Updated] appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Finding the perfect rock band font for the band’s website is a hard-rock task. If the font is used for a logo it becomes even harder. The logo is a hallmark of the band, thus it should be unique and recognizable among all fans. Free rock band fonts that you can find here are perfect for website layout, logotype, album cover design and overall merchandise.

Many rock bands use their own unique fonts crafted specifically for the musicians. They inspired the designers to create cool rock fonts on the basis of the original The Beatles, Bon Jovi, AC/DC or Iron Maiden logos. Today such bands as Evanescence, Papa Roach or Linkin Park use unique fonts for their logos. Unique rock fonts can be used to customize cool and romantic exclusive neon signs that make him authentic. Nowadays, more and more people decorate their bedrooms and shops with neon lights. You can also use it to decorate a cool band anniversary or party event. You can customize your favorite shape and pattern, not limited to square or rectangle, unique personality is sure to bring surprise!

Rock Band Fonts

Thus, AC/DC iconic logo with a lightning instead of the slash sign inspired the Typodermic studio for creating the Squeeler font named after a famous song of the Australian rock band.

AC/DC logo

Find rock band logo design inspiration here:’s Collection

Before going further to the next 43 free rock band fonts, let’s take a look at the 5 coolest rock fonts 2018 under $10!


Let’s Do This Custom Font

best rock band fonts

Rock On Font

Rock On Font typography

Krechet Font

Krechet Font for rock bands

6 Custom Fonts in 1 Bundle – Bundle

6 Custom Fonts in 1 Bundle - Bundle


43 Free Fonts Inspiration

Similarly, the unique Bon Jovi typeface along with the logo appeared on the album cover and merchandise of the band’s New Jersey tour. The modern font created on the ground of that logo is now titled Bon Jovi.

However, there are some fonts that were used by famous rock bands in their logos and became recognizable due to those bands. So it was with the Nirvana logo used for their album covers. The band introduced to their logo the Poster Bodoni Compressed, typeface re-created by Chauncey H. Griffith in XXth century. This font is not available for free download.

Nirvana Logo

Poster Bodoni Compressed Font

Poster Bodoni Compressed Font

Today any rock band or rock music-themed website may use rugged and stunning fonts to create their website unique story. Here we offer a round up of 44 awesome free fonts that will make your website rock! Note, that some of these fonts are free only for personal use. If you wish to use them in commercial projects you must pay a fee.

New Rock Band Fonts

Check out the Latest and hottest rock fonts for 2016.


Free Rock Band Fonts - Dystopia

Scary Glyphs

Free Rock Band Fonts - skrillex scary


Free Rock Band Fonts - dragonforce


Free Rock Band Fonts - rockfire


Free Rock Band Fonts - beanesdrock

Agra Axera

Free Rock Band Fonts - heavy metal rocking

Heavy Metal Free Rock Band Fonts

Most of such fonts are characterized by sharp angles and geometrical shapes.

Agra Axera

Agra Axera

Biker form Hell

Biker form Hell

Black Initial Text

Black Initial Text

Dark Crystal

Dark Crystal

Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden

Iron Fonts Family

Iron Free Rock Band Fonts Family

Metal Arythmetic

Metal Arythmetic

Metal Event

Metal Event

Metal Lord

Metal Lord

Metal Mania

Metal Mania

Metal Vampire

Metal Vampire

Rude Metal

Rude Metal



Sin of the Innoccent

Sin of the Innoccent

Free Hard Rock Fonts

Hard rock fonts usually include heavy shapes and rocky textures. Sometimes they include Gothic-style typefaces and fonts created in tribute to the famous rock bands.

CF Revolution

CF Revolution

Crack and Bold

Crack and Bold

Hard Rock

Hard Rock

Heavy Rock

Heavy Rock

Load up on Guns

Load up on Guns

New Rocker

New Rocker

Rock Electric

Rock Electric



Rough Rockys

Rough Rockys

Scatterbrained Font

Scatterbrained Font

Tower Ruins

Tower Ruins

We Are Rockstar

We Are Rockstar

Rock Garage Band

Rock Garage Band

Zed Leppelin

Zed Leppelin



You Rook Marbelous

You Rook Marbelous

Grunge and Punk Rock Fonts

Punk and grunge fonts are perfect not just for music websites, but for any website created in grunge design. Torn and crumbled edges as well as stains and smudges are widely introduced to such fonts.

Armalite Rifle

Armalite Rifle

Black Casper

Black Casper

CF Anarchy

CF Anarchy

Floydian Font

Floydian Font



Pistol Grip

Pistol Grip

Punk Rock Rummage Sale

Punk Rock Rummage Sale

Punk Rock Show

Punk Rock Show

Rocking Poster

Rocking Poster

Rock Show Whiplash

Rock Show Whiplash



Retro Rock Poster

Retro Rock Poster

Once you’ve picked the right font for your rock band’s logo, you can start making your album art and gig posters. Before posting your band collaterals, make sure to use a nifty editing app like Instasize. Resize your materials for IG or IG Story, add borders, or try other creative tools to make your band’s album cover or poster stand out.

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Best Handwritten Fonts For Your Fascinating Designs Tue, 14 Jan 2020 07:40:53 +0000 The popularity of handwritten fonts 2017 has significantly increased in recent years. Their straight lines, curves, and swirls add the touch of elegance and uniqueness to your message.

The post Best Handwritten Fonts For Your Fascinating Designs appeared first on DesignWebKit.

The popularity of best handwritten fonts 2017 has significantly increased in recent years. It’s not surprising because best handwritten fonts are an easy way to spice things up and catch the attention of your audience. Their straight lines, curves, and swirls add the touch of elegance and uniqueness to your message. Moreover, they make your content look more personal.

Looking for the handwritten font that completely matches your project may sometimes be rather difficult and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve put together the list of the best handwritten fonts to help you successfully cope with this task.

Choose Yours Among These 40 Best Handwritten Fonts


heartbeat handwritten fonts 2017

Heartbeat is a modern sophisticated handwritten font ideal for any design project your imagination holds. It has 630 glyphs that include uppercase and lowercase characters, symbols, numbers, and punctuation. The font is a unique mix of elegance and playfulness.


jenthill handwritten fonts 2017 inspiration

Jenthill is a cute handwritten font family that contains Jenthill Jenthill, Jenthill Caps, Jenthill Light, and Jenthill Light Caps. The fonts perfectly combine with each other.  Each font consists of 380 glyphs and includes basic punctuation, numbers, Roman typeface and special glyphs to be used with most of the European languages.


Ladybug handwritten fonts 2017 collection

Ladybug is a sweet, sans serif handwritten font with lots of soul. The font includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols. Its wobbly condensed style may perfectly suit any of your creative projects.

Billy Ohio

Handwritten fonts 2017 - Billy Ohio

Billy Ohio is a fresh handwritten typeface made in a fast dry brush style. The font includes multilingual uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, symbols, and punctuation. It looks natural thus enhancing your design greatly.


maheisa handwritten fonts 2017

Maheisa is a charming calligraphy typeface which every single letter has been carefully crafted to make your design look attractive. The font comes with more than 600 glyphs. Its Open Type features include Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates, and Contextual Alternates.


Best handwritten fonts - Saturday

Saturday is a stunning modern font that will instantly give your project an authentic hand-drawn look. The font includes the Saturday Script and Alt + Clean Version with upper and lowercase characters, numerals, punctuations, and the Saturday Swashes to make your design look superb.


Starboy best handwritten fonts collection

Starboy is a generic, easy readable handwritten font that will work well for any kind of design. The font comes together with a set of calligraphic ornaments with tiny branches that will give your project the finishing touch.


Handwritten fonts 2017 - Anatasha

Anatasha is a modern script font with decorative characters and a dancing baseline. The font includes 483 glyphs that look unique and stylish, and are definitely worth your attention.

Palm Beach

best handwritten fonts Palm Beach

Palm Beach is a font duo with multilingual support. The font comes with 478 glyphs that contain a complete set of lowercase and uppercase characters, script version lowercase stylistic alternates, a large range of punctuation ligatures, and numerals.


Handwritten fonts 2017 - alpenable

Alpenable is a lovely calligraphy typeface that combines the style of classic calligraphy with a modern one. The font includes 418 glyphs. The alternative characters are divided into several Open Type features such as Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates, Contextual Alternates, etc.


Calligraphy fonts - Trapstyle

Trapstyle is a handwritten font made with a ruling pen that is able to tear through your text with unmistakable energy, dynamic and spontaneous flow. The font comes with alternates character, ligature, upper and lowercase characters, punctuation, numerals, and a bonus extra swashes.


best handwritten fonts 2107 - Scenders

Scenders is a rather original font based on its author’s own handwriting. The font includes both lowercase and uppercase characters, punctuation, and numbers. It gives your design the organic feeling of a quick note or inspirational quote.


Yelen Calligraphy Fonts

Yelen is a sans serif all-caps calligraphy font. Each letter of the font was written by hand using a pointed calligraphy nib. The font comes together with a set of hand-painted vector textures that are easy to customize.


Maisha handwritten fonts 2017

Maisha Script is a modern cool handwriting font that comes with 339 glyphs. The font supports PUA Unicode. Its characters strike the right balance between elegance, usability, and readability.


Matta best handwritten fonts 2017

Matta is a beautiful handmade script font with modern calligraphy and fresh typeface. Its glyphs include uppercase and lowercase characters, numerals, and punctuation. The font supports PUA Unicode and comes together with Matta Swashes.

Austral Slab

Handwritten fonts 2017 - Austral Slab

Austral Slab is a handwritten layered font with unique textures and styles. The font comes in three weights: Regular, Light, and Thin. Its features include Stylistic Alternates, Ligatures, Discretionary Ligatures, Fractions, Superscript, Subscript, Denominator, Numerator, Scientific Inferiors, and Kerning.

Midnight Rider

best handwritten fonts 2017 Midnight Rider

Midnight Rider is a script font written in a dry marker. The font has over 300 glyphs with international characters such as Å Ä Ö Ü and lots more. It provides you with a bunch of ligatures for “rr”, “gg”, “ll”, “mm”, “ee” combinations so that the two neighboring letters never look the same.

Knuckle Sandwich

Knuckle popular handwritten fonts 2017

Knuckle Sandwich is a hard hitting brush font with over 300 glyphs. It includes Basic Latin, Western, Central, and Southeastern European uppercase and lowercase characters. Knuckle Sandwich Swashes add an extra finishing touch to your designs.

Before Breakfast

Handwritten fonts 2017 - Before breakfast

Before Breakfast is a playful typeface that probably breaks every rule in typography. This is definetely one of the best handwritten fonts and its 300 glyphs contain both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and punctuation.

Poetry & Fiction

Poetry best handwritten fonts 2017

Poetry & Fiction duo offers you two fonts, a script and a sans serif. Both fonts include multilingual support. Inspired by the novels and poetry of the 19th century the font will help you create an elegant and sophisticated design.

The Secret

Calligraphy fonts - The Secret

The Secret is a beautiful calligraphy style font that includes 689 glyphs and more than 50 end-swashes. You can use this font over and over again and still come up with something completely unique each time.

Princess Amelia

Princess best handwritten fonts

Princess Amelia is a convenient set of three craft fonts that allow you to make unlimited combinations and designs. Its 189 hand-drawn icons cover various themes and integrate perfectly with the font.

Make your next project eye-catching with one of the mentioned above best handwritten fonts and enjoy the results.

Looking for something else besides these best handwritten fonts? Check our collection of funky fonts!

The post Best Handwritten Fonts For Your Fascinating Designs appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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How to Choose & Combine Fonts for Any Design Thu, 16 May 2019 11:37:13 +0000 After reading this guide, you will easily combine fonts for any design. Stay tuned!

The post How to Choose & Combine Fonts for Any Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Perfect font combinations are essential for great projects. There are so many types on the web that it’s quite complicated to find proper fonts for your designs, not to mention that you need to combine fonts. Picking the right font is like some secret knowledge that many designers don’t know yet. In this guide, you are going to learn how to choose and combine fonts for your future designs. You’ll get to know the basics of font pairing that allow you to get ideal font combinations every time.

Font Types

Typography is overwhelmed with many fonts, both free and premium. You can get any font in a matter of a click. But the number of fonts exist often makes designers confused. Let’s discuss the basic font types that are available in the modern world.

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts are traditional classy fonts that have a small line attached to the end of the stroke. Times New Roman is a well-known example of a serif font.


Sans-Serif Fonts

Sans-serif fonts are fonts without serifs, obviously. They look clean and straightforward, that’s why sans-serif fonts are the best option for online text. Most modern websites and blogs use sans-serif fonts. Helvetica is a popular sans-serif font you may know.


Slab-Serif Fonts

Slab-serif fonts are serif types with bold design and big Serifs. Usually, they are used for titles, tattoos, and other signs that mean to draw attention.


Script Fonts

Script fonts mimic hand-drawn writing, and you may know them as ‘cursive’ fonts. They are elegant, stylish, and beautiful. As a rule, they feature big swashes.

Handwritten Fonts

When it comes to handwritten fonts, they are created by handwriting and turned into fonts. They don’t have a specific structure and organic flow. But the handwritten font is a perfect solution for branding and other designs that need to have some personal touch.


Tips on How to Combine Fonts

Let’s give a closer look at the basics of font combination. You’ll get to know why serif and sans-serif fonts look amazing together, how to keep fonts readable, and why you should not use too many fonts on one page.

1. Combine Serif and Sans Serif Types


One of the best and winning font combination of all time are serif and sans serif types. It’s a safe bet when you lack time.

This font combination is often used on construction websites because it looks simple, professional, and modern. The basic rule of font pairing says that the fonts you combine should have high contrast. Bold serif font with smaller sans-serif is a perfect match.

Serifs and sans-serifs have high contrast by the anatomy of the type. For instance, Garamond serif font will be a perfect combination for Sabon sans-serif.

2. Pair Script and Sans-Serif Fonts

7-script-and-serif combine fonts

Script and sans-serif fonts can also be a winning combination. The same principle of high contrast works here as well.

When you combine a font with a strong personality, such as any script font, then the second font should be minimalist and clean just like any sans-serif: pair a distinct font and some neutral one.

3. Think About the Message You Convey


Remember about the context of your design. Knowing who your target audience is vital in choosing the right font. Think who is going to read your text, what you want to say, and what emotion you want them to feel.

Most beginner designers make the same mistake: they don’t understand what the purpose of the text. If you need to create a business card for a corporate manager, obviously hand-lettering font is not the best choice. In this case, your design should look minimalist and professional, so serif and sans-serif fonts will be the best solution.

And the opposite situation with business cards for a photographer: here you can use any unique, custom, and hand-drawn fonts to show the personality and creativity of a photographer.

4. Keep Fonts Readable


Keep the fonts readable – this is the first rule of choosing and combining fonts. Decorative and attractive font with many swashes should not distract your viewers from the message you need to convey.

When you need to place a piece of text in a small space, you can adjust the size, caps, spacing, and height to keep it readable.

5. Don’t Pair Similar Types


There are many fonts similar to each other on the web. When you combine similar fonts, they look almost the same and don’t create high contrast. Don’t pick fonts with similar spacing, weight, height, and style, since it could be confusing for a user.

However, rules exist so that you can break them. Fonts from one font family create the best combinations but use different sizes to create a sharp contrast.

6. Don’t Use Too Many Fonts


It’s quite challenging to find perfect font combination. But don’t overthink it. Use two, maximum of three fonts per page. Keep your design clean and straightforward; leave some negative space.

Even with two fonts, you can create numerous combinations: make the font regular, bold, italic, or bold italic. This way you’ll avoid clutter and keep your design clean.

7. Avoid Mixing Different Moods

11-milkshake combine fonts

As you know, every font has its character and mood. Don’t combine fonts collections that are just not meant to be together. For example, Milkshake font can’t be paired with Nexa Rust Slab. Because Milkshake is a playful, script font with elegant style, but Nexa is a rough, grunge, high-contrast typeface.

Nexa is the best match for vintage designs, but Milkshake is a handwritten font perfect for business cards, logos, and product packaging.

Over to You

I hope after reading this guide, it will be much easier for you to combine fonts. Remember about creating high contrast, types of fonts, and keep it simple. Stay tuned! More new articles are on the way.

The post How to Choose & Combine Fonts for Any Design appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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Typography in Web Design – 7 Amazing Examples for Your Inspiration Thu, 23 Nov 2017 09:30:07 +0000 Make your text readable, easy-digestible and accessible to all users. Typography will add to your website UX greatly and may even affect your rankings in search engines.

The post Typography in Web Design – 7 Amazing Examples for Your Inspiration appeared first on DesignWebKit.

About ten years ago Oliver Reichenstein stated in his article about typography in web design that “Web is 95% typography.” Times are changing fast and today we see that Web becomes more and more visuals-obsessed. But we can be sure that a great volume of info on the Internet is still provided in a form of written language.

Typography in Web Design image

Typography in web design still plays vital part and helps get across important message or essential info faster and clearer. Text allows establishing connection between a brand and a user and thus, helps accomplishing conversion goals easier. Good typography makes text and information it carries more readable, accessible and user-friendly, to say nothing of the overall website design balance and improvement.

Here we give you a collection of the best and the coolest web typography examples that can teach anyone of a good use of fonts and their characteristics in website design.

1. Use Web Fonts

All modern browsers today support the use of web fonts. That means anyone can add to their CSS code for any web design font available at the hosting font website like Google Fonts via @import command or standard link tag. It eases the process of website designing since standard web fonts will be compatible with almost all screen sizes, device models and browsers. Thus, your text will be legible across all platforms and devices.

Another benefit of web fonts is the fact they are free to use. You don’t have to pay for the typeface you use on your website. And you don’t have to spend time to integrate them into your code. As we already mentioned above: they can be added to the website in a couple of minutes and with a few lines of code. Our friends from MotoCMS website builder integrate Google Fonts into the admin panel of their web design templates to help any user benefit from them while creating their own websites.

Beauty MotoCMS Template

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2. Limit the number of fonts

Too many fonts (more than 3 usually) on one page makes the website design look cluttered and unprofessional. The same thing concerns the combinations of various sizes and font styles.

The new school

The number of fonts across the page can be lowered to two or one without sacrificing the readability and UX of the design. It’s also wise to keep the same combination of fonts and their styles across the entire website design.

3. Combine your fonts wisely

The art of combining different fonts requires some efforts and design thinking. Not any website owner can find proper combinations without external help. Luckily, there are many services that offer ready fonts combinations that work, like to find out the best combinations of serif/sans-serif or serif/serif fonts etc. Or you can use ready-made templates that already have professionally selected fonts.

Beauty MotoCMS Template

One of the easiest and fastest ways of combining two fonts for a website and stay on the safe side, is choosing serif and sans-serif combination. You can also mix up straight and italic styles for one and the same font to add zest to your design.

4. Opt for easy-to-read fonts

Avoid typefaces that contain easy-to-confuse letters. Thus, some fonts may have letters ‘i’ and ‘l’ that look absolutely similar, especially written in caps or with the use of a certain size. So it’s better choosing fonts that have easy-distinguishable letters. Check out how the letters look in different sizes to make sure they will be easily perceived by your readers and are legible on different screen sizes.

VP Brands

You may also check the line heigh and make sure the spacing between the letters as well as between the text lines is enough to tell one letter from another. Moreover, proper line height between the lines adds more white space and makes the text more readable and cleaner.

5. Be careful with All-Caps text

Caps (capitalized letters) can be a great way of using typography for design purposes. The text written in all-caps draws attention and serves as a decorative element. But it’s better to avoid using all-caps for the body text or all-around the page. All-caps text impacts readability in a bad manner and even lowers the speed of reading. It impacts the user experience what can affect your website trust rank negatively.

Flint is a place

Use caps only when it’s justified – for logos, headers, brand message on a Home page etc. Embed it as a decorative element when it really coincides with the website design.

6. Choose proper color combinations

Color combinations is one of the most discussed and controversial topics of typography in web design. Designers should take care of proper color combinations across the entire website, and typography is not an exception. One of the main focus points here: the font color should not merge with the background. They should be distinct to ease the readability of the text, but don;t have to be too contrasted to not cause pain to visitors’ eyes.

Sofraga palacio

Take care of accessibility to allow color-blind users read your message with ease. Thus, it’s better to avoid red and green colors for typography in web design. Red and green are the main types of color blindness, so if you wish to convey your message to the most of users, choose other colors for your text.

7. Make your typography responsive

Modern users are more and more used to access websites from their mobile devices. No wonder, that responsibility is one of the main requirements for the websites today. Typography in web design is not an exception and thus, you should carefully examine how your text and fonts look on different screen sizes.

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Experiment with your typefaces. Choose ones that show the best results of legibility on different screen sizes – from the tiniest to the largest. Avoid cursives for body text since it will not be legible on smartphone screens. You can read more cool tips about responsive typography in this article.

Typography in Web Design Conclusion

Typography plays essential part in web design despite the popularity of visual solutions. And it will stay the best way of conveying important messages for many years. So you should pay careful attention to your fonts choice and their use in the website layout and design.

Make your text readable, easy-digestible and accessible to all users. It will add to your website UX greatly and may even affect your rankings in search engines.

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